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Chapter 1930 Gao Xuan has low self-esteem

Chapter 1930 Gao Xuan has low self-esteem

"Indeed, there are quite a few people who know him now, but there is one thing you guessed wrong."

Ye Yun was very happy to meet an old friend in a foreign country. She looked at the woman next to her who had a very delicate figure and face, and said with a hint of mystery: "I am not a fan of Ye Feng."

"Then who are you?"

Gao Xuan looked at Ye Yun curiously and asked.

"I'm his sister."

Ye Yun laughed, and then happily said to Gao Xuan: "I'm really happy. I didn't expect to meet someone from China in Spain, and I happened to know my brother."

Gao Xuan was stunned.

It is not unusual to meet Chinese women who care about Ye Feng abroad. After all, Ye Feng is not only rich, but also talented and good-looking, perfectly matching the image of Prince Charming in women's minds.

But no matter how smart Gao Xuan is, she never imagined that she would meet Ye Yun's sister in Spain.

Gao Xuan even suspected that the woman in front of her knew about her relationship with Ye Feng, so she deliberately pretended to be Ye Feng's sister to date her.

Gao Xuan looked at Ye Yun without saying anything.

"You don't believe it?"

Ye Yun has also been in business for many years. She saw the suspicion in Gao Xuan's eyes at a glance and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't believe it. I happened to meet a Chinese in Spain, and she happens to be Ye Feng's sister. I have to have some evidence, right?"

Gao Xuan admitted frankly, but her eyes were always on Ye Yun. Ye Yun seemed to be a few years older than Ye Feng. Although she was dressed very simply, she could tell that she was also very beautiful as long as she dressed up a little. woman.

If she is really Ye Feng's sister...

At this moment, Ye Feng's cold and strong face appeared in Gao Xuan's mind, and she felt a sense of absurdity and bewilderment for a moment. She thought she would never interact with Ye Feng again in this life, but she didn't expect that she would meet him in Spain. A woman who claims to be Ye Feng's sister has to say that sometimes fate really plays tricks on people.

Gao Xuan had this realization in her heart.

Looking back on the acquaintance process with Ye Feng, there is nothing better than this. At first, Ye Feng threw 50 yuan in front of him, and he was moved. He chose to set up a trap for Jiang Ming for 50 yuan.

What is the purpose of human life?

Isn’t it just to have money so that you can stop worrying about money?
Sometimes pride is nothing in front of money.

Gao Xuan has been working for many years and knows very well how to choose. But when she chose money to design Jiang Ming, she found that she regretted it. She could make money, but what about the stain?
What about pride?
The stain can't be washed away, and the pride can't come back. As long as I see Ye Feng's beautiful scene on TV, I can't help but think of the things I compromised for money.

Of course, Gao Xuan also knows that no matter how she chooses in front of 50, she will regret it in the end, but isn't that just the way people are?Live your life in conflict.

So on a whim, she came to Dongzhou, the city where Ye Feng was.

With a little thought, I want Ye Feng to discover me accidentally, and then I can also see what kind of wonderful reaction Ye Feng will have when he sees me. Should I pretend not to know him, or should I give myself another sum of money and choose to let him know me? Will you stay away from him from now on?
Not bad.

Ye Feng's reaction was very big, even to the point where it touched his bottom line. He was very strong and very cold and wanted to leave by himself.

But how could he be willing to really leave?It was also because of his pride, unwillingness to admit defeat, and unwillingness. The more Ye Feng asked him to leave, the more he refused to leave and wanted to stay with him.I have done tainted things in my life for him, but he has countless 50 and can live his life with peace of mind. Why?
Gao Xuan was unwilling to give in.

So, out of fear and wanting to prove himself, Ye Feng stayed in the Lanshan Group. The price in exchange was that, unknowingly, Ye Feng left a very deep imprint in his mind.

It's so deep that it looks like it was stamped with a soldering iron, and you can't even dig it out.

Therefore, Gao Xuan became more and more disgusted with her past and her body, because she knew that no matter how well she did, or how beautiful and delicate she was in the eyes of others, between herself and Ye Feng, In the eyes of others, she is very unbearable, and this body that is very attractive in the eyes of others is also the source of her unbearableness.


Yes, Gao Xuan felt a little disgusted with herself.

This is why no matter how forceful or unkind Ye Feng is to her, Gao Xuan will only grit her teeth and endure the humiliation. Not only because Ye Feng is her boss, but also because Gao Xuan feels that she does not have the confidence to speak loudly to Ye Feng. Talk, what if Ye Feng says that he is extremely dirty and not worthy of being with him?He was right. He was indeed not qualified, let alone liked him.

Gao Xuan was a little absent-minded and sad for a moment. It wasn't until the cigarette butt between her fingers burned to her fingertips that she suddenly came back to her senses. Then she threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out, leaving a burning sensation on her fingertips that was comparable to her heart.

It hurts.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Yun didn't expect Gao Xuan to have such a big reaction and asked in surprise.

"Nothing, I just thought of something."

Gao Xuan came back to her senses, shook her head, then looked at Ye Yun, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you really Ye Feng's sister? My biological sister?"

"Yes, dear sister."

Seeing that Gao Xuan said nothing happened, Ye Yun didn't take it to heart and said with a smile: "I don't need to lie to you, right? I just feel that I am really destined to meet someone who knows my brother in Spain. "

"It's very fateful."

Gao Xuan said in a complicated tone that she was very accurate in reading people. Judging from Ye Yun's tone, she was probably Ye Feng's biological sister because she took the initiative to approach her because of Ye Feng's Weibo.

There is a big difference between active and passive.

Because the latter has a high chance of hiding traps.

Ye Yun did not notice the changes in Gao Xuan before and after, and started chatting with Gao Xuan. Gao Xuan, with her complicated thoughts, also started chatting with Ye Yun. From the process of chatting with Ye Yun, she learned that it turned out that Ye Feng's biological sister My name is Ye Yun.

Some time ago, Ye Feng specially found his sister and asked her to transfer the garment factory out and then take her parents on a trip.

If it were her previous self, Gao Xuan might have felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get close to Ye Feng's family, but now Gao Xuan doesn't want to get close to Ye Feng's family at all.

Because Gao Xuan knew that even if she and Ye Feng, his sister, and parents met by chance in Spain, no matter how good their relationship was, Ye Feng would only think that he was deliberately approaching them with ulterior motives when he saw her.

After all, the first impression is very important.

And her first impression in front of Ye Feng was not very good. She was a realistic woman who chose to betray herself for money. She, Gao Xuan, could hold her head up in front of anyone, but she could not hold her head up in front of Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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