Recast youth

Chapter 1918 Difficult Educational Environment

Chapter 1918 Difficult Educational Environment

When Ye Feng went to New York to participate in the 2007 NBA draft, Meng Yun also went to Diqing Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan, which is located at the intersection of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet. However, unlike what was imagined, Diqing Autonomous Prefecture did not have a charity department.

So Meng Yun found the Education Bureau of Diqing Autonomous Prefecture and expressed her intention. On behalf of the Maple Leaf Foundation, she would donate money to build a Hope Primary School in the mountainous areas of Diqing Autonomous Prefecture, so that some children who have difficulty in going to school can go to school.

When talking about the Maple Leaf Foundation, it didn’t attract much attention.

But when Meng Yun revealed that the Maple Leaf Foundation was the charity fund of Lanshan Group Chairman Ye Feng, she immediately gained the attention of the managers of the Education Bureau of Diqing Autonomous Prefecture, and soon the director of the Education Bureau immediately invited Meng Yun to the office.

When she first came to Diqing Autonomous Prefecture, Meng Yun thought the scenery in Diqing Autonomous Prefecture was very nice. However, after she got to know more about it, she realized that there were so many places where it was difficult to go to school.

This made Meng Yun understand why Ye Feng asked her to come here to build Hope Primary School because the economic and educational environment in Diqing Autonomous Prefecture was indeed very poor and backward.

Although Yunnan had implemented the "two exemptions and one subsidy" policy in 05, it was still far from enough for some children in mountainous areas. The problem now is not about textbooks at all.

It’s about tuition, fees, and food expenses.

The school is also very far away.

There are many impoverished mountainous areas like Yucun where there are no schools and no teachers are willing to teach. In addition, transportation is not convenient, which is equivalent to being completely closed to the outside world.

Even more people choose not to send their children to school.

in the office.

Meng Yun couldn't help but frown after reading the information provided by the education department personnel. However, after listening to the explanation from the Director of the Education Bureau, Meng Yun fell silent and realized that her previous thoughts were a bit naive.

Before, she believed that if there was education, she must go to it.

Because for the poor, going to school is their only way out.

Now Meng Yun discovered that education in mountainous areas of Yunnan is equivalent to a vicious cycle. First, many people in many impoverished mountainous areas of Yunnan generally believe that education means reading, and reading means literacy, and the level of farming has little to do with literacy.

To put it bluntly, the study period is long and cannot produce economic benefits. Instead, it will cost money. For them, food and clothing are the most important thing at this stage. This results in making money from farming, earning money to marry a wife and have children. The vicious cycle of having children and farming.

Second, the natural conditions in impoverished mountainous areas are poor, the mountains are high and the roads are dangerous. Many places are closed into small worlds. It takes half a day to walk to hear each other speak.

Thirdly, there are many ethnic minorities, including Han and Tibetan, and they do not understand the language.

Fourth, we are short of money, very short of money.


Meng Yun finally found out that this was not something that could be solved with money. It also involved transportation problems. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was only one way to solve it.

Build a Hope Primary School in a compromise location where you can not only go to school but also live on campus, and the food and accommodation fees must be reduced or reduced to a certain extent. Building a school is simple, but the reduction of food and accommodation fees is a long-term donation. Work is basically a bottomless pit.

Meng Yun couldn't make up her mind for a while, which made her regret coming to Yunnan alone. If Meng Weihong came over, she would have someone to discuss it with.

Then Meng Yun thought of someone.

Zhang Lan teaches in Yucun.

So Meng Yun asked the director of the Education Bureau where Yucun was, and learned from the director that Yucun was one of the so-called impoverished mountainous areas with high mountains and dangerous roads, and most of the people living in the mountains were Tibetans and ethnic minorities.

Hearing this, Meng Yun suddenly felt an urgent desire to go to Yubeng Village, so she asked the Director of the Education Bureau: "Hello, I plan to go to Yucun to meet a friend. Director Li, can you find a guide to take me there?"

"Yes, yes, but it has to be tomorrow."

Director Li said.Meng Yun wanted to go to Yucun today, so she asked, "Can't we do it today?"

"It's too late today."

Director Li explained: "It takes about 10 hours to get to Yucun Mountain from here. I can have someone take you there early tomorrow morning."

10 hours?
Meng Yun read the number lightly, and couldn't help but become more curious about how isolated Yucun was, and why Zhang Lan was willing to go to such a place to teach.

Meng Yun learned from Ye Feng that the conditions in Zhang Lan's family were not bad.

"Excuse me, who is your friend in Yucun? Is he here for tourism?" Director Li asked curiously when Meng Yun didn't say anything.

Meng Yun raised her head and said, "She is teaching in Yucun."

Director Li was in awe when he heard this.


Director Li spent the entire afternoon introducing Meng Yun to the relatively poor mountainous areas of the autonomous prefecture and where Hope Primary Schools needed to be built. He waited until evening.

Another middle-aged man who was busy with work arrived with his secretary and personally invited Meng Yun to dinner.

The governor of the autonomous prefecture arrived after hearing the news. At the dinner table, the governor arranged for Meng Yun to be seated. Then at the dinner, he tactfully expressed the current financial difficulties in the prefecture and some historical reasons. The poor mountainous areas had too much debt, which led to There is a serious lack of investment in education...

Meng Yun also expressed her understanding of this, and also talked about some of the plans of the Maple Leaf Foundation. After comprehensive consideration, they will select some places where it is difficult to go to school to build Hope Primary Schools. However, Meng Yun hopes that the state can bear the accommodation and food expenses for some poor students. .

Hearing this, the governor also said that there is no problem. The province is now implementing the "two exemptions and one subsidy" policy, which will provide a certain degree of exemption and subsidy to some qualified poor students.


The governor arranged for Meng Yun to stay at the state agency guest house.

However, Meng Yun did not fall asleep. Her mind was filled with what she had seen and heard today. Before, she had no idea that there were so many people in the world who could not go to school.

Some people even have to walk dozens of kilometers of mountain roads to go to school.

The road to public welfare is long and arduous.

Meng Yun feels that she has found her future goal in life, and joining Ye Feng's "Maple Leaf Foundation" is also a very right choice. At least she can make real contributions and some practical things to this society with the help of Ye Feng's charity fund.

The next day.

Meng Yun got up early, and the governor also sent a special driver for Meng Yun. In addition to the driver, the director of the Education Bureau and a female cadre from an agency accompanied Meng Yun to Yucun.

Last night, the governor specially talked to Li Chenglin, director of the Education Bureau, and expressed great importance to Meng Yun's visit on behalf of the Maple Leaf Foundation, and asked Li Chenglin to take care of all Meng Yun's needs.

As for the female cadres, they also considered that Meng Yun was a woman.

On the way, Li Chenglin, director of the Education Bureau, introduced Meng Yun to the surrounding area and talked about which places nearby were more difficult to go to school and why.

Meng Yun was a little absent-minded.

The more the Director of the Education Bureau described the educational environment as difficult, the more she thought of Zhang Lan, who came to Yucun last year to teach. How did she persevere in a remote mountain with no signal, water or electricity?


(End of this chapter)

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