Recast youth

Chapter 1825 Now, the Future

Chapter 1825 Now, the Future

nine in the morning.

The morning meeting of Lanshan management began. Originally, the morning meeting was hosted by CEO Wang Xin, but today there was one more person in the conference room. Chairman Ye Feng and Wang Xin walked in together.

Li Zhedong, He Chongxin and other senior executives were startled when they saw Ye Feng. They did not expect that Mr. Ye, who had never seen the beginning or end of the dragon, would actually attend the meeting today.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."


After Ye Feng walked in, the executives stood up one after another.

"All sit down."

Ye Feng sat in the chairman's seat and motioned for everyone to sit down. Wang Xin sat next to him. Wang Xin asked Ye Feng if he wanted to say a few words. Ye Feng shook his head and refused, asking Wang Xin to hold the meeting as usual.

Wang Xin started the meeting and first asked the bosses of each department to report on the department's work. At the same time, she also asked Ye Feng to understand the current work progress and operating conditions of the department.

Ye Feng was meditating while listening to the report. Many senior executives felt unsure when they saw Ye Feng sitting there without speaking. Instead, they felt on pins and needles during the report.

At the meeting, Wang Xin approved the reports of each department one by one, and told Li Chenguang and He Chongxin of the Strategic Development Department that the company would exclusively broadcast NBA games, and asked them to implement the project as soon as possible.

Wang Xin has two completely different models at work and in life. At work, she is a strong woman who is resolute and efficient, and does not care about the process, but only the results.

The downside is that it creates a lot of stress.

The advantage is that this almost oppressive leadership style allows those below to turn pressure into motivation.

After the meeting, Ye Feng asked Wang Xin who Li Chenguang was. During the meeting, in addition to Li Zhedong, Li Ping, Chen Xiao, He Chongxin and others, there were many more faces that Ye Feng did not recognize.

After Wang Xin’s introduction, Ye Feng found out who Li Chenguang was. He was a British Chinese, graduated from Oxford University, qualified as a chartered financial analyst, and had more than 16 years of experience in the investment banking industry. He was previously a member of the New York branch of Goldman Sachs. ?Sachs), who is mainly responsible for the research team in the communications, media and entertainment industries. He has in-depth knowledge of the global Internet, entertainment and media industries. After Lanshan was successfully listed in New York, he reported to Lanshan submitted his resume.

All resumes for managers and above in Lanshan have to be reviewed by Wang Xin. After Wang Xin saw Li Chenguang's resume, Wang Xin personally interviewed Li Chenguang last week and gave him the position of Chief Strategy Officer of the Strategic Development Department. , is currently fully responsible for the company's strategic planning and implementation, investor relations management, providing the company with strategic advice on business planning and business models, and strengthening two-way communication between the company and the investment environment.

After listening to Li Chenguang's resume, Ye Feng found that he was quite connected with investment banks, especially Goldman Sachs. First it was Yang Qingzhi, then Dixon, and now it is Li Chenguang.

Moreover, both Yang Qingzhi and Li Chenguang came from Goldman Sachs, but this also means that Lanshan has grown into a towering sycamore tree, enough to attract Phoenix to settle down.

Wang Xin said: "Since you are not in the company very much, I will have someone compile the situation of each department of the company into a report, and then you can read it slowly when you are free."


Ye Feng nodded, indicating that it was okay.Wang Xin was very efficient. At noon, she had someone compile a report on the current development of various departments in Lanshan and sent it to Ye Feng's mailbox. After eating, Ye Feng sat in front of the computer.

I have to say that the information Wang Xin provided was really thick.

There are a full 50 pages.

In fact, at this stage of Lanshan, various departments have been able to develop normally and in a positive direction. The data shows that Li Chenguang was able to interview Wang Xin as the Chief Strategy Officer of the Strategy Development Department by no means relying on luck.

Li Chenguang is a man of real ability. He has been living in London and New York before. He just returned to China and does not know much about many aspects of the country. However, within a week of arriving in Lanshan, he quickly got into work mode and He put forward many very constructive opinions on the strategic development of Lanshan. One of the strategic opinions is to introduce popular online games from South Korea and Japan.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took a breath of air. The new chief strategy officer was really ruthless. This move was a complete blow to Penguin Company and cut off their future.

You must know that there are three very important reasons why Penguin Company was able to grow at a very fast speed in the early stage. First, it has the social software Penguin with the largest number of users.

Second, use Penguin’s user base to copy other popular games and replace it.

Third, long-lasting online games such as CrossFire, Dungeon & Warriors, and League of Legends were gradually introduced.

And now the strategic development policy given by Li Chenguang is to introduce popular games from South Korea and Japan. Isn't this a blow to Penguin's life?
Then Ye Feng also saw a very interesting suggestion from Li Chenguang, which was to transform w5173 from a virtual game trading platform to a vertical business website type.

In the report, Li Chenguang believes that third-party virtual game trading platforms like w5173 will sooner or later be replaced by the official channels of major game operators, because this is tantamount to taking meat from the bowls of other operators.

The current development direction of China's Internet lies in e-commerce.

Therefore, Li Chenguang suggested that when w5173's daily activity is very high, it should slowly transform into an e-commerce website and thus transform into a vertical business website, so that it can get a share of the increasingly mature e-commerce model.

This is also what Ye Feng has been worried about in the early stage. He is thinking about whether to sell w5173 at a high price at this time, because at this time, w5173 can still be sold at a high price.

In a few years, w5173 will slowly decline under the siege of all parties.

The reason is very simple. First, websites like Fantasy Westward Journey have launched their own official trading platforms for Treasure Pavilion. Second, there are more and more similar websites that can be traded.

Third, and most importantly, there is the issue of trust.

Although through Ye Feng's efforts, w5173's credibility problem has been maintained very well, it is impossible to cure it completely, and in the later period, the recharges of major games will gradually become in-game recharges. By then, w5173's status will be It's really going to plummet.

So is the current approach to package w5173 and sell it, or is it recommended to the new chief strategy officer to use the existing user base to slowly transform w5173?
Ye Feng is also thinking about this issue. At present, Li Chenguang's suggestion has been vetoed by Wang Xin. Ye Feng also knows the reason for Wang Xin's veto, because w5173 is now developing very well.

Wang Xin's veto comment reads: It is too risky to trade the current cows for future possibilities, so veto it.

(End of this chapter)

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