Recast youth

Chapter 1743 The Eve of the Roadshow

Chapter 1743 The Eve of the Roadshow
The next day.

May 5th is not an ordinary day for Ye Feng, nor is it an ordinary day for New York and even many domestic media, because today represents the official start of the Lanshan Company's IPO global roadshow.

There were a lot of media waiting at the door of the Waldorf-Astoria very early, waiting for Ye Feng to appear and the investors to appear.

Ye Feng, Chen Huang and others had gotten up early enough, but when they arrived at the door of the Waldorf-Astoria, they still found a lot of people gathered at the door of the Waldorf-Astoria, including the New York police. Maintain order.

When a group of reporters saw Ye Feng coming to the door of the hotel, they all raised their long- and short-tube cameras through the crowd and took photos of Ye Feng to record the moment. They also chased Ye Feng to interview him about the listing of Lanshan. It took a lot of effort to escape.

By 8:30 in the morning, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the hotel.

The road show officially started at 9:30 in the morning. Since there was still an hour left, Ye Feng did not go to the banquet hall that had been arranged. Instead, he stayed in the 101 "Permanent Presidential Suite" in his tower and stood under the curtains. I took a look outside and saw that there were a lot of people standing at the door. At first glance, I saw that the dark heads were all investors and media people in suits and ties.

Zhou Yihang, Hou Yao and others also took a look downstairs.

The formation is very large.

"Does this look like there are more than 500 people? It looks like there are almost a thousand people." Zhou Yihang took a look downstairs and couldn't help but said to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng nodded. In fact, he did not expect that there would be so many people. For this global roadshow, he hired a total of 20 investment banks and brokers, including representatives of underwriters, including Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, in addition, there is a Rothschild Bank, but the main job of Rothschild Bank is to coordinate communication between banks.

Some of them, Ye Feng assigned to a team headed by Wang Xin and Chen Xiao, went to Hong Kong.

Yesterday, Ye Feng communicated with David, the head of Rothschild Bank, on the phone. He said that for this road show in New York, there were about 500 people who came independently and invited by major investment banks. But currently, the number of people is obviously It has exceeded it, and it has exceeded it by a lot.

"There are so many more people than originally planned. Are you a little nervous?"

At this time, Wen Yueqi came to Ye Feng's side and asked with a smile. I have to say that the impact of Lanshan Company's listing in the United States was quite big, especially when Ye Feng was the founder of "Maple Leaf Group". After the Hilton Hotel Group's acquisition signing ceremony, more investors became interested in Lanshan Company.

And a large number of people also means a certain degree of pressure.

When Ye Feng heard Wen Yueqi's question, he turned around and nodded: "Well, I'm a little nervous. After all, I have to speak in front of so many people later. If something goes wrong, it will be a joke."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng smiled, with ambition in his eyes: "But I'm looking forward to it. The more investors come, the more optimistic they are about Lanshan Company."

"It's right to think so."

Wen Yueqi smiled and said: "It is always better to have a crowded city than a deserted house. Judging from the current situation, Lanshan Company's road show should be very successful this time. You will also be ranked No. 1 on the Forbes rich list in China. How about it? How do you feel about becoming the richest man? Are you excited?"

"Then there must be a little bit of vanity."

Ye Feng laughed. After getting the richest man, he might not have too many surprises, but before he got it, he still wanted to sit down. First, he wanted to be the richest man in the country.

Then there is Asia’s richest man.Finally, there is the richest man in the country.

Wealth itself is like a pyramid, climbing step by step, from the city to the country, to Asia, and then to the world, and this itself is also Ye Feng's goal.

Wen Yueqi wore a long black slim-fitting skirt today, which highlighted her figure. She paired it with a limited edition black bag. Matching her tallness and aura of a queen, she had an indescribable temperament. Originally, she was also very busy. Yes, but today was the first stop of Ye Feng's road show, so she put down all the work at hand and came with him.

Hearing this, she smiled and glanced sideways at Ye Feng, and said funnyly: "Do you still have vanity? Judging from your reaction, it seems that you are not excited at all."

"Then I can't just jump up and say I'm happy, can I?"

Ye Feng smiled, then covered his heart and said with a smile: "I keep it all in my heart, alas, there is nothing I can do about it. Who makes me a low-key person?"

Then Ye Feng checked the time. It was getting closer and closer to the start of the road show. Before Yang Qingzhi arrived at the scene, he made a phone call to Yang Qingzhi. After asking, he found out that Yang Qingzhi was called by a reporter from the New York Daily when he was downstairs. Stopped for interview.

Not long after, Ye Feng saw Yang Qingzhi going upstairs.

Yang Qingzhi is a person of action. After coming in, he first visited Ye Feng's permanent presidential suite, and then studied today's road show with Ye Feng and Wen Yueqi.

Chen Huang, Hou Yao, and Zhou Yihang were also making suggestions.

Not long after, David, the head of Rothschild Bank, also knocked on the door and walked in. He told Ye Feng that people from various banking departments had communicated and would attend the road show with Ye Feng later so that Ye Feng could make preparations.

At this time, the time for the road show was getting closer and closer, and Ye Feng also felt the urgency of time. Seeing David coming up, he and Yang Qingzhi took the prepared materials to the venue of the speech.

The backstage of the venue was filled with staff from major banks and several major underwriters, all of whom were busy. The staff in charge of the network were also debugging the video, because this roadshow promotion meeting started with a company introduction video. Then Yang Qingzhi came on stage to give a slide presentation and the road show speech introduced at the beginning.

Then came Ye Feng's speech on stage.

Each one is very detailed.

Everyone is looking forward to the official start of the roadshow promotion meeting. Not only people like Ye Feng and Chen Huang are looking forward to it, but the heads of underwriters such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch are also looking forward to it, because after Lanshan Company is listed, they can not only Earning generous commissions can also increase the influence of your company.


While Ye Feng and the others were waiting for the road show to begin, people began to be let into the lecture and banquet hall one after another at the main entrance of the Waldorf-Astoria.

many people.

In addition to media people from all over the world, there were more than 900 investors alone. A group of people lined up from the elevator door to the hotel lobby and outside the hotel.

This also shocked many fund managers who had seen the world. They did not expect that so many investors from all over the world would come to the first stop of Lanshan's New York road show.

(End of this chapter)

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