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Chapter 1745 Chief Financial Officer

Chapter 1745 Chief Financial Officer

Maple Leaf Group is essentially an independent alternative asset management company, and its business includes asset management of private equity funds, real estate funds, funds of hedge funds, mezzanine funds, senior bond funds, private hedge funds and closed-end funds.

However, other alternative asset management companies are asset managers who operate customer assets in accordance with the methods, conditions, requirements and restrictions stipulated in the asset management contract, and provide customers with investment management services in securities, funds and other financial products.

But Maple Leaf Group is different.

The development of Maple Leaf Group relies on its own funds, and Maple Leaf Group currently has the limit of leveraging and acquiring Hilton Hotel Group with US$50 billion.

Maple Leaf Group's assets are US$50 billion.

The acquisition cost of Hilton Hotels Group is US$240 billion.

It can be said that Maple Leaf Group's acquisition of the Hilton Hotel was a completely illegal operation. Among them, Yang Qingzhi's qualifications and reputation on Wall Street played a very important role in this acquisition. If it were not for Yang Qingzhi, it can be said that It would be difficult for anyone to borrow 200 billion U.S. dollars from a bank to acquire a top hotel like Hilton Hotel Group, because banks are companies with strict risk control. Their purpose is to make profits, and while making profits, they will also Consider the risks.

What if Hilton Hotels goes bankrupt and you become insolvent?
Therefore, only Yang Qingzhi can do such a snake-like operation as acquiring Hilton Hotel Group.

But having said that, although Yang Qingzhi has been a myth on Wall Street and Europe in the past ten years, he is not a real god after all, so the limited funds of Maple Leaf Group still restrict him to a great extent, leaving him with only one investment talent. There is no way to cast it well.

It is also because of this that during this period, in addition to integrating Hilton Hotel Group's business with Chris Nassetta, the newly hired CEO of Hilton Hotel Group, Yang Qingzhi was also personally taking the lead in providing financial consulting services to Maple Leaf Group. Originally, this was Yang Qingzhi's boss at his peak. In our bank, when he was still managing five major assets on Wall Street and two of the world's largest hedge funds, I don't know how many investors wanted to pay huge commissions to ask Yang Qingzhi for advice.

In other words, after the Maple Leaf Group is short of funds, Yang Qingzhi, in addition to continuing to let the people below look for project investment, is completely using his personal ability and influence to make money for the company.

But this money is not that easy to make. If you want customers to trust you and obediently pay the company for financial consultation, at least you have to provide them with effective and feasible suggestions. This kind of effective and feasible financial consulting services is often It requires very solid basic analysis work to support it.

So Yang Qingzhi is indeed very busy.

Ye Feng also knew that Yang Qingzhi was very busy, but he had a way to get Yang Qingzhi to agree to come forward. Seeing that there were still a few minutes left before Yang Qingzhi took the stage, he said to Yang Qingzhi: "As long as you agree to be the chief financial officer of my company, I will continue to make money from Maple Leaf Fund." Injection."

Yang Qingzhi's expression changed: "How much capital injection?"

"A billion dollars."

Ye Feng spit out a number.

"$15 billion?"

Yang Qingzhi glanced at Ye Feng unexpectedly: "The money you raised from the company's listing this time, after paying taxes, may be less than 15 billion US dollars. Do you plan to invest it all in the Maple Leaf Fund?"

Yang Qingzhi was not only surprised, but also a little surprised. He knew that Lanshan Company’s shares for circulation in this listing were about 3800 million shares. Calculated based on the current price of US$45 per share, it would be able to cash out almost US$17 billion, and then pay taxes. Ye Feng didn't even get 15 billion US dollars. Now Ye Feng said that he would continue to inject 15 billion US dollars into Maple Leaf Fund. How could he not be surprised?It means that all the money Ye Feng cashed out from this listing was given to Maple Leaf Fund.

It can be said that Ye Feng is the most business talented and courageous person Yang Qingzhi has ever seen. He is extremely courageous, because at the beginning of the establishment of Maple Leaf Fund, Ye Feng’s funds were transferred from Obsidian Private Equity Fund. Now Ye Feng Company What does it mean to go public and cash out, and then transfer all the money from the cash out to Maple Leaf Fund?
This means that Ye Feng is a desperate gamble every time.

Even Yang Qingzhi, who had seen many big scenes, couldn't help but be frightened by Ye Feng's courage and gambling spirit. At the same time, he also felt that he was extremely trusted, and this trust was undoubtedly heavy.


Ye Feng glanced at the video introduction being played on the big screen on the stage and the nearly a thousand investors who came here to see it, and said: "In addition to the circulating stocks, I also transferred 1100 million shares to an acquaintance, and I kept US$3 million for myself. That’s enough, everything else will be transferred to the Maple Leaf Fund.”

With that said, Ye Feng turned to look at Yang Qingzhi and said, "Add the original remaining US$10 billion of Maple Leaf Fund, US$25 billion, it will be enough for you for two years, right?"


Yang Qingzhi pursed his lips. With US$25 billion, plus the income from the financial consulting business, plus 2 years, he would relist the integrated Hilton Hotel Group, gradually reduce his holdings, sell a part of the shares of Hilton Hotel Group, and buy it with his right hand. Income, sell with the left hand, and you can start the Maple Leaf Fund.

"What about the CFO of my company?" Ye Feng asked.

"OK, no problem."

Yang Qingzhi nodded and accepted the position.

And just after Yang Qingzhi took over as the CFO of Lanshan Company, Ye Feng felt relieved. Maybe when the company officially announced that Yang Qingzhi would join as the CFO of Lanshan Company, the company's stock would rise again. .

Soon, in the video introduction, the introduction of Lanshan Company was completed.

It was time for Yang Qingzhi to go on stage. He climbed up the stairs step by step and walked to the center of the stage. Finally, he stopped in front of the big screen. Just when Yang Qingzhi's figure stood in the center of the stage, many people below were originally pointing towards Lan. The investors who came from Shanshan Company's IPO couldn't help but get emotional below.

Yang Qingzhi.

It can be said that off the stage, there are few investors who do not recognize the PE king on the stage who has frequently appeared in the New York Daily News and the Economic News. He is just like Buffett. Even if you are not in finance, you must have heard of Buffett's reputation. Buffett is a great investor, and he knows about Buffett’s sky-high charity lunch. What’s more, all the people in the audience are investors engaged in financial investment. How could he not know Yang Qingzhi?

Yang Qingzhi stood calmly on the stage, confident, humble, and possessing the indescribable qualities of a leader and elite. He looked at the investors from all over the world and greeted the opening with a smile:
"It?seems?that?many?people?here?know?me. (There seem to be many people here who know me)"

(End of this chapter)

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