Recast youth

Chapter 1958 1 Nail

Chapter 1958 A nail
Catching seaweed depends on the weather and season.

There was a heavy snowfall in HLJ some time ago, and the weather was relatively cold, so there was no way to catch seaweeds. To catch seaweeds, you must choose a sunny, windless day, because on cloudy days, seaweeds cannot see the bait.

It is difficult for Haidongqing to land in windy weather, so it will stay in the air and not come down.

So Feng Sande and Feng Zheng had a fight for a while, then fell asleep in the car. It wasn't until dawn the next day that they got out of the car and prepared something to catch the eagle. Feng Sande first drove the car behind a hillside.

Feng Zheng followed a small tree and used branches and leaves to build a shack that could accommodate the next person. Then he came down and set up the eagle net prepared in advance.

Feng Sande got off the car, holding the bait pigeon as a bait in his hand. A thin rope was tied to the bait pigeon's foot and tied to the net. The other end was handed to Feng Zheng, and he asked Feng Zheng to hold the rope and wait in the tree. .

"Be careful and don't fall asleep in the tree, you know? If you fall asleep, I won't take care of you!"

Feng Sande did all this, and after giving Feng Zheng some instructions, he returned to the car behind the hillside, and then looked at the sky from a distance through the car. The natural environment here is very good, and from time to time he would see birds flying from the sky. We flew by, but we didn’t see the eagle, so we could only continue to wait.

Feng Zheng had a character that could endure loneliness. He hid in the shack and kept his eyes on the traps in the air and on the ground. It was here that he caught the eagle in the car.

time flies.

From morning to noon.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Zheng frowned. He heard strange noises on the hillside. Feng Sande had already noticed it in the car. He was so angry that he almost got out of the car and cursed. In such a remote place, there were actually people. Several people came here to clear up land and grow ginseng.

"What a bad luck for his grandma."

no way.

Feng Sande had no choice but to drive out, call Feng Zheng out, and then drive further away from here. Finally, just before two o'clock, he found a more remote place with a wider view, until he could no longer hear anyone. After making a sound, he stopped and rearranged the trap, but this time Feng Zheng didn't need to build a shack. There was a hillside for him and Feng Sande to hide here.

Before lunch, Feng Sande took two bags of instant noodles and gave one to Feng Zheng. He kept another bag for himself. He sat on the ground and started chewing. In front of him was the big flower he caught a few days ago.

"It's no use having you now."

Feng Sande teased the eagle in the cage with a small branch for a while, then opened the cage and let it fly out. Feng Zheng continued to hide behind the hillside and play with the bait pigeons.

At this moment, Feng Zheng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

I saw that the bait pigeons going down suddenly became anxious at this time, and kept hitting the net, trying to fly out.

When Feng Zheng raised his head, he saw a black spot in the sky getting closer and closer. Feng Zheng quickly continued to play with the bait pigeon. In just a few seconds, the black spot in the sky was as straight as an arrow leaving the string. He swooped down from an altitude of [-] meters, crashed into the net, and firmly grasped the bait pigeon with his sharp claws.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Zheng immediately grabbed the net cord, and the eagle catching net instantly fell overwhelmingly, covering the bait pigeons and the falling black shadow.

Feng Sande also noticed this scene. Upon seeing this, he threw away the instant noodles and ran over immediately. Then he saw the black-backed falcon, holding the bait pigeon under his sharp claws, staring at the pigeon outside the net with his sharp green eyes. Own.

"Is this just Haidongqing?"

Feng Zheng also rushed over.

"Yes, but not quite."

Feng Sande squatted on the ground and looked at the majestic hawk inside the net, which was catching the bait pigeons. He sighed and said: "It's true that this is Haidongqing, but the problem is that it is a nail."

"A nail? What do you mean?"

Feng Zheng frowned. The eagle in front of him was almost the same as the Haidongqing he had seen before in Chengde, Hebei. There was no difference, except for the slight difference in the pupils. The Haidongqing he had seen before had yellow pupils. , and this pupil is green.

Feng Sande was also a little depressed.I looked at it from a distance and thought I had caught it. When I saw Feng Zhengwen, I squatted on the ground and lit a cigarette. I asked Feng Zheng melancholy: "Did you see its eyes?"

Feng Zheng nodded: "I saw it, it was green. The eye Chengde saw was yellow."

"The ones you saw before were just three yellows."

Feng Sande smoked a cigarette and explained to Feng Zheng.

Although the eagle in front of me is also a sea turtle, it has a black back, green eyes, and a bulging nose. It is commonly known as a nail. It is the most stubborn and difficult to tame eagle among the sea turtles.

Although Feng Sande has never domesticated Haidongqing, he knows that there is a saying in the Manchu proverb that it is better to play with "three yellows" than "three greens", and it is better to play with "three greens" than to play with "a nail".

Sanhuang is an eagle with yellow claws, yellow eyes, and yellow nose; Sanqing is an eagle with black hair, black nose, green eyes, and green talons.

And the eagle in this cage is the most stubborn and difficult to tame "a peg" in Haidongqing.

This time, Feng Sande's target is the three-green sea turtle with black hair, black nose, green eyes and green claws. Forget about the big flower hug. After all, it is not sea turtle, but the "nail" sea turtle in front of him is already wireless. He was close to his goal, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Let him go. It would be difficult to catch another sea turtle. He couldn't let it go. It was unruly and could not be tamed.

"You don't have to be a sinew to be a human being, and you don't have to be a peg to be a bird. Don't you know this? You stupid bird!"

Feng Sande saw Hai Dongqing going inside, grabbing the bait pigeon and staring at him at the same time. He was so angry that he reached into the net and wanted to hit a head on its head, but he just stretched out his hand. When I entered, I was hit hard by "a nail".

He stretched out his hand, and there was blood on the back of his hand.

Feng Sande looked at the wound on his hand and grimaced in pain. He had seen the ferocity of wild seaweed. No wonder the old falconer said in the past that he had the most stubborn temper and was the hardest to tame.

"Are you okay?"

Feng Zheng asked, his calm eyes staring straight at Hai Dongqing with black back, green eyes and sharp claws in the net.

"It's okay. I'm just unlucky. There's nothing to argue with a beast."

Feng Sande sighed, stood up, and said, "Let it go. It's useless and can't be tamed."

"Is this Haidongqing too?"

Feng Zheng squatted on the ground and did not move.

Feng Sande understood the meaning of Feng Zheng's words and couldn't help but said: "You don't want to surrender it, do you? You'd better give up this idea. This nail is notoriously wild. Don't let the eagle be tamed by then." Come out and kill this wild thing."

"I want to try."

Feng Zheng was still squatting on the ground, staring calmly at the "nail" inside the net, and the nail seemed to be aware of Feng Zheng's intention, and its green eagle eyes were also staring at Feng Zheng.

One man and one eagle confront each other.

Feng Sande looked at this man's eagle, and his eyes suddenly turned. This gyrfalcon is a nail in Haidong Qingli, so why is Feng Zheng not a nail?What's more, didn't the Manchus tame Haidongqing from scratch in the past with perseverance?Maybe Feng Zheng might be able to subdue this beast.

So Feng Sande threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, saying: "If you want to try it, then try it, but take it easy and don't kill it. It is not common these days, so if it doesn't work, just give it a try." Let it go."


Feng Zheng, who looked like an iceberg and was like a fire inside, responded, then reached directly into the net and grabbed Hai Dongqing, who had been staring at him. When Feng Zheng caught Hai Dongqing in his hand, the back of his hand There have been several very deep scratches on it, and the viciousness of a nail can be seen clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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