Recast youth

Chapter 1754 Los Angeles Station

Chapter 1754 Los Angeles Station
in the car.

Ye Feng and Wen Yueqi were sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz S600. He did not realize that his achievements in the four years from 2003 to 2007 had already become a god in the eyes of Zhou Yihang, Hou Yao and others, and slowly became a legend.


No matter in the eyes of Zhou Yihang or Hou Yao, Ye Feng is on the road to becoming a legend. In fact, not only in the eyes of the two of them, but in the eyes of Chen Huang and even everyone who knows Ye Feng's entrepreneurial history, Ye Feng is on the road to becoming a legend. Playing a legendary and tough life.

From nothing to a net worth of over 5173 billion, it took less than five years. To be precise, it was less than four years, because four years ago Ye Feng only had a Lanshan Club and a virtual game trading platform w[-]. .

And now Ye Feng already has a business empire. Whether it is Lanshan Group, Maple Leaf Fund, or 40% of fcaebook's shares, in the eyes of others, it is enough capital to gain a foothold on the Forbes Global Rich List.

What's more, Ye Feng also has Maple Leaf Payment and the social software Lanshan Weibo, which have already begun to take shape as an empire?

The situation of five carriages traveling together will soon come.

At this time, he was warming up in his mind for the road show that would take place an hour later. Although Yang Qingzhi had already sampled it for him in New York, everything had to be done by himself now, so he had to simulate the process in his mind in order to Make sure nothing goes wrong.

As his status gets higher and higher, Ye Feng's requirements for himself become more and more strict, and the same is true for everyone. No one is born to be superior to others, and no one is born to be deeper than others.

Rather, through each experience and each thing that makes you grow, you gradually become fuller, mature, and rich in heritage.

Wen Yueqi knew that Ye Feng was thinking about the road show. Seeing that he was deep in thought, she did not disturb him and sat quietly next to Ye Feng. She only occasionally glanced sideways at this man who was outstanding enough to eclipse any man in front of him. The profile, young, quiet and serious has an indescribable temperament and meaning.


Ye Feng opened his eyes. The car leading the way stopped, and the cars behind him also stopped. The entrance of the hotel was similar to that in New York. It was also full of investors and reporters.

When a group of reporters saw Ye Feng arriving at the scene, they swarmed over with interview equipment.

When the Mercedes-Benz S600 stopped neatly like a long queue, all the bodyguards in the car got out of the car and stopped in front of the reporters. They were all tall and powerful, similar to the bodyguards in the movie plot, and walked in front of the reporters. Once blocked, it was as insurmountable as a human wall.

Pan Kun was in charge of driving, and after the car stopped, Feng Zheng, who was wearing a suit and tall and tall, got down from the passenger seat and came to Ye Feng's side to drive for Ye Feng. Although Feng Zheng had never gone to school.

His personality is completely different from that of ordinary people.

But when Feng Zheng put on his suit, with a serious smile and a tough face, he stood next to the camera. He suddenly felt an indescribable sense of nobility. When he opened the door, Ye Feng stepped out of the car.

The moment Ye Feng got out of the car, he was stopped by the bodyguards. The reporters who could not come over frantically took pictures of Ye Feng. There were also reporters who tried to stretch out their microphones through the gaps between the bodyguards and tried to interview Ye Feng. They were interviewed for 3 minutes.

Then the reporter's camera recorded that Ye Feng did not enter the hotel immediately, but waited for Wen Yueqi to get off the car like a gentleman at the door of the car. Everyone's cameras were focused on the car again, wanting to take pictures of Ye Feng like this Who are the business wizards waiting for?

Wen Yueqi in the car had no intention of getting out of the car. She smiled at Ye Feng outside the car and said: "There are too many reporters outside. It is not convenient for me to get out of the car and appear in front of the camera with you. You go in first. After the car is parked, I Go in with Pan Kun."

Ye Feng understood after hearing this.

Sister Qi's identity is relatively sensitive, and her photos have been exposed on the Internet. Many people know her. Now that her company's IPO road show is on, it is really inappropriate for her to appear in front of the media camera with him. After all, people in China also know that once Knowing the true identity of Sister Qi who is standing with him, he will definitely make up all kinds of gossip. Although he has done nothing wrong, the impact will not be good after all. "Okay, then I'll go in by myself."

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to Pan Kun who was driving: "Sister Qi will be left under your protection, please be careful."

"I know the boss."

Pan Kun, who was also dressed in formal clothes, nodded seriously.


Ye Feng hummed, then took a step back and helped Sister Qi close the car door. This disappointed many reporters who wanted to take pictures of who was sitting in the car with Ye Feng.

And when they wanted to take pictures of the passing car windows, they found that the windshield in the back seat had a particularly high-privacy film and a privacy curtain. They couldn't see clearly the people sitting inside, so they could only It can be vaguely judged from the figure that the person sitting in the car is a woman with long hair, wearing a suit, with her legs crossed, and she looks vaguely very aura.

Ye Feng watched the car leave, then turned around with Chen Huang, Zhou Yihang, Hou Yao, and the investment banker who came by Gulfstream plane. Surrounded by Feng Zheng and his bodyguards, he declined all reporters who wanted to interview, and then asked Walking inside the hotel, Ye Feng didn't show a cold face.

Because it was already 13:40, and there were still 20 minutes before the second leg of the road show started.

Seeing that they could not interview Ye Feng, the reporters had no choice but to wait for the next opportunity to interview people who came out of the venue, or to see if they could interview Ye Feng himself after the road show.

Entering the hotel.

The general manager of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Los Angeles had already greeted him. After a brief introduction, he led Ye Feng and his group to the meeting venue with a gentlemanly attitude.

After Ye Feng and his party entered the venue, the venue began to slowly let in investors. Although Los Angeles is now the second stop for Lanshan's IPO, its popularity with investors has not diminished at all.

More than 600 investors still came to the scene.

When they arrived at the venue, Wen Yueqi, who came up from the employee elevator, stayed backstage. Chen Huang, Zhou Yihang and others looked around with hidden excitement. Although they had experienced a very popular road show yesterday, they were still full of expectations. Just like those Investors who came to participate in the Lanshan IPO road show are full of expectations for the Lanshan IPO.

Ye Feng was confirming with the staff whether the company introduction video and slideshow function could be played normally. After checking everything, Ye Feng waited for investors to fully enter.

At 13:55, nearly 700 investors entered the venue. Since the venue this time was not as large as the banquet hall of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, two additional sub-venues were divided.

One main venue and two auxiliary venues.

14 o'clock exactly.

The road show started, and the introduction of Lanshan Company was shown on the big screen. Ye Feng, who was wearing a suit and standing upright, stood at the stage and looked at the investments in the venue who were watching the video introduction, and was ready to go on stage.

This will also be his first solo show on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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