Recast youth

Chapter 1950 It would be nice if I had another brother

Chapter 1950 It would be nice if I had another brother

After arriving in Barcelona and looking at Gao Xuan's two hotels, Ye Yun was completely attracted by the beautiful vision outlined by Gao Xuan. After signing the contract with Gao Xuan, in her heart, these two hotels were already equivalent to her own. The same.

So during this period, apart from discussing with Gao Xuan how to design and improve hotel rooms, Ye Yun spent the rest of her time learning photography and editing photos, and then paired the selected photos with carefully prepared copy to take advantage of the popularity on Weibo It hasn’t subsided yet, so I posted it on my personal Weibo.

Once the photos and copy were uploaded, Ye Yun's personal Weibo became popular again.

People have a yearning for beauty. Even if their lives are not satisfactory, it does not prevent them from yearning for beauty and romance. However, at this time in 07, very few people were able to go abroad.

At this time, the photos of the hotel Ye Yun ran in Barcelona were posted, which undoubtedly catered to the public's yearning for beauty and overseas travel. People kept asking in the comments where the hotel was in Barcelona, ​​and the hotel was occupied every day. How much does it cost for the night, or how far is the hotel from FC Barcelona…

There are all kinds of reviews.

But there is no doubt that Gao Xuan's plan has achieved very good results. She has succeeded in getting her and Ye Yun's hotel a lot of attention in China. There are even some people in Barcelona who want to experience it. The hotels they run, and the two B&B hotels owned by Gao Xuan and Ye Yun, together do not exceed 25 rooms. It can be said that there is no need to worry about no guests coming to stay. In this way, if calculated according to expectations , their hotel's annual return appreciation can reach more than 100%.

And according to Gao Xuan's original plan, she was to find a manager to run the hotel, and the manager's income was linked to the hotel's annual net profit, which was about 10% to 15% of the hotel's annual net profit.

But now that Ye Yun Weibo is a traffic channel, they can save this money and spend it on services.

The only thing that consumes more energy is that because there are so many people leaving messages and private messages on Weibo, Ye Yun and Gao Xuan can't see them at all, and they also have to deal with hotel room decoration during the day. If it weren't for Ye's father and Ye's mother to help take care of it, , they are simply too busy.

Gao Xuan is very proficient in company management. After discovering that Weibo took up a lot of time for her and her eldest sister Ye Yun, she immediately came up with a way to recruit people.

Recruit a customer service person who specializes in hotel consultation.

After hearing this, Ye Yun also felt that this method was very good. She hit it off with Gao Xuan and posted the recruitment notice for customer service on the Weibo homepage. Then Ye Yun's Weibo private messages became busy again.

Countless people applied.

After a day of material selection and supervising the decoration of the hotel room.

Ye Yun and Gao Xuan returned home and looked at resumes in front of the computer until late at night. They didn't see any suitable resumes. Most of them were asking about salary. In fact, it was nothing. The key is that these people are basically here. In China, it is not suitable at all, and some people are even just joining in the fun.

"The method of recruiting people on Weibo is a bit wrong."

Ye Yun pinched her eyebrows, pointed at a private message with a headache, and said, "They are all troublemakers. Look at what these people are sending."

"I'll take a look."

Gao Xuan came over to take a look and saw a private message that read: "The doctor said that my stomach is not good and I can only eat soft rice. Sister, can you give me a soft rice?"

Another private message below.

"Dear Ms. Ye Yun, hello, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. My mother is seriously ill and none of my relatives can borrow money. Can you lend me 5 yuan? I will work as a cow and a horse for you in the future. I will pay you back, my mobile phone number is 138..."

There are many private messages like this, each one more sincere and miserable than the last.

"They are all these messy private messages. There is no way to read them. I think we should write a recruitment notice and leave it outside the hotel tomorrow." Ye Yun ignored these and said from the side. It was not that she was unwilling to help, but that she had been Several people have defrauded more than 3 yuan through Maple Leaf payment transfers. Some borrowed money again and again, some blocked them after borrowing, and some sent disgusting messages, so now Ye Yun is already reading these messages asking for help. It’s so numb, I see these private messages almost every day.

Gao Xuan held a thin cigarette between her fingers and asked with an unchanging expression: "How do you write your recruitment? Should you write it in Spanish, English, or Chinese?" "Huh?"

When Gao Xuan said this, Ye Yun immediately realized. Her Weibo account is connected to China. After all, it involves Chinese. It is easy to find people who can speak Spanish and English in Barcelona, ​​but it is easy to find people who can speak Chinese. Very few.

Then Ye Yun suggested: "Why don't we go and find out if there is an international student willing to come? At worst, we can offer her a higher salary. Anyway, if our Weibo traffic drainage plan is successful, the hotel manager will not need to give her a commission. , which can save a lot of expenses.”


Gao Xuan was still staring at the computer and said without raising her head: "I'll take another look. If there really isn't anything suitable, we'll go to the agency tomorrow and ask."

"Then I'll watch it with you."

Ye Yun sat next to Gao Xuan.

"No, sister, you can go to bed early, I can watch alone." Gao Xuan looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

Ye Yun said: "How about that? I'll accompany you."

"It's really not necessary."

Hearing this, Gao Xuan put out the cigarette, then turned to face Ye Yun. Her face was like Daji's, but her smile was gentle. She took Ye Yun's hand and said coquettishly: "Sister, you go to bed early, and you stay up late with me. My conscience is troubled."

Ye Yun laughed and said, "Then if I leave you here alone to stay up all night, my conscience will be at ease?"

"That's different, you are my sister."

Gao Xuan blinked her eyes and said playfully: "How about this? Sister, please make me a cup of coffee and I will watch for half an hour. If there is no result, I will go to bed."

"OK then."

Seeing that Gao Xuan only watched for half an hour, Ye Yun agreed to her, got up and made a cup of coffee, then placed it next to Gao Xuan, looking at Gao Xuan's slender figure with soft eyes.

Originally, Ye Yun and her parents came to Spain for a trip, which was more of a novelty, but for this country and its people, she still felt like she was in a foreign land.

It's that feeling that although the scenery is nice, it's not your own home after all.

But since meeting Gao Xuan, Ye Yun's feeling of rejection in a foreign country has completely disappeared. She has been making clothes for several years and has good cognitive skills. She can still tell that Gao Xuan is really good to her. Especially when signing the hotel contract, even Gao Xuan didn't want her to pay. She wanted to wait for the hotel to make profits, and regard the profits as her investment money.

And when signing a contract, patiently explain to her the possible traps in various contracts, and where to go to confirm the true validity of the contract.

How can you partner with someone like this?
When other people do business in partnership, they try every possible means to deceive their partners, but Gao Xuan is completely the opposite, always putting herself in her shoes and looking out for her interests.

No matter how mature Ye Yun is, her heart is still fleshy. If you compare your heart to your heart, this woman who you have known for less than a month is treating her well by giving her heart. How can she not be moved and like her?
"It would be nice if I had another brother."

Ye Yun looked at Gao Xuan with soft eyes and suddenly said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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