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Chapter 1811 Interbank Market

Chapter 1811 Interbank Market
When Ye Feng heard Zhang Lan's words, he immediately lost his temper.

But yes, if Zhang Lan knew everything, he would not have the strong desire to talk to Zhang Lan. Ye Feng looked at Zhang Lan and pretended to be secretive.

"What do you think the market value of my company is? Make a bold guess." Ye Feng put the plate aside, turned around and looked at Zhang Lan and said.

Zhang Lan thought for a moment.

Before she came to Yucun, Lanshan's valuation was around US$100 billion, but judging from the proud look on Ye Feng's face, Lanshan's market value after listing was definitely not as simple as US$100 billion or US$200 billion.

So Zhang Lan asked tentatively: "300 billion US dollars."


Ye Feng shook his head and then told the real figure: "Yesterday it was 380 billion US dollars. I didn't ask today, but the market value may exceed 400 billion US dollars. How about it? Is it great?"

Ye Feng raised four fingers to Zhang Lan, representing the figure of 400 billion US dollars.

On the first day of Lanshan's listing, Ye Feng was actually not very excited, but at this moment, Ye Feng was in a very good mood, telling Zhang Lan about the country he had conquered.

Zhang Lan was also shocked.

She is not a blank slate. When her father Zhang Zhenping was framed and imprisoned, she was in charge of Qingshan Group. It can be said that there are very few domestic private companies with a market value of US$400 billion.

Those with a market value of US$400 billion are basically state-owned enterprises, and they are very rare. As a result, Ye Feng's company actually has a market value of US$400 billion.

Why does Lanshan have such a high market value?
Zhang Lan couldn't understand that even if it was listed on a large market in the United States, it shouldn't have such a high market value. Thinking of this, Zhang Lan asked: "What about Penguin's market value? I remember Penguin's market value is also quite high."

"More than 100 billion US dollars."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, Lanshan is listed on the market. As a Penguin company with the same reputation in China, it is natural that people will often compare it with Lanshan in all aspects.

There is no doubt that Lanshan has won very thoroughly and has completely become a giant among Internet companies.

"Well, not bad."

After Zhang Lan got the general idea, he cast a complimentary look at Ye Feng and was very happy for Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng was not satisfied with this, because he owned more than just Lanshan. He continued to chat with Zhang Lan. Starting from fcaebook's 40% stake, fcaebook's current valuation is about US$150 billion.

And before Lanshan was listed on the Nasdaq, the Maple Leaf Fund he and his friends founded also acquired Hilton Hotel Group for US$240 billion.

Ye Feng told Zhang Lan about the process and leverage methods of his acquisition of Hilton Hotel Group: "In fact, it was originally impossible to acquire, but because Yang Qingzhi was the vice president of Goldman Sachs before, he has good relations with the management of major investment banks in New York, and he also It has a relatively good reputation, so it was able to borrow 200 billion US dollars through a combination of credit. Others would definitely not be able to lend so much money."

"Currently, I just hope that these three companies, Lanshan, fcaebook, and Maple Leaf Fund, can serve as the main troika to support my wealth. They all have great potential."

At this point, Ye Feng paused and said to Zhang Lan: "In addition to these troikas, do you know about our company's third-party payment tool, Maple Leaf Payment? Don't underestimate Maple Leaf Payment, this payment software. This will happen in the future." It is an important tool in the third-party payment market. I separated it from Lanshan because of this. In ten years, maybe Maple Leaf Financial Services, the main body of Maple Leaf Payments, can grow into a unicorn with a higher market value than Lanshan. .”

"You want to do finance?" Zhang Lan immediately understood the meaning conveyed in Ye Feng's words.

Ye Feng had no reservations about Zhang Lan and said: "Yes, I will use Maple Leaf Payment as a payment tool first, and then use it as a derivative in other financial fields..."

Ye Feng talked about his idea for Maple Leaf Golden Clothes bit by bit.

From payment software to using low interest rates to absorb users' stored funds, this will greatly allow them to have cash flow and savings funds that even banks are envious of. As for the bank account, it has completely become Maple Leaf Financial's warehouse.

"If you discount interest rates to users, will there be no risk?"

Zhang Lan asked Ye Feng.

"No, I will first set up a monetary fund to invest in short-term currencies, such as treasury bonds, central bank bills, commercial bills, bank certificates of deposit, short-term government bonds, corporate bonds, interbank deposits and other short-term securities. Those with low credit are not allowed. Do."

Ye Feng first patiently explained to Zhang Lan, and then said: "In addition, banks will also lend money to each other, forming an inter-bank market. When some banks encounter a situation of relatively tight funds, such as large loans, These banks will also borrow money from other banks or financial institutions to ensure the normal lending of banks. Since transactions between banks are generally short-term transactions, and the transaction volume is relatively large, the liquidity of the funds required is relatively high, so banks lend money to each other. The interest rate is much higher than the transaction interest rate between banks and depositors. At this time, as long as the interest rate we give users is lower than the interest rate the bank gives us, it means that we can make a profit in the middle. "

After Zhang Lan heard this, she felt that a new world had opened up. She knew that when investing large amounts of money, she could earn relatively high interest discounts from banks. However, although the interest rates between banks were relatively high, only institutions were allowed to participate.

What Ye Feng did was to use Maple Leaf Financial Services to build a bridge between individuals and institutions, temporarily lending individuals’ idle funds to the currency fund, and then the currency fund would participate in inter-bank lending. In this way, Maple Leaf Most of Financial Services' investments have entered the inter-bank lending market, and inter-bank lending is guaranteed by the bank's credit, so the probability of loss is relatively low.

Zhang Lan continued to ask: "If you do this, the central bank will target you, right?"

Ye Feng nodded, stretched out a hand, looked at the mountains in the distance through his fingers, and said: "I will definitely target you. No one wants to see others taking advantage of themselves, but before targeting me, I You can do this first, and then the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge, and the solution will naturally come to you when the time comes."

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, please pay attention to your own safety. It is very dangerous to step on some lines."

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said to Ye Feng.

"It's okay. I can only cross the river by feeling for the stones. I won't swim in waters that are too deep."

Ye Feng smiled, then turned to look at Zhang Lan again, and said: "In addition to these, I also spent 3.7 million US dollars to buy an NBA team the day before yesterday. Have you heard of the Seattle SuperSonics? I bought it, and now We are preparing to move the team to San Francisco, and when your coaching ends next year, I will pick you up to watch the home games in San Francisco."

"You also bought an NBA team?" Zhang Lan seemed to not recognize Ye Feng. In just one year, Ye Feng had done so many things.

"That's right, your sweetheart is rich now. I can afford whatever you want."

Ye Feng said confidently, and then looked at Zhang Lan, wanting to ask her if there was anything she wanted to buy, such as property or a cruise ship, but at this moment he saw a touch of Zhang Lan's collar. bright red.

"Why is there blood here?"

Ye Feng looked at the blood on Zhang Lan's collar and asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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