Recast youth

Chapter 1829: Internal testing as soon as possible

Chapter 1829: Internal testing as soon as possible
It is also because of the above reasons that He Chongxin knows one thing very well. Lanshan Games' high income seems to be the credit of their Fengxing Studio, but in fact it is not.

Mr. Ye at least accounted for more than 70% of the credit for this.

Therefore, many large companies contacted He Chongxin overtly or covertly. They wanted to hire He Chongxin to change jobs in high-tech, but He Chongxin rejected him because he knew that he was not as capable as the outside world said.

In addition, there is no precedent for job-hopping before.

Wang Baolin was the earliest game R&D manager and the creative core of the game "Fire Line Assault". What was the result of him being poached by Yanjing's company with a high salary and changing jobs?Not only failed to continue the glory of "Fire Line Assault", but instead tried to make new buds on the basis of Lanshan Games, and ended up in jail.

To put it bluntly, Wang Baolin failed to recognize himself, but He Chongxin did.

This is why he ran over immediately when Ye Feng came back to the company to stay.

Due to the great success of "Zhu Xian", the entire R&D team headed by Fengxing Studio wants to develop the online game "Mistle Journey" while the iron is hot, and then launch it into public beta before the end of the year.

And how did "Zhu Xian" succeed?
It all came from Mr. Ye’s suggestions.

Ye Feng was dizzy when he read the information. After Li Zhedong finished looking for him, He Chongxin came to him again. The key game was different from others, involving a lot of details.

Ye Feng wanted to be lazy, so he looked up at He Chongxin, who was eagerly waiting for his guidance, and said, "With so many people in your department, can't you think of your own ideas?"

"Think about it."

He Chongxin said with a smile to Ye Feng: "But without Mr. Ye to watch over us, we don't feel at ease. The outside world says that we have a Fengxing Studio team in Lanshan that is very good at making games. In fact, how did they know that we can be completely successful today? It was Mr. Ye who taught me step by step. Without Mr. Ye, we would not be able to do it at all."

Ye Feng glanced at He Chongxin.

Although I know that He Chongxin is suspected of being a flatterer, I have to say that this guy has some conscience when he speaks. The original "Fire Line Assault" was not a shooting game that he copied from the mature version of "Cross Fire" in his previous life. It was just a shooting game made by Wang Baolin and others. It is impossible to seize the CS market, and when "Cross Fire" is returned to China by Penguin, they will be completely out of business.

The same is true for the game "Zhu Xian".

Ye Feng was a little flattered by He Chongxin's praise. Then he put out the half-smoked cigarette butt and stood up. He decided to go to the game R&D department with He Chongxin to see how the game "Mistle Journey" was doing.

All the way to R&D.

The former members of Fengxing Studio have now become the technical backbone of the Lanshan Game R&D department, and the newcomers in the R&D department also have deep respect for these seniors.

There is no other reason, because their performance has been tested by the market. There are at least 3 popular online games on the market made by them. How can newcomers not feel respectful?

But at this time, these newcomers discovered that the old people in Fengxing Studio suddenly stopped what they were doing and stood up one after another. The newcomers followed their gazes and looked towards the door. They saw the department boss He Chongxin leading the Mr. Ye walked in.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye is good."


Calls of admiration came out from the mouths of the cynical old man in the past. They all looked at Ye Feng with great admiration, because under their noses, Ye Feng completed his counterattack from an ordinary college student to a billionaire.

This legendary experience is often told by the elders of Fengxing Studio with pride and admiration.He Chongxin also clapped his hands happily and said happily: "Everyone, please put aside the work at hand. Today I specially invited Mr. Ye to come to the department to guide the work. Everyone welcomes me with applause."

The next moment, there was a round of applause, and the atmosphere was very good. Everyone wanted to turn their hands red when they saw Ye Feng, especially some of the art girls, their eyes lit up when they saw their Mr. Ye so handsome up close.

"Well, good morning everyone."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded to them, pressed his hand down, chatted with them for a few words with a smile, and then went to the office with He Chongxin. Their latest research and development "Ethereal Journey" was waiting on He Chongxin's computer. .

He Chongxin opened the game on the desktop and said: "The game Piaomiao Journey is currently in the trial operation stage. There are still some program and sales issues that need to be improved. Mr. Ye, please help us find out what are the shortcomings of this game."


Ye Feng hummed and sat in front of the computer. This game, like Zhu Xian, is an online game adapted from the novel of the same name. It will take Ye Feng to try it out for a while to know how it will be.

In fact, Ye Feng has had an impression of this game.

The two novels, The Misty Journey and Zhu Xian, were popular for a while. The game adaptation of Zhu Xian came first, and the adaptation of Misty Journey came last. However, the result was that the game Zhu Xian became a phenomenon-level game, while The Misty Journey disappeared into the background. Everyone.

This is not to say that the game adaptation of Misty Journey is not very popular. In fact, the servers of Misty Journey were full when it was first launched. However, due to the lack of strength of the development company, the graphics of this game are not delicate enough, and the depiction of characters and scenes are slightly dull. It was rough and had a lot of bugs. Not long after the server was launched, the originally full server gradually became deserted.

Ye Feng skillfully created a character, selected a sect, and then entered the game.

I have to say that sometimes the butterfly effect can really bring about a big change. The game graphics of Misty Journey in the previous life were very poor. Now due to the emergence of Ye Feng, Misty Journey has been changed from another company to Lanshan Production, so that From the game page to entering the game, I am very satisfied, and the operation feels very delicate.

The picture quality is also very clear and beautiful, and has a classical color of Chinese immortality.

When Ye Feng was trying out the game, He Chongxin stayed by his side, nervously observing Ye Feng's expression, hoping to see how satisfied he was with the game from Mr. Ye's expression.

But it's a pity that Ye Feng was very focused on the game and his expression didn't change from beginning to end.

It wasn't until noon that Ye Feng put down the mouse.

He Chongxin asked nervously and expectantly: "Mr. Ye, how is the production of the game going?"

The reason why Ye Feng played for a whole morning was not that the game was not well made, but that the development team had changed in this life, so many game contents had also undergone great changes. In addition, such a long time had passed, resulting in Ye Feng Ye Feng is very unfamiliar with this game. He is playing another immortal cultivation game entirely.

Another reason is that this game is also highly playable.

Overall, after playing it, this is a game that is not inferior to Zhu Xian.

Looking up, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw He Chongxin's nervous look. He didn't directly answer him about the level of game production. Instead, he lit a cigarette and said casually: "Let's do internal testing as soon as possible, and then open it for public testing."

He Chongxin was overjoyed when he heard this.

For him, the words "internal testing as soon as possible, and then public testing and operation" are undoubtedly the greatest recognition from Mr. Ye to everyone in his department.

(End of this chapter)

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