Recast youth

Chapter 1747 Reports

Chapter 1747 Reports
At this stage of the road show, Ye Feng was completely relieved that he had never conducted a company listing road show before, because Lanshan Group had a good response among investors.

This also means that Lanshan Company's stocks do not need to be sold, and Ye Feng does not have to go to great lengths to promote them like some other company founders who sell their company's stocks in order to go public.

What follows is a personal question session for Yu Ye Feng.

There were nearly 900 investors present, and the banquet hall of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel could accommodate so many people. It would be unrealistic for other hotels to accommodate so many people in one hall, and there would be several venues.

In the venue, the seats are arranged in order of backwards, and a question can be asked every 5 seats.

After Yang Qingzhi stepped down, the staff immediately moved a stool to the stage. Ye Feng was not polite and sat down casually. People in the investment group also stood up and asked Ye Feng questions.

Soon, a white female reporter got the opportunity to ask questions. She stood up in the crowd and took the microphone to ask Ye Feng: "Mr. Ye, what is your original intention in founding Lanshan Group?"

Ye Feng was surprised. He didn't expect to ask such a simple question. He thought about it and gave a very practical answer: "The original intention is to make money."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, not only did the female reporter smile, but other investors present also showed knowing smiles. Indeed, some founders may talk about some great original intentions in front of interviews, but after all, who founded Isn't the company just for money?
"As far as I know, Lanshan's largest revenue currently comes from games, and game revenue even accounts for more than 60% of Lanshan's overall revenue. Mr. Ye, do you think an Internet company that mainly focuses on game revenue can go In the long run?”

The white female reporter asked again, and the questions became sharper.

This white female reporter was quite beautiful. Ye Feng looked at her and asked, "So what do you think is the most important thing about a company?"

The white female reporter was stunned for a moment, unable to understand the meaning of Ye Feng's question.


Ye Feng crossed his legs and said calmly: "The ultimate goal of any company is to make profits, so currently Lanshan's game revenue accounts for more than 60% of the company's overall revenue. I think there is no problem, and it does not mean that Lanshan Company cannot go far. In fact, the PPT presented by Mr. Yang Qingzhi just now also explained in detail the business categories Lanshan is currently doing. If you pay attention, you should notice that there are cultural content projects and social projects. This shows that Lanshan’s revenue methods are not single, and it has a complete ecological business circle, and I believe that Lanshan, with a complete ecological business circle, can go a long way smoothly.”

"Thank you."

The white female reporter digested it for a while, said thank you, and then sat down.

After the white female reporter sat down, other people soon stood up and asked Ye Feng questions. Ye Feng also answered questions one by one. There were many questions, such as why the third-party payment software Maple Leaf Payment is used as a separate equity framework. To distinguish it from Lanshan Group.

Another example is that when Ye Feng invested in fcaebook, the valuation of Lanshan Company was only US$10 billion. Why did Ye Feng dare to spend US$4 million to go to California to invest in fcaebook.

Or ask Ye Feng when he founded the Maple Leaf Fund, whether he has any next plans after acquiring Hilton Hotel Group, and whether he intends to transform from the Internet to the real industry.

The various questions are not limited to questions about the listing of Lanshan Company. It is obvious that the investors who asked questions are more interested in Ye Feng's investments in other areas.

Gradually, a phenomenon of chasing and blocking formed in the questions and answers. Compared with ordinary people, the psychological pressure is absolutely great, because these questioners are standing up to ask questions on behalf of investors.And what do investors care about?
Can your company help me make money?

How should you run the company, and all the other problems.

However, after experiencing the initial nervousness, Ye Feng had already calmed down and was able to answer all questions calmly. The question and answer session lasted for several hours.

Some of them also questioned the listing of Lanshan Company.

But more people choose to believe in Lanshan Company and Ye Feng, and express their willingness to subscribe for Lanshan Company's shares.

13 p.m. exactly.

The road show is officially over.

Ye Feng declined everyone's idea of ​​interviewing him. He, Yang Qingzhi, Wen Yueqi and others went directly back to the permanent presidential suite in Tower 101 from the backstage. There were too many people present today. Ye Feng knew that there were many people who wanted to interview him without going out. Once If you go out, you will definitely be chased and intercepted. Even if Feng Zheng and Pan Kun are here, you can't resist so many people, so it is the best choice to hide in your presidential suite and wait for the people outside to disperse before going out. That's great.

The facts were similar to what Ye Feng had guessed.

After the road show ended, at least dozens of reporters from different media from all over the world guarded every intersection around the hotel, wanting to interview Ye Feng, the legendary entrepreneur, but unfortunately, none of them were able to After blocking Ye Feng, he could only conduct interviews with some investors who came out of the venue.

"The scene was very lively... I have never seen so many people, everyone was queuing up... Ye Feng and Yang Qingzhi also came, looking very enthusiastic." A representative from a mutual fund in California, Country A, attended the Lanshan Group New York on the 12th. He told reporters after the road show.

"There is no road show that has received as much attention from reporters as Lanshan Group. So far, Lanshan Company has made history. It is just a pity that we were not able to interview Ye Feng himself." CNBC "waited" for Ye Feng at the garage door for a long time but failed. said TV reporter Kayla.

Warren Hickman, managing director of Hilley Capital Management, which manages a hedge fund, told reporters: “As investors, what we are most concerned about is the sustainable development of Lanshan Group and whether its so-called ecosystem can To maintain the advantage in the competition, I personally think that Lanshan Company’s listing will be very successful, and I am also very optimistic about the price.”

Of course, there are also investors who are cautious and skeptical about Alibaba. A hedge fund investor in New York who mainly invests in telecommunications, media and technology told Xinhua News Agency reporters that investors are also very concerned about Lanshan's corporate governance, longevity and other issues. At the same time, he They were skeptical about Lanshan's surge in profits in the fourth quarter of last year, and believed that Alibaba's valuation would be discounted. Finally, they said that their company would definitely not buy Lanshan's shares.

I don’t know if he was deliberately targeting it, but this hedge fund investor said this to a domestic reporter from Xinhua News Agency in New York.

However, at this moment, a Chinese man in his early 30s suddenly came over and said in a loud voice: "Anyone who doesn't buy Lanshan shares is a bad guy. Lanshan Group is better than Mr. Ye."

The Xinhua News Agency reporter couldn't laugh or cry, and then with a professional smile, he summed up the report in front of the camera: "This is the first stop of the Lanshan Group road show brought to you by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Li."

(End of this chapter)

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