Recast youth

Chapter 1894 You men all like big sister

Chapter 1894 You men all like big sister
Meng Yun's intuition was good. Meng Weihong was indeed interested in Ye Feng, a top rich man who was young, rich, and talented. What woman would not be interested in Ye Feng?
Meng Weihong also hinted to Ye Feng several times, both openly and secretly.

However, Ye Feng never gave her a chance.

Today, Meng Weihong made a discovery. Ye Feng brought a woman to a public place. What kind of woman is Meng Weihong?She had been the woman behind the scenes of a powerful boss in Shanghai for the first ten years, and she also engaged in the business of reselling land. Her eyes had long been trained to be sharp, and she could tell Meng Yun's subconscious glance at her at a glance.

But why is Meng Wei Hongxiu so deep?Still smiling dignifiedly, pretending to have noticed nothing.

The other person who found out was the executive deputy mayor Guo Qianhao, who was a secretary, but he pretended that nothing happened. Ye Feng was the only one who was kept in the dark about the secret confrontation between the two women.

Seeing Meng Weihong, Ye Feng asked about Meng Yun's identity, and after the establishment of his charity fund, Meng Yun would also work with Meng Weihong. Ye Feng took Meng Yun to sit down and introduced to Meng Weihong with a smile: "She is my college classmate. What a coincidence, she and Sister Hong are from the same family, both have the same surname: Meng Yun, and this is Meng Weihong, Sister Hong."

"Hi, Miss Hong."

Meng Yun pretended to be a lady, smiled and nodded to greet Meng Weihong.


Meng Weihong looked at Meng Yun with great interest, and said with an elegant smile: "What a coincidence today."

At this time, Guo Qianhao, who had never planned to participate in the fight between the two women, seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly looked at Meng Yun and asked, "What is the relationship between Meng Jianfeng and you?"

"You know my dad?"

Meng Yun looked at Guo Qianhao in surprise.

"We know you. Director Meng and I have known each other for more than ten years. I didn't expect to meet you here today."

Guo Qianhao explained to Meng Yun with a smile, but he was actually a little shocked. He didn't expect Ye Feng to have such a good relationship with Meng Jianfeng's woman. Meng Jianfeng had been promoted to a high official the year before last and was also the senior party official and director of the Public Security Department.

It can be said that he is a truly powerful figure in the province.

Ye Feng also introduced to Meng Yun the identity of Guo Qianhao, member of the Standing Committee of Dongzhou City and executive deputy mayor. Meng Yun quickly and respectfully said to Guo Qianhao: "Hello, Mayor Guo."

Meng Weihong was a well-rounded person, and she knew from Guo Qianhao's words that this little girl named Meng Yun was actually the daughter of the dignified director of the Public Security Department. No wonder Ye Feng would drag her along to build a non-public charity fund.

I wonder if the daughter of the Public Security Bureau is personally in charge of the foundation, who would dare to reach out?
"We are all our own people, so don't be polite."

Ye Feng came to them not to be polite, but to set up a charity fund. Then Ye Feng said to the three of them: "The idea of ​​setting up a charity fund was something I suddenly had last night. My idea is this, there will be someone tomorrow Coming to China, this person’s name is Dixon. He is the former head of global capital markets at Citibank. He met me when my company was listed. I originally planned to ask him to help me set up the Lanshan Investment Department, but now I want him to help me. Manage this fund together and engage in securities and fund investments when the account funds are free, thereby ensuring the value preservation rate of public welfare funds. After all, with more money, I can do more things. If I can complete it It’s better to be self-sufficient.”

"As for you."

Ye Feng looked at Meng Yun: "Meng Yun, you are responsible for serving as the supervisory director, and the financial chapter is also entrusted to you to manage. You must record the whereabouts of every fund. I told you before in the car, the financial chapter I don’t feel at ease if it passes through other people’s hands.”

"OK, no problem."

Meng Yun agreed, and she felt a strong sense of trust from Ye Feng's words.

Ye Feng looked at Meng Weihong again: "Sister Hong, Meng Yun has just come out of society, and she is not very clear about the sinister hearts of some people in society. She is not as good as you in worldliness. While distributing charity funds, you can help me contact local authorities and verify Check it out.”

Ye Feng did not discuss salary with Meng Weihong.

To be honest, there is no Meng Weihong on the wealth ranking list in Dongzhou City, but when it comes to net worth, there are really not many people who can stand up to beat Meng Weihong.


Meng Weihong smiled and agreed.

Then she saw Ye Feng grinning.

Ye Feng had to grin, because the soft flesh on his waist was pinched by Meng Yun. He turned around and saw Meng Yun sitting like a lady as if nothing happened. He felt a little confused. Why did he pinch himself so well?
Meng Weihong knew why Ye Feng was pinched. It was because he said that Meng Yun was not as sophisticated as her. Women are inherently competitive animals. How could Meng Yun be willing to do so?

But how did she know that if possible, she would rather be like her, an ivory tower woman who doesn't understand anything.

Meng Yun thought quietly in her heart.Guo Qianhao looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Do you plan to use 5000 million as a charity fund every year?"

"Not necessarily. I am temporarily putting aside 5000 million to get the fund started. Depending on my economic situation, it may be [-] million, [-] million, [-] billion, or none at all."

Ye Feng explained to Guo Qianhao: "But it has not been implemented yet, so I cannot tell the exact donation amount. I can only say where it will be done and where it will be achieved."


Guo Qianhao understood Ye Feng's concerns and was afraid that someone would take what he said as truth. Then Guo Qianhao asked a key question. He looked at Ye Feng and asked: "What about this city's poverty alleviation and student aid plans?" Is it within the scope of the fund’s rescue?”


Guo Qianhao is the executive deputy mayor of Dongzhou City. His position is for the people of Dongzhou City. This is correct, so Ye Feng nodded, and then said in a different tone: "But for those who need poverty alleviation and student assistance, you I have to find someone to help me with the implementation. I am only responsible for the financial implementation, and there cannot be any situation where someone takes advantage of the money or does not meet the standard and pretends to receive it.”

Guo Qianhao promised: "If anyone dares to reach out to the public welfare fund, I will make him laid off on the spot!"

"That's fine."

Ye Fengdian nodded.

"Well, after the fund is established, I will ask the comrades from the Poverty Alleviation Office to implement it before handing it over to you, so as to achieve targeted poverty alleviation."

At this point, Guo Qianhao smiled and said to Ye Feng: "But you really did me a big favor. From me to the city government, I owe you a favor. To tell you the truth, poverty alleviation work is arduous."

"It's not that serious. It's all what I should do."

Ye Feng didn't take it that seriously. It was poverty alleviation, so there was no need to distinguish whether the money was paid by the Dongzhou Municipal Government or by him. Of course, with Guo Qianhao's sense of proportion, he couldn't let his fund go. Come and be taken advantage of.

With Guo Qianhao and Meng Weihong providing advice, the prototype of Ye Feng's non-public foundation soon took shape.

Near noon, several people said goodbye and sent Meng Yun on her way back.

Ye Feng was sitting in the car and was thinking about the public welfare fund. Guo Qianhao would help him lead the Ministry of Civil Affairs to register and establish a public welfare fund after he returned. He accidentally got pinched on the waist again.

"I'm dizzy. Why do you keep pinching my waist?"

Ye Feng looked at Meng Yun and was speechless. Why hadn't he noticed that she liked to pinch people so much before?

Meng Yun was originally a little depressed and tangled in her heart, but when she saw Ye Feng's speechless look, she laughed out loud, and then said proudly: "Humph, I just like to pinch you, what's wrong?"

Ye Feng said: "You have to be more ladylike."


Meng Yun snorted, then glanced at Ye Feng and asked, "Let me ask you, what is your relationship with that Meng Weihong woman?"

Ye Feng finally knew why he was pinched and said quickly: "It doesn't matter."


Meng Yun was a little suspicious.

Ye Feng presented the evidence: "She is in her 30s and I am only in my 20s. There is a difference of six or seven years. Do you think it is possible?"

Meng Yun asked: "Don't you men all like mature older sisters?"

"That was someone else, definitely not me."

Ye Feng said "swearing".

(End of this chapter)

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