Recast youth

Chapter 1836

Chapter 1836
Yixing Prison.

After Wang Baolin was sentenced, he was transferred to Yixing Prison. He is currently working in Ward 11 making down jackets. Unlike the spring breeze before, Wang Baolin has become much duller now.

Making down jackets day after day is like a walking zombie.

A year ago, he was a high-ranking department manager of the R&D department of Lanshan Group, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, and he could eat whatever he wanted. Now he is an economic prisoner in the 11th Ward, and his food expenses are only 7 yuan a day. The treatment varies greatly.

"Wang Baolin."

Wang Baolin was making a down jacket when he suddenly heard a discipline voice coming from the door, and subconsciously loudly reported: "Here we are!"

The guard glanced at Wang Baolin and said, "If someone wants to see you, come with me."

Someone wants to meet me?

Wang Baolin's lifeless eyes moved for a moment, then he stood up and came to the guard, stretched out his hand and put on the handcuffs.


meeting room.

Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui were here. When they thought about the secrets about Ye Feng, they both became interested in exploring. Without saying a word, they found out about the prison area where Wang Baolin was located. They rushed to the 11th prison area of ​​Yixing and established a relationship to meet with Wang Baolin. Pauline.

First of all, although Wang Baolin is now imprisoned by Ye Feng himself, Wang Baolin is after all the first group of people to follow Ye Feng. If anyone may know Ye Feng's beginnings, then Wang Baolin should be one of them.

Both are waiting.

After a while, Wang Baolin, who had completely lost his temperament after a year in prison, walked into the conference room with handcuffs under the leadership of the guards, and then saw Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui sitting there waiting.

"Is it you?"

Wang Baolin's eyes suddenly turned red.

It was these two people who deceived themselves to find a job in Yanjing, promising all kinds of benefits, but in the end they had nothing, and even ended up in jail for five years, making them neither human nor ghosts.


Chen Yiming smiled and said to Wang Baolin: "Look how good we are to you. You have been in jail for a year, and we can still think of coming to see you. Before we came in, we bought you some fruit and milk. I added 500 yuan to your account."

"Charge your mother!"

Wang Baolin scolded him directly. If it weren't for these two people, would he be in jail?
Chen Yiming's smile froze: "I won't be happy if you do this."

"Stop it."

Yang Yanhui was afraid that Chen Yiming would be angry and do something bad, so he stopped him. Then he looked up at the angry Wang Baolin and said, "If you want to go out early, sit down and talk to us."

When Wang Baolin heard this, he immediately looked at Yang Yanhui and rationally told him that he had been sentenced and imprisoned, and it was impossible to get out. However, he could not help but have a glimmer of hope because of his luck.

"Can you let me out?"

Wang Baolin looked back and forth between Yang Yanhui and Chen Yiming suspiciously.

"Get out earlier, not out."

Yang Yanhui corrected Wang Baolin's words, and then expressed his gratitude to the guard who sent Wang Baolin over. The guard nodded and went out. Yang Yanhui then motioned to the chair in front of the table and said to Wang Baolin: "Sit down first. I I want to ask you something." Wang Baolin felt disappointed when he heard that he should go out earlier instead of right away, but he also felt relieved. This is reasonable. If the two people in front of him said that they could let him go out immediately, he would You will feel that they are deceiving yourself again.

Wang Baolin sat down, stared at Yang Yanhui and asked, "How early can you let me go out?"

"The reduced sentence shall not exceed one-half of the original sentence. You have been sentenced to five years. I can help you get through the relationship and let you be released after serving your sentence in two and a half years."

At this point, Yang Yanhui raised a finger and said slowly: "Now you have served one year in prison, which means that as long as you answer my questions honestly, you will be able to go out in more than a year at most."

Wang Baolin's heart skipped a beat.

He has now served one year of the five-year sentence, and has not yet had his sentence commuted. To serve another one and a half years and three years are completely different concepts. For him, every day here is torture.

Wang Baolin quickly looked at Yang Yanhui eagerly and said, "You can ask whatever you want to ask."

Just as Yang Yanhui was about to ask, Chen Yiming suddenly looked at Wang Baolin and spoke: "Wait a minute, what do you think about what you just scolded me for? Apologize to me, and I will forgive you."

Yang Yanhui glanced at Chen Yiming speechlessly, still holding a grudge at this juncture.

Where does Wang Baolin want to apologize?He was half angry and half aggrieved. He couldn't help but look at Chen Yiming and said, "If it hadn't been for you at the beginning, I wouldn't have changed jobs, let alone where I am today."

Wang Baolin's anger was real, and so was his grievance. The anger came from his heart, and the grievance came from the fact that he did not dare to get angry, for fear of destroying his hope of being released early after serving his sentence, so he could only endure it.

However, Chen Yiming didn't care about Wang Baolin's anger or grievance. He didn't save face for Wang Baolin and said with a sneer: "I put a gun on your girl to make you change jobs?"


Wang Baolin was suddenly blocked and speechless.

"Do you want to apologize? If not, can we leave?"

Chen Yiming glanced at Wang Baolin nonchalantly. In fact, he was scolded behind his back a lot and he didn't care. But being scolded by such a little person in front of his face was quite taboo in his heart, so he had to suppress Wang Baolin and bow to him. apologize.

Wang Baolin had no choice but to say in humiliation: "I'm sorry."

While saying these words, Wang Baolin felt his cheeks burning hot, as if he was about to bleed from his face.


Chen Yiming actually wanted Wang Baolin to apologize to him, but when he saw that he really apologized, he found it boring. He sneered, then crossed his legs and smoked and ignored him. In comparison, the man in heaven and earth dared to use a beer bottle to fight with him. Ye Feng, the bastard who changed his life, is actually a man.

Wang Baolin saw the sneer on Chen Yiming's lips and felt as if his self-esteem had been trampled on again. He couldn't help but said emotionally: "I have already apologized, what else do you want?"

"You leave him alone."

Yang Yanhui was afraid that Wang Baolin would be really stimulated, so he asked at the right time: "When did you meet Ye Feng?"

After hearing this, Wang Baolin finally knew why these two people traveled more than 1000 kilometers from Yanjing to Yixing. It turned out that they came here because of Ye Feng's matter.

These two people had issues with Ye Feng.

But thinking of Ye Feng, Wang Baolin also had a flash of hatred in his eyes. When he and his brothers helped Ye Feng create a profitable game like "Fire Line Assault", even if he didn't get any credit, he still had hard work, right?
Unexpectedly, Ye Feng not only turned against him in the end, but was even sentenced to five years without even a chance to mediate.

(End of this chapter)

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