Recast youth

Chapter 1937 Financial Rogue Yang Qingdi

Chapter 1937 Financial Rogue Yang Qingdi

Ye Feng chatted with the eldest sister for almost half an hour and hung up the phone. From the eldest sister's tone, Ye Feng felt that the eldest sister was really interested in the hotel and B&B industry.

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't care whether he makes money or not. Anyway, his money is about the same as his eldest sister's. Even if he loses money, he can always make up for the money lost by his eldest sister.

But what Ye Feng found interesting was that after staying in Spain for a week, the eldest sister actually recognized a god-sister, and this god-sister was also a fan of him.

The most important thing is that his fans are not willing to meet him yet.

Although Ye Feng is a very low-key person, he also knows what his name means to ordinary people's ears now. It not only means money, but also means opportunities and status.

If the sister whom the eldest sister recognized really had a very good relationship with her, Ye Feng wouldn't mind giving her a hand and giving her a chance to rise to the top. But what he never expected was that she wouldn't even want to meet her.

This made Ye Feng quite unexpected.

But it also made Ye Feng feel relieved. The reason was very simple. If the eldest sister, his god-sister, wanted to meet him, then it goes without saying that the eldest sister's sister must not be innocent in mind. She wanted to get to know him through the eldest sister. Now She didn't want to meet her, but it removed the suspicion in Ye Feng's heart.

Of course, there is no such thing as this woman's idea of ​​​​retreating in order to advance.

But even if she really retreats in order to advance, the result is not very important to Ye Feng. It is normal for water to flow downwards and people to move upwards. Who doesn't want to know a big boss who is rich and has a way?So Ye Feng didn't think it was heinous to set up a relationship with the eldest sister with the intention of getting to know him. Again, as long as she was sincerely good to the eldest sister, not counting on her scheming, and treating her as a scapegoat, that would be enough.

The only thing he didn't know was how Ye Qing would feel when he knew that his eldest sister had recognized a younger sister abroad.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh a little. I guess that little girl Ye Qing could lie on the ground and roll around, saying that the eldest sister didn't really love her anymore. She was not enough to have her as a biological sister, but she actually recognized another sister.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng called Yang Qingzhi.

Yang Qingzhi is still choosing to take the initiative in New York and is responsible for negotiating debt restructuring with several major investment banks that have provided loans to Hilton's fund portfolio, in an attempt to persuade these major investment banks to delay the debt repayment deadline and convert part of the debt into shares, which means that this part The debt does not need to be repaid.

Yang Qingzhi also communicated with Ye Feng.

Once a financial crisis occurs, the impact may last for two to three years, or even longer, and what Hilton Hotels needs most now to implement its hotel franchise plan is time.

What Yang Qingzhi has to do now is to extend the time as much as possible so that the debt problem will not affect Hilton Hotel's subsequent business plan. Of course, this is also the current purpose. Yang Qingzhi's most important purpose is not to affect the operation of Hilton's private equity fund.

Ye Feng also knew that it was not easy to negotiate successfully on this matter. After answering the phone, he asked: "How is the debt restructuring going?"

"It's still hard to chew on."

Yang Qingzhi's voice sounded tired and he said on the phone: "I have made almost a thousand calls this week. Now we have a total of 26 creditors. If I want to restructure the debt transaction, I must get Deutsche. The transaction can be restructured only if all 26 creditors, including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, agree.”

"The difficulty is not small."

When Ye Fengguan heard what Yang Qingzhi said, he knew how difficult this matter was. After all, it required the consent of all 26 creditors. How could it be such an easy thing to have so many creditors agree?And it’s something that puts them at a disadvantage.

"Well, it's difficult. It depends on people."

Yang Qingzhi smiled when he heard this and said: "But according to my understanding of the investment banks, they will eventually agree. If they agree to sell a small part of the debt at a discount, it will be good for them. On the contrary, if we fail , they have no way to get their money, and the only choice they can make is to give us time. Now it is mainly because it is difficult for the New York Fed to continue negotiations, and they do not want to see other creditors agree to discount some of Hilton's debts... ..." Yang Qingzhi's method is very simple. In short, it is to let the creditors who loaned money to the Hilton Fund cut off the money to protect the car. Either you choose to cut off the money at a discount, or you and Hilton will carry it to death.

The former choice may lead to greater benefits in the future.

The latter may end up carrying it to his death.

However, Ye Feng also understands the New York Fed's thinking. The New York Fed holds Hilton's book debt worth almost US$3.2 million. Yang Qingzhi collects this part of the debt and wants the New York Fed to bear a loss of US$1.8 million. How can the Fed agree?

Nearly 60% of the meat was cut off.

If it were Ye Feng himself, the book value of US$3.2 million would become US$1.4 million, and Ye Feng would not be happy. Moreover, if the New York Fed does not cut off the meat, there is a possibility that Hilton will become a golden mountain when it develops in the future.

But here's the problem.

Now Hilton owes too much money to its creditors, and there are signs of the current financial crisis. The tourism and hotel industries have been greatly affected. What if Hilton really collapses and goes bankrupt?Therefore, except for the New York Fed, most creditor bankers want to recover some costs, yes some costs, so as to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible. This gives Yang Qingzhi the opportunity to restructure Hilton's debt.

To put it simply, Yang Qingzhi is now playing the role of a financial gangster. When he acquired Hilton in the early stage, he tied all 26 creditors on the pirate ship. Now he is using debt problems to force major investment banks to compromise.

Ye Feng thought for a moment, and if he had gone to talk to these creditors, he would really not dare to go, mainly because he was afraid that if he told the plan, he would be beaten up behind closed doors.

I have to say that Yang Qingzhi is a very courageous and decisive person.

After chatting with Yang Qingzhi for a while about Hilton's debt restructuring, Ye Feng asked if it was feasible to build a hotel and B&B in Spain. Although Ye Feng said that he did not agree with his eldest sister's decision to run a hotel and B&B, he was determined to do so. When it comes time to do it, Ye Feng will still try his best to help.

"Why did you think of doing a hotel and B&B?"

When Yang Qingzhi saw Ye Feng asking this, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's not me who wants to do it, it's my sister who wants to do it."

Ye Feng told Yang Qingzhi that his eldest sister was traveling to Spain and suddenly wanted to stay in a hotel and B&B. He also told Yang Qingzhi what his eldest sister had told him about the investment and rate of return in hotel operations.

"It's not impossible."

When Yang Qingzhi was working at Goldman Sachs, he stayed in Europe in the later period, so he had a relatively clear understanding of the economic situation and tourism situation in Europe. When he saw Sister Ye Feng wanted to make a hotel and B&B, he gave his professional advice: "If your sister I don’t support building a large hotel chain because the investment costs are high and the payback period is long. If it’s a hotel or B&B, you can give it a try, but it’s best to wait two months before doing it. Although the financial crisis has affected the hotel industry It's big, but it's also an opportunity. If the hotel business is not good, there will definitely be people who want to break out of this industry, so you can take this opportunity to take over other people's hotels at a low price. However, the specific operation still depends on how well your sister is doing. .”


Then Ye Feng asked some details about running a hotel and B&B and which cities in Spain and Europe have a large tourist population. After all, it was a rare opportunity to ask such a great god for advice.

You should know that if someone consults Yang Qingzhi, they will have to pay a large amount of consulting fees.

Therefore, Ye Feng seized the opportunity and only let Yang Qingzhi rest until he had almost understood the details of European tourist cities and hotel operations.

(End of this chapter)

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