Recast youth

Chapter 1872 People really can’t do wrong

Chapter 1872 People really can’t do wrong
After Ye Feng finished talking to Chen Pan on the phone, he turned on his computer and logged into Weibo. He looked at his Weibo account and lit a cigarette. He finished it quietly. Now his fan base has exceeded 1635 million.

This was a very rare thing in 07, a time when there were not many zombie fans. This shows how much heat his true identity incident caused on Weibo.

Currently, there are two accounts on Weibo that are gaining followers at an exaggerated rate.

One is his account, and the other is the account of a person with conscience.

Ye Feng's Weibo was registered with Yanjing Weibo Company, and there were not many updates. The last time he posted on Weibo was because of his interaction with Zhou Yan. Later, Zhou Yan was signed by Ye Feng for 50 a year to protect Zhang After Lan, Ye Feng has not been on Weibo again. The few Weibo posts he has now are all about asking him whether the things revealed on Weibo by a man of conscience are true.

It can be said that Ye Feng has seen various aspects of life in these Weibo messages. In the comment area, there are people who sincerely care about him, some who are watching the excitement, some who are gloating about his misfortune, and some who wish his property would be confiscated.

But there is no doubt that everyone is waiting for an explanation from him.

Ye Feng is actually a person who is unwilling to be a public figure, because being a public figure means exposure and a sense of social responsibility. Without exposure, Ye Feng can be the person he wants to be, and he can also reveal some of his shortcomings to his heart's content, because there is no People will pay attention to themselves.

But obviously, Ye Feng's idea is unrealistic. After Lanshan Group emerged in the country, he was destined to become a public figure, and the good things he did would be magnified, and the bad things he did would also be magnified.

For example, there are several hot searches on Weibo that have occupied Weibo headlines since last night.

At this point, Ye Feng has accepted this result. If he wants to wear the crown, he must bear its weight. Since he has chosen to reach the top of the wealth pyramid, he is destined to go from behind the scenes to the front.

But there was one thing that Ye Feng was unwilling to accept.

That was the "person with conscience" who maliciously smeared him on Weibo. Ye Feng didn't know whether this person really had a conscience, but he knew one thing, that is, he didn't know him at all.

In addition, Ye Feng also knew that he had no intention of wanting Ge Zhang to die.

When Fengxing Studio was first established, he concealed his identity as a partner just to protect himself. If he went around to promote that he was one of the founders of Fengxing Studio, that would not be kind, it would be stupid.

What's more, when Fengxing Studio was reported by Ge Zhang's girlfriend, he released all the studio's owners on bail pending trial, and allowed them to earn money that they would not have otherwise earned.

Ye Feng asked himself that he had done everything he should do.

However, because of this "conscience person"'s malicious plotting on the Internet, he became a public enemy on the Internet and accepted the judgment of everyone. This was something Ye Feng was unwilling to accept and unwilling to forgive.

Ye Feng knew that there must be someone behind this person. Maybe someone wanted to sensationalize and gain popularity, maybe he was simply his enemy, or maybe he was his competitor.

But none of that matters, what matters is that this person participated.

Ye Feng is not that stingy, but he is not that generous either. He still holds a grudge against some things. Once he decides to hold a grudge or care about something, he will spare no effort to attack.

Yes, no expense spared.

Ye Feng now knows this person's IP address, his true identity, and has reported it to the police. In fact, it can be completely handed over to the police, but he doesn't plan to do that first.

It would be too easy for him to simply let him go to jail.

So what Ye Feng told Chen Pan was to first let Chen Pan help him find the person and see what kind of person he was. Again, everyone is an adult. Since they are adults, they must protect themselves. Act responsibly.

After briefly browsing the hot topics on Weibo.

Ye Feng started to write Weibo using his own account. No matter what, since he was involved in this matter and it attracted social attention, he should respond to it and give an explanation to the public.Beginning:
Hello everyone, my name is Ye Feng.

Today I accidentally learned through a friend that some negative news about me occupied Weibo hot searches, occupied some social public resources, and caused trouble to many people who care about me. I deeply regret and apologize for the impact this has caused. .

Now I will make some explanations in response to your questions.

First of all, everyone is very concerned about whether I am one of the founders of Fengxing Studio. Here I would like to express that, yes, I am one of the founders of Fengxing Studio. I believe everyone is also interested in my birth background. As far as I know, I’ll make a long story short here and won’t dwell on my past misfortune, because I am quite satisfied with my family and my birth background.

However, when I was poor, as a seven-foot-tall boy, my family gave me a stable environment to study. It turned out that the eldest sister, who was among the top three in school, chose to drop out of school and work to supplement my tuition so that I could study smoothly. Here, I am allowed to study My eldest sister expressed gratitude and guilt.

Because of this, I thought of starting a business to give back to my family.

But as I said above, when I was poor, I wanted to start a business, but I had no capital to start a business, so I turned my attention to the popular online game at the time, Shanda Legend, and came up with the idea of ​​making script plug-ins to make money.

Let me tell you something that is not afraid of making people laugh. I paid for my first computer by deceiving my girlfriend at home about her pregnancy. I defrauded my kind-hearted parents who believed in their son from 5000 yuan, which was their only money.

Then I found Ge Zhang, who was doing computer training, as my partner.

But I was a student at the time, and what I was doing was not very honorable, so I chose to discuss with Ge Zhang and let him run the studio as the sole founder of Fengxing Studio.

Everyone knows what happened later. The studio was reported by Ge Zhang’s girlfriend, and all the members of the studio including Ge Zhang were arrested. I was the only one who survived. Then I actively tried to find a way to help them get bail pending trial. , pick them out.

It's just a pity that after Ge Zhang came out, he knew some truth and did something impulsive. This matter was published in the newspapers in Dongzhou City and caused a great impact.

I don’t want to say more about this matter because it is a sad thing for me. The only thing I remember clearly is that Ge Zhang said a few words to me before he chose to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

His eyes were filled with the desire to survive, and then his face was filled with tears, and he said to me desperately:
"It's too late, it's too late."

"Ye Feng, I'm so scared, so, so scared."

"I don't want to go to jail."

"I don't want to die either!"

Then I rushed over to grab his hand and save him, but what I saw was the image of him falling into the river on his back with a desperate look on his face. He wanted to live but couldn't. This image has remained with me in the past few years. It pops up in my mind from time to time.

I blame myself.

I'm sad.

I was shocked.

But there is nothing I can do about it, because the rule of law is greater than human feelings, and people must take responsibility for their own actions if they do something wrong. Here, I also want to advise everyone to think twice before doing anything.

Because people really can't do wrong things. Once they do something wrong, it is likely that they will never be able to turn around in this life.


(End of this chapter)

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