Recast youth

Chapter 1815: It’s hard to say goodbye, but not as good as meeting again

Chapter 1815: It’s hard to say goodbye, but not as good as meeting again
Come in a hurry.

hurry away.

After meeting Zhang Lan, Ye Feng felt an indescribable sense of fulfillment in his heart. After returning to the classroom to sleep on his desk, even though the uneven desk made him sleep very uncomfortable, his heart was still full of expectations for his and Zhang Lan's future. Beautiful vision.

One more year to go.

Ye Feng kept this time in his mind. One year is both long and short. By this time next year, he can still do many things that will impress Zhang Lan.

When Zhang Lan comes down the mountain, she will be surprised and feel that she has found an amazing man.

It's not that Ye Feng wants to show off, but that he wants to make some achievements for the people he likes to see. How many people in this world don't want to show off their feathers to the people they like?
Ye Feng is no exception.

In the beautiful longing for a one-year appointment, Ye Feng smoked a few cigarettes, chatted a few words with Pan Kun and Feng Zheng, and soon fell asleep. At 4 a.m. the next morning, the alarm went off. Only then did he get up.

He had seen it yesterday. The refrigerator and freezer were almost empty, and the gasoline for the gasoline generator needed to be replenished. In order to save Zhang Lan from running errands down the mountain, Ye Feng decided to help Zhang Lan do these things.

After getting up with Pan Kun and Feng Zheng, Ye Feng went to the village and knocked on the door to borrow a donkey. There were not many people in the village, and he knew Ye Feng. He was the boyfriend of Teacher Zhang in the school. When he saw that he wanted to borrow the donkey to buy groceries for the school, he said nothing. He lent the donkey to Ye Feng and even helped Ye Feng drive the donkey down the mountain together.

However, since Feng Zheng knew how to drive a donkey, Ye Feng declined the uncle's help, and Feng Zheng and Pan Kun walked down the mountain early in the morning in the still gray mountains. Ye Feng was fine, as he had been to this place many times.

Feng Zheng and Pan Kun rarely come here. The more they take this difficult road down the mountain, the more Feng Zheng and Pan Kun admire Zhang Lan who stays on the mountain to teach. Most people are not willing to stay in such a difficult place.

What's more, Zhang Lan is still a girl who grew up in a big city, and she doesn't need to do things like support teaching to gild her resume. If it were other women, would they stay?

Pan Kun thinks not.

Then Pan Kun looked at Ye Feng, who was covered with dew, and asked tentatively: "Boss, it's actually okay for you to spend money to find a senior teacher from outside to teach here. How about you talk to the boss's wife again and let her talk to you? Let’s go down the mountain, it’s too difficult here, it will take us six hours to go down the mountain, not to mention the boss’s wife is a little girl?”

"It's useless. If she can persuade her, she won't be Zhang Lan. Forget it, there's still a year left anyway, so it won't be long."

Ye Feng shook his head. He had already told Zhang Lan about this matter, and there was no chance at all.

When Pan Kun heard this, he had no choice but to give up.

Feng Zheng, who was holding the donkey, said without looking back: "Pan Zi, don't think about it. If the boss lady hadn't been different, would our boss have fallen in love with her at first sight? In the words of the third master, this is fate. .”

Ye Feng joked: "Hey, you said it as if you knew it very well, and I didn't expect you to find a wife."

Feng Zheng grinned, and said with a slightly proud smile: "I don't want to look for it, it's not that I can't find it. Boss, you know my record in Sichuan, one shot three times."

"Why three shots with one shot?"

Pan Kun didn't understand what Feng Zheng meant.

Ye Feng understood what Feng Zheng meant, which was that Feng Sande was in jail. He was scolded by the owner when he was working as a security guard, and then went to get his wife, daughter, and lover.

Although what Feng Zheng said is true, Feng Zheng's physique and cold and unruly temperament are enough to make women willingly climb into his bed, and he also has a big eagle.

Which woman can stop this?

However, Ye Feng felt very unhappy when he saw Feng Zheng's proud look. He couldn't help but kick him and said angrily: "What are you talking about? No wonder your third master always wants to slap you."

Feng Zheng didn't move, and became more and more proud: "The third master is jealous."

"What are you talking about?"

Pan Kun was confused when he heard this.

Ye Feng then told what Feng Zheng had done in Mianyang, Sichuan a few years ago. Pan Kun had heard of this incident, but after hearing it again, he couldn't help but raise his middle finger to Feng Zheng: "You are worse than a beast!"

"You are all jealous!" Feng Zheng chuckled. No matter what Ye Feng and Pan Kun said, he should have said that they were jealous. That smile, that tone, it was quite embarrassing. If Ye Feng and Pan Kun hadn't joined forces, they would have been jealous. He was no match for him, so he just went up and beat him.

Chatting all the way, the three of them finally arrived at Deqin County near noon. Ye Feng took the two of them directly to the farmer's market. Without asking about the price, he directly chose the best cuts and bought a lot of beef, pork, and mutton. There are also a few chickens. Originally, the chickens were meant to be killed, but after thinking about it, there are a lot of empty spaces on the mountain, so I simply took them up the mountain and asked Zhou Yan to help feed them. After all, it is better to eat fresh meat. Not all can be frozen.

After buying the meat, Ye Feng bought a lot of vegetarian dishes, seasonings, and barrels of gasoline, and hurried back.

By the time the three of them returned to Yucun Primary School, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Over and over again, without any delay, more than ten hours had passed. Not to mention Ye Feng, Pan Kun and Feng Zheng alone Both of them were very tired.

Zhang Lan felt a little distressed when he saw the big bags of meat that Ye Feng had brought back, and when he saw Ye Feng sweating profusely and panting.

Ye Feng wiped his sweat and said: "These dishes are enough for you to eat for a few months. I will go down the mountain first and find a hotel to stay overnight. I will catch a flight back to Lijiang tomorrow morning."

"Go back tomorrow."

Zhang Lan looked at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng said: "If I leave tomorrow, I won't be able to catch the plane. It will probably be evening when we get to Lijiang."

Zhang Lan didn't ask why, but repeated: "We'll leave tomorrow."

Ye Feng was startled, and when he saw Zhang Lan's slightly red eyes, he suddenly felt distressed. He responded and smiled: "Okay, then we'll leave tomorrow."


Ye Feng is still sleeping in the classroom.

Before going to bed, Zhang Lan and Ye Feng also sat on the stone bed outside the school, chatting and watching the stars. Last night, Zhang Lan asked Ye Feng to let go if he went back today.

But after one day, Zhang Lan suddenly felt a little reluctant to let go. He couldn't bear to leave the man beside him. Because he was reluctant to let go, he was in a bad mood. Because of his bad mood, he seemed a little quiet.

Ye Feng felt Zhang Lan's reluctance from the silence, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was really difficult to be apart, but it was not as good as meeting each other.

Before Ye Feng went back to the classroom to sleep.

Zhang Lan suddenly looked at Ye Feng and asked him to hug him.

Ye Feng did not speak, but hugged Zhang Lan tightly, feeling her beauty, her tranquility, and her reluctance. At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly thought, how great would it be if time could stop here?

"Pick me up in one year, okay? Then tell me carefully what you have done this year." Zhang Lan gently hugged Ye Feng and spoke softly. Under the night, her expression could not be seen clearly.

"it is good."

Ye Feng pursed his lips and promised again softly.


at night.

Thinking of leaving the next day, Ye Feng suddenly fell into insomnia until almost five o'clock in the morning. When the rooster crowed, Ye Feng didn't want to wait any longer. He didn't want to wait for Zhang Lan to say goodbye to him, so he woke up Feng Zheng and Pan Kun again and decided to go down the mountain early. .

on the mountain road.

The three of them hurried down the mountain in the gray morning.

When Ye Feng and the others walked away, Zhang Lan appeared on the stone pier where she and Ye Feng were sitting yesterday. Watching Ye Feng slowly walk away, she also had insomnia last night...

(End of this chapter)

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