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Chapter 1924 Feeling Fooled

Chapter 1924 Feeling Fooled

Lost $170 billion right from the start?
This made Ye Feng glance at Yang Qingzhi unexpectedly. Logically speaking, no matter who loses so much money in a few months, he will definitely feel distressed and unable to sleep. After all, the loss is not a small amount.

But after thinking about it, Ye Feng still shook his head: "Since we have already lost money, there is no point in panicking. Don't panic."

In fact, when Yang Qingzhi asked Ye Feng if he was panicking, Yang Qingzhi had been paying attention to Ye Feng's attitude, because the Hilton Hotel acquisition was indeed relatively loss-making at present.

And his plan to take Hilton public in the near future also fell through.

But what Yang Qingzhi didn't expect was that after he said that the Hilton Hotel brand value was now only 70 billion US dollars, Ye Feng actually said he was not panicking, which made Yang Qingzhi quite satisfied.

There was also a touch of emotion.

Because now the outside world is not only looking down on Hilton Hotels, but also looking down on him. After a year of withdrawing from the PE industry, he lost so much money for the first time when he came back, and major banks are also collecting the loan.

Yang Qingzhi said with a smile: "You don't know, almost most people in investment banks now think that my acquisition failed and it was the most failed investment in my life. Even investment banks such as Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs have failed because of Hilton’s depreciation, and the fact that there is no way to obtain liquidity through asset securitization in the market, have caused a lot of complaints to me.”

"Complaining has no effect, what matters is how to solve it." Ye Feng said to Yang Qingzhi. The most important thing is that Ye Feng also has enough confidence. Even if the Maple Leaf Fund really loses money, it will not hurt his bones. After all, he has There are also 40% shares of Lanshan Group and fcaebook.

"Yes, this is a very good statement."

Yang Qingzhi nodded, then chuckled carelessly: "The current losses are only in front of our eyes, and 70% of the current investment losses only appear on the books. I will negotiate with the bank to restructure the debt. Now The first thing to do is to implement the franchise strategy as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, convert part of the bonds into preferred equity and just get through it."

"I just want to tell you about this."

Ye Feng heard about the franchise strategy and said to Yang Qingzhi: "I have a friend who specializes in complexes. She wants our Hilton brand to enter her complex. I thought about it and found that it is quite feasible. We can use the comprehensive to expand our influence.”

Ye Feng told Yang Qingzhi that Li Qingmei wanted Hilton Hotel to settle in Dongcheng Xiulancheng. In fact, there are indeed relatively few Hilton hotels in China at this stage.

In this era, high-end and reserve are of no use.

It still needs to be widely known.

Therefore, Ye Feng also wants the Hilton hotel brand to appear in every first- and second-tier city in China and become a benchmark hotel for domestic five-star hotels.

Ye Feng's ideas happened to coincide with Yang Qingzhi's, and Yang Qingzhi also shared some of his own ideas with Ye Feng. Now the whole world is experiencing financial turmoil due to the subprime mortgage crisis.

So Yang Qingzhi changed his mind and took the "asset-light" route.

Yes, the higher the hotel's market share, the greater its ability to create profits, but on the other hand, the higher the sales growth rate, the more funds are needed to maintain its growth and expand market share.

This model is undoubtedly making things worse for the current Hilton Hotel.

Therefore, Hilton's current strategy must be brand management authorization and brand export as its main business direction. This can not only save costs, but also occupy the market to the maximum extent and expand the influence of the Hilton hotel brand.

The two discussed Hilton's current predicament and business direction for a long time, and they learned from each other's strengths. Yang Qingzhi's experience, sense of smell, and control of the market were unmatched by Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng's grasp of the direction of the economy is also unmatched by Yang Qingzhi. Regarding the impact of the financial crisis and the prospects of the tourism industry, Ye Feng has very optimistic expectations. During the discussion process, he settled on the Hilton Hotel future business direction and strategies.

At night.

Ye Feng and Yang Qingzhi finished dinner together, and then went to Madison Square Garden in Manhattan to meet Li Liang and the management of the SuperSonics team to prepare for the NBA draft in the evening.

However, Ye Feng did not plan to go on TV, but sat down to witness the start of the draft.

On the way there, Ye Feng called Li Qingmei. Surprisingly, Li Qingmei answered the phone very quickly. According to the time difference, it should be less than 4:[-] in the morning in China. "You're not asleep, or are you already up?"

"Woke up."

Li Qingmei's voice was sober and she asked with a smile: "Why did you remember to call me so early? Are you suffering from insomnia?"

"I'm in New York."

Ye Feng explained, and then said: "I discussed it with my partners. Hilton Hotel can settle in your Xiulan City, but there is a condition."

"What conditions?"

When Li Qingmei heard that Ye Feng had promised Hilton Hotel to settle in Xiulancheng, her tone immediately became more serious.

Ye Feng gave a plan: "You provide the money and land, and I will be responsible for the brand, design, and operation, and the profits will be divided [-]-[-]."


When it comes to interests, Li Qingmei seems like a different person: "I provide money and land, and the loss of funds is too great. Moreover, for brand management, the maximum share is usually between 15% and 20%. If you open your mouth, it will cost you 50%." %, it’s just too much.”

Ye Feng said: "It all depends on the brand value. What hotel brand value can be compared with Hilton Hotel? The cooperation between Hilton and Xiulancheng can bring very high topic popularity to Xiulancheng, and it can also bring high-end products." The customer base is [-]-[-], which is very fair.”

"It's not fair at all. The customer base of the complex is mainly the general public in the surrounding area. How many people come to the complex to stay in the hotel? I can't accept this share ratio." Although Li Qingmei really wants Hilton Hotel to settle in Xiulancheng , but the share ratio that Ye Feng wants is indeed too high, and it is not conducive to the development of Dongcheng Group, because it will account for a very large capital loss of Dongcheng Group.

Ye Feng came up with his trump card: "In addition to the hotel, I will also install a Lanshan Cinema in your hotel. Coupled with the brand effect of Hilton Hotel, it can form a siphon of people in commercial projects."

"When did your company have a Lanshan Cinema?"

Li Qingmei asked back.

"Just now."

Ye Feng said: "After returning to China, Lanshan Group will establish a Lanshan Film Co., Ltd. Wherever you open Xiulancheng, Lanshan Group will open theaters. Is this okay?"

Li Qingmei stopped talking.

It had to be said that she was tempted by Ye Feng's proposal. Aside from the fact that Hilton Hotel was a top international hotel brand, Li Qingmei was very moved by the fact that Ye Feng was going to establish a Lanshan Film Co., Ltd.

Li Qingmei knows how much influence Jingke Pictures currently has in the film industry.

According to this, Ye Feng's intention to enter the film industry is not a temporary idea.

After thinking about it, Li Qingmei gritted his teeth and said: "Cooperation is possible, Dongcheng Group can also bear the money and land, but the share ratio must be changed, [-]-[-], four for you and six for me."

"Okay, deal."

Ye Feng agreed without hesitation and then hung up the phone.

A villa in Ning City.

Li Qingmei, who was wearing pajamas, listened to the beeping on the phone, and a look of astonishment appeared on her delicate face. Ye Feng agreed so readily, which made her feel a little cheated. Can she discuss whether the share ratio can be increased to [-]-[-]? Talk about?

(End of this chapter)

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