Recast youth

Chapter 1881

Chapter 1881
Haidian Branch.

Huang Sheng has been locked in the waiting room since he was arrested. Before entering, he passed a large sealed iron door that required a password to open. This large iron door frightened Huang Sheng.

When they arrived at the waiting room, there were already more than a dozen people who had been detained like him. There were all kinds of people, most of them were prosperous people with tattoos on their bodies.

There were seven or eight police officers chatting in the public area outside the waiting room.

Social workers were also chatting, asking how they were imprisoned. Basically, they were imprisoned for fighting, and two people with a history of drug abuse were imprisoned.

Huang Sheng was a college student before he came in. Where had he seen such a scene from all religions and schools?He was so frightened that he didn't dare to talk to anyone. He only dared to sit in the corner alone. Soon, he was horrified to see the police come to ask the man with a history of drug abuse if he had taken drugs. He said no, and was forcibly taken away to have his hair cut. Yes, what kind of hair test is it?

Should people who are tested for drug abuse have their hair cut?
Huang Sheng didn't know, but he was very scared and didn't understand why the social people around him didn't seem to care and were still chatting and bragging loudly, as if being imprisoned was an honor.

Then, a plainclothes man who was a little over 1.8 meters tall and spoke with a Yanjing accent came in with an angry look on his face and cursed everyone: "Why are you making so much noise? Do you like to talk?"

The man's aura was very powerful, and his eyes seemed to be able to swallow people. After he arrived, everyone was afraid to speak and seemed to be very afraid of this man in plainclothes.

Then Huang Sheng quickly learned his identity, a criminal police officer of the criminal police team.

The detective scolded everyone vigorously and resolutely. When he saw that no one spoke loudly anymore, his anger subsided a little, but his aura was still very strong: "Everyone stood against the wall and put their mobile phones and ID cards." , lighter, and cigarette pants belt, all taken off."

No one dared to resist, even Huang Sheng, who he thought was a very powerful social elder before, honestly took off his belongings and belt.

After the criminal police officer asked the auxiliary police officer to put everyone's belongings in separate bags, he then glanced at Huang Sheng, stared at him for a few seconds without saying anything, and then said: "Come with me."

How dare Huang Sheng ask where to go?Fearfully, I followed him to a room, which was very empty, with only a table and a chair. The chair was an interrogation chair.

Obviously, it was the interrogation room.

The detective quickly sat down at his desk, glanced at Huang Sheng, who was trembling in the interrogation chair, took out a pack of Chinese soft drinks, put it on the table, lit one himself, and asked, "Do you know what I'm doing?" Of?"


Huang Sheng replied timidly.

The detective blew out a puff of smoke with an angry look on his face, and asked with disdain in his eyes: "Do you know what it means for the detective to find you?"

"do not know."

Huang Sheng answered anxiously.

"It means your case involves criminal matters, understand? Criminals require jail time."

The detective sneered. He had been a detective for many years. He knew clearly about Huang Sheng's case. He must have been tricked. However, he had seen Huang Sheng's QQ. Huang Sheng often used his name as a Qinghua University student to deceive others on the Internet. It’s true that women are naked and open a room.

The detective despises this kind of person the most. This time he offended the richest man and was kicked to the iron. This made the detective a little confused as to how this person was admitted to an institution of higher learning like Qinghua University.

Although academic qualifications have nothing to do with character, they at least have to do with brains. Ye Feng also dares to cheat and spread rumors. Isn't there something wrong with his brain? How many richest men are easy to get along with?Not to mention the richest man in Asia?
When Huang Sheng heard the word "go to jail", he was frightened. All he could think about was the word "go to jail".

Soon, the policeman responsible for making statements came in and sat next to the criminal policeman. He was the one who made the statements in criminal cases, and then the deputy director prepared the materials and submitted them to the police.The criminal police officer glanced at Huang Sheng. He had seen too many such pitiful people who must be hateful. He took a puff of cigarette with an angry look on his face, and then said: "Now let me ask you an answer. On Weibo, "A person with The person with conscience "are you?"

"No, it's not."

Huang Sheng rolled his eyes. At this time, he was not stupid. He knew why he was arrested. It must have been Ye Feng who called the police to arrest him. If he admitted it, it would be equivalent to admitting the crime.

Moreover, Weibo’s own account has been banned.

So Huang Sheng chose not to admit it.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "bang" sound, which frightened him so much that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. The detective suddenly slapped the table and shouted coldly: "I see you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Do you think Your Weibo account has been blocked, can’t I find out it’s you?”

"I, I, I really didn't..." Huang Sheng lowered his head and took a chance.

The detective sneered: "Let me tell you, Weibo has provided us with your account data, IP address, and background information. Do you want me to pull you in front of your computer before you are willing to tell the truth? This website is Feiyang Feiyang. Do you know the name, right?"

Huang Sheng blurted out: "She did it voluntarily."

"Voluntary? Let me tell you, you committed a crime. Did you tell her that when you were chatting with her, you were also chatting with other women?"

The detective glanced at Huang Sheng with disgust, and then said impatiently: "I'll ask you again, are you the "person with conscience" on Weibo?"

"Yes, it's me..."

Huang Sheng was frightened and confessed.

The criminal police asked again: "Where did you get some of Ye Feng's personal information? Who told you? Ye Feng is in Dongzhou and you are in Yanjing. You don't know him, right?"

Huang Sheng's psychological defense line had been broken, and he explained clearly: "Someone gave me 1 yuan to expose Ye Feng on Weibo..."

The detective asked: "Who?"

Huang Sheng lowered his head and replied: "I don't know him either. Others introduced him. One of them seems to be named Chen Yiming. They told me everything about Ye Feng."



Yanjiao Racecourse.

Yang Yanhui is a very suitable person to be behind the scenes. Whether he founded Yanjiao Racecourse or Longma Club, he was all for collecting information and forming a circle, and he has a wide network of contacts.

Soon, the Haidian Branch arrested a student from Qinghua University and spread what Chen Yiming told his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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