Recast youth

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728
When Chen Yiming heard Yang Yanhui say that Ye Feng could afford a lot of dowry now, his eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "He is not afraid that Kong Caocao, a hungry tiger that eats people without spitting out bones, will swallow him and his company. "

"Estimates are difficult."

Yang Yanhui splashed the cold water and said helplessly: "Kong Zhong has no son. No matter how cold-blooded he is, he should still value things like heirs. Otherwise, I wouldn't understand why he would beat you several times for Ye Feng and tell you not to act rashly." .”

Chen Yiming was silent.

After a while, Chen Yiming suddenly asked: "What do you think of me becoming the son-in-law of the traitor Kong Caocao?"

"Are you serious?"

Yang Yanhui couldn't help but glance at Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming said, "Guess."

"I don't care."

Yang Yanhui shrugged and said, "If you can catch up with Kong Jingke, this woman is also quite cold and has a nasty voice. I guess she doesn't like you. Even if she likes you, Ye Feng will probably have to come and steal the bride." , I will fight with you again when the time comes."

"I was just kidding."

Chen Yiming flicked the cigarette he was about to finish smoking with his fingers and flicked it into the sea below. He just said those words about becoming Kong Zhong's son-in-law out of irritation.

Then Chen Yiming said in a cold tone: "Kong Zhong has been doing the business of distributing interests underground for so many years, and it may not necessarily lead to good results. Maybe we will see the results next year when the election changes. At most, we have to wait a few years. If not, he will be Take it out and clean it up.”

Yang Yanhui shook his head: "You also said it, not necessarily. Although Kong Zhong has been distributing benefits, he has very little hands on it. People like him will not easily leave clues when doing things, and his identity is not obvious. , there is no point in liquidating him, and besides, there is no point in liquidating him next year, and there is no need to bring down anyone.”

Chen Yiming said: "Why is it meaningless? Killing chickens to scare monkeys is the same."

Yang Yanhui looked at Chen Yiming and said: "What you said doesn't count, and what I said doesn't count. That's a matter above. It's not something we should consider. What we have to do is make money quietly. Things like politics are far away." Yes, it’s a taboo.”

"I know, I just feel unhappy."

Chen Yiming said with a gloomy look in his eyes. His mind was full of the scene of Ye Feng asking him to die in the club, and the scene of Kong Zhong beating him a few years ago. If Kong Zhong hadn't been staring at him nonchalantly, how could he have given Ye Feng a favor? The chance to get to where you are today?
"Forget it, don't think about it, and don't have any contact with Ye Feng for the time being. In the matter between Wang Yitong and him, although we didn't show up, he has already confirmed that we are plotting against him behind his back."

Yang Yanhui laughed and said: "There is really no reason to say anything. Things can be blamed on us without evidence, and he actually got it right."

Chen Yiming lit another cigarette and said, "What about the subscription prospectus from the underwriters? In the past two days, underwriters such as Goldman Sachs should have released the subscription prospectus for Lanshan Company. It's so meaty. You can't do it. Spit it out?"

"Of course it's impossible to spit it out."

Yang Yanhui turned his back to the sea, turned to Chen Yiming and chuckled: "I should subscribe normally to the underwriter's prospectus, subscribe normally, and ask Li Zhenlai to help us do it. Let's go back to China first to avoid the limelight, lest Ye Feng see us. Think about something else. To be honest, when Lanshan Company went public, I really wanted to stay in the Nasdaq securities hall and watch the opening price trend of Lanshan. Now that something like this has happened, I can only Go back to China first, otherwise it would be unjust to die in New York for no reason."

Chen Yiming said: "Ye Feng doesn't dare."

"Don't tell me whether he dares to do it or not. It's also a troublesome thing for you to show up in public with a gun."

Yang Yanhui saw Feng Zheng's murderous eyes in his mind, and then said with lingering fear: "And that Feng Zheng really wants to kill us. I don't feel it at all. When I was stared at by him, I felt cold all over."

Chen Yiming was also full of fear of Feng Zheng, so he agreed to return to China, and then said awkwardly: "When I think that Lanshan Company's stock price will probably rise and become popular, I feel quite uncomfortable, damn it."

"Just think about it from a different perspective. Think of yourself as a leech that is nailing Lanshan Company to suck blood. The better Lanshan Company develops, the more blood we will suck." Here, Yang Yanhui looked at Chen Yiming and said: "After all, the stock price trend of Lanshan Company cannot be determined by whether we are happy or not, right? What we can decide is how much Lanshan stock we buy and how much cash we get from it. If you think about it again, If Ye Feng knew that he had worked so hard to help his most hated enemy make so much money, what would he be thinking, and how uncomfortable would he be? It would probably be as uncomfortable as eating a fly. "

Chen Yiming then smiled and scolded: "You are the fly."

"Okay, okay, I'm a fly and you're a bee, okay?"

Yang Yanhui smiled, walked towards the Bugatti Veyron, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

"it is good."

"I won't go back to Li Zhen's house."

"Where are you going if you don't go to Li Zhen's house?"

"It's not safe to stay at the Marriott Hotel for one night. It's not safe to go to Li Zhen's house. Ye Feng can blame Wang Yitong's affairs on us, and maybe he will associate Li Zhen with us, so from now on, try not to talk to Li Zhen." Let’s meet Li Zhen and ask Li Zhen to pick up the car at the Marriott Hotel tomorrow.”


The conversation between the two people gradually disappeared in the sea breeze after the Bugatti Veyron left.


Scoress Club.

Ye Feng picked up the pistol dropped by Chen Yiming, a Colt Mustang 380. Ye Feng had come into contact with this type of gun when he was at the shooting range. It was a miniaturized design based on the M1911 pistol, and was changed to fire a low-power 0.380-inch gun. A Browning short-loaded pocket pistol.

Although the power of the gun has been reduced, it is still very easy to kill someone within a few meters, and it is also easy to carry.

It was such a gun that had shrouded him and Hou Yao under the threat of death before. Without this gun, ten Chen Yiming would not be enough for Feng Zheng to kill.

A gun is an extremely dangerous thing.

But a good one too.

The danger is relative to others, but it is a very safe tool for oneself.

However, not everyone can play with this kind of contraband. Ye Feng played with the gun for a while, then ejected the magazine, took out the bullets one by one, then raised his head and looked at Chen Huang and asked: "I know that the United States can have There are many ways to own a gun, but can a gun be brought casually into public places?"


Chen Huang shook his head.

Ye Feng also knew that it was impossible, so Chen Yiming's holding of a gun in front of so many people just now must have violated the laws of the United States, so Ye Feng's first thought was to call the police.

After all, this is the United States, not China. Especially New York is a state with relatively strict gun laws. If the police are called, Chen Yiming will definitely be held accountable.

But soon, Ye Feng overturned this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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