Recast youth

Chapter 1771 Don’t do everything

Chapter 1771 Don’t do everything
Nasdaq Securities Hall, New York.

After Ye Feng finished the interview, Dixon, the head of Citibank's global capital markets, and an American with gray hair came over. Ye Feng knew this American.

He is the chairman of Nasdaq, Bernard Madoff.

He is a very legendary and highly respected successful businessman on Wall Street.

However, Ye Feng was not very familiar with him now. Dixon walked up to Ye Feng and helped Ye Feng introduce Ye Feng to introduce the identity of Bernard Madoff.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that Bernard Madoff is the chairman of Nasdaq is enough to make Ye Feng awe-inspiring. He is definitely a giant in the financial world. With someone like him who relies on bugs, is different.

Ye Feng immediately stretched out his hand to shake hands with Bernard Madoff: "Hello, Mr. Bernard L. Madoff, it's an honor to meet you."

"Oh, yes, I'm honored too."

Although Bernard Madoff is the chairman of Nasdaq, he is very approachable. He also extended his hand with a smile and praised Ye Feng unabashedly: "I have never read anything about you. You are very powerful, but I think those materials are not enough to describe you. Whether as an individual, a leader, or an investor, you have performed very well. There is no doubt that you are a genius."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed to be praised by such a big-name figure in the financial world, so he quickly said something modestly.

"You deserve these accolades."

Bernard Madoff said with a smile, then gestured to the bell-ringing platform and said with a smile: "But now you can go up and deliver the speech before the bell-ringing ceremony."

"Ok sir."

Ye Feng checked the time and saw that it was almost there. After chatting with Bernard Madoff, he prepared to take Wang Xin and the others to the stage to deliver a speech, even though Nasdaq did not have a real clock for you to ring.

But there is such a speech before going public, which is also the so-called bell ringing.

However, Ye Feng did not bring many people with him to the United States this time. Only CEO Wang Xin, legal director Chen Xiao, and two vice presidents Li Ping and He Chongxin followed Ye Feng for such a long time, and Li Ping and He Chongxin also did the same. Vice President position.

Before taking the stage, Ye Feng found Zhou Yihang, Hou Yao, Wen Yueqi and Chen Huang and asked them if they wanted to join them on stage to ring the bell.

Wen Yueqi did not intend to steal the limelight. She shook the ALPA camera in her hand and said with a smile: "I will just watch you go up and ring the bell. I will take pictures of you later."

"If Sister Qi doesn't go, then I won't go either."

Chen Huang originally planned to go up and join in the fun, but when Wen Yueqi didn't go up, he didn't plan to go up and stand out.

"If they don't go, I will."

Hou Yao raised his hand without saying anything, and took pictures of various interview equipment in Nasdaq, with long tubes and short tubes. He was not willing to miss this limelight. Although his company was not listed, he still stood up. On stage, right?
"I'll go up too."

Zhouyihang is also eager to give it a try.

"Okay, you guys come up with me."

Ye Feng nodded. At this moment, his cell phone rang. It was Yang Qingzhi's call. When he answered the call, he heard Yang Qingzhi asking where he was.

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he turned around and started searching. After a while, he saw Yang Qingzhi holding his mobile phone in the crowd.

When Yang Qingzhi saw Ye Feng, he hung up the phone and walked over. He looked at the crowded securities hall with a smile and said, "I'm not late." "I was almost late."

Ye Feng was very happy to see Yang Qingzhi coming and said, "I thought you wouldn't come over."

"That won't work. Today is the time for your company to go public. No matter how big the event is, I have to come and witness history. Maybe one day this day will become a legendary day on Wall Street."

Yang Qingzhi smiled and joked.

Wang Xin, Chen Xiao, Li Ping, and He Chongxin watched from behind as Ye Feng and the others chatted. They chatted for a while, and it was almost time to go on stage to deliver a speech. Ye Feng led a group of people from the crowd to the podium where he went to deliver his speech.

The podium is very simple, just like a lecture platform, with dozens of television-like studio screens behind it, with stock indexes of many listed companies on them.

The bottom screen is connected into one piece and is the Lanshan logo.

The middle of the top screen represents Lanshan's stock. Below Lanshan is the word NUCH, which is synonymous with the Nasdaq stock market.

There is a computer screen above the podium. There is a button on it that is equivalent to ringing a bell. Press it, and then Lanshan Company will be officially listed.

After Ye Feng and his party came on stage, they all looked for seats. Standing on Ye Feng's left hand side was CEO Wang Xin, and on his right side stood Yang Qingzhi, who is also a Wall Street legend. Others looked for seats on both sides.

Whether it was Ye Feng, Yang Qingzhi or Wang Xin, when they stood on the stage, reporters from all walks of life kept taking photos of these people. During the filming, Ye Feng and Yang Qingzhi would not be discussed for the time being.

Wang Xin is now also the CEO of Lanshan, with an extraordinary status. He is also a former Internet giant. He can rival the YHOO vice president of all Internet companies. He is very worthy of reporting.

Just when Ye Feng was about to give a speech on the listing, he suddenly saw Dixon, who was not far from the stage. After returning from Seattle, Dixon was still communicating with Starbucks owner Schultz about buying the team, and the talks were similar. , but the price was $2000 million higher than Schultz’s previous offer, bringing the overall price to $3.7 million.

This is normal. It is unrealistic to ask Schultz to resell Bennett just because he said he will move the Sonics if he buys them. Adding an additional $2000 million is the main reason Schultz is willing to agree to resell. reason.

After all, Schultz has always been said to be a stingy boss in the industry.

Dickson himself is the head of Citibank's global capital markets, and Ye Feng paid a commission. He is obligated to work with investment banks such as Goldman Sachs to sell and list Lanshan's stocks, but he has no obligation to help Ye Feng negotiate to buy the NBA team. .

The reason why he was so careful was because Ye Feng recruited him and hoped that he could come to his company. Ye Feng really wanted to recruit Dixon to take charge of Lanshan.

Then immediately set up an investment arm.

Although Ye Feng set up an investment company alone and made more money by investing in some unformed unicorns. After all, he controlled 100% of the newly established company, Ye Feng still had no such plan.

People do nothing.

Don't get everything done.

After living in front of the camera for a period of time, Ye Feng still feels that being under the camera is not so good and uncomfortable. If he wants to smoke a cigarette, he will worry about the negative impact of public figures smoking in front of the camera.

So after returning to China, Ye Feng still plans to use Lanshan as the parent company and then set up an investment department or an investment subsidiary. After all, most of Lanshan's shares are also in his name.

Dixon is the best department controller.

So Ye Feng invited Dixon in the audience to come on stage and stand with him on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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