Recast youth

Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724
"Okay, you can shoot me to death."

Ye Feng looked at Chen Yiming calmly.

Chen Yiming's eyes twitched and he stared at Ye Feng with squinted eyes: "You think I don't dare?"

"Dare you come and beat me to death."

Ye Feng is strong, calm and fearless in his heart. How can someone who has died once be afraid of death all the time?Moreover, death is something that passes in an instant, and your dignity is trampled on.

My dignity was trampled on, but I couldn't live with it in my heart for the rest of my life.

Why did you bow your head in the first place?

Why couldn't you be tougher in the first place?

These thoughts will be twisted and screamed deep in his heart for a lifetime. Even when he sees this person again, he will subconsciously want to hide and dare not speak loudly. Ye Feng does not want this day to happen.

So he would rather die than bow his head. He has already made so much money in his life and still bows his head to everyone, so what's the point of living? It would be better to die clean and happy.

Ye Feng took another step toward Chen Yiming: "I'm already standing in front of you. You can choose to shoot me to death, but I dare to die. I wonder if you dare to die?"

Don't know why.

Chen Yiming couldn't help but took half a step back, his face uncertain.

"Feng Zheng!"

At this moment, Ye Feng's voice rang again.

Feng Zheng raised his head.

"The moment he fired, could I cripple him?"

Then Ye Feng stared at Chen Yiming and said with a solemn tone: "Don't beat him to death, just cripple him. I want him to remember the process of his death after he dies."

Feng Zheng didn't say he could.

But he said a good thing.

And just when Feng Zheng uttered the word "good", his eyes suddenly became sharp, as sharp as a long, narrow, edged knife, ready to draw the knife and hurt someone at any time.

The tip of the knife was pointed directly at Chen Yiming.

At this moment, Chen Yiming only felt that he did not feel safe even among thousands of troops. One moment he stared at Ye Feng, and the other moment he stared at Feng Zheng who was like a tiger.

Breathing heavily.

The eyes are ferocious.

His ferocious eyes were like two candle flames beating constantly, and the hand holding the gun was even more sweaty and trembling. He immediately shot Hou Yao to death, and then shot Feng Zheng to death.

Do not!
You may not be able to beat this pervert to death, but shoot Ye Feng first.

If you want to die, hold him on your back first!
These extreme thoughts kept beating in Chen Yiming's mind.

Chen Yiming put his finger on the trigger, and there was a slight sign of pulling the trigger. The moment Hou Yao was pressed against the gun, he kept staring at Chen Yiming's finger pulling the trigger. Seeing this scene, his heart almost jumped out of fear.

Brother Feng is a ruthless person.

Chen Yiming is also a fucking ruthless person.

But I am not.

Hou Yao immediately said with a cold sweat: "Chen Yiming, you have to think clearly, even if you beat me to death, you won't survive. Feng Zheng will not let you go. How can you escape from his hands? Why don't we talk about it again?" "

"Let's compare your numbers."

Chen Yiming cursed, then stabilized his hand holding the gun, and pressed it hard against Hou Yao's head, as if he wanted to just poke it in, with a ferocious look in his eyes: "If you want to blame, blame Ye Feng, but don't worry, After you die, he will go down and stay with you.”

"Chen Yiming!"

Chen Huang shouted anxiously! "Yiming, calm down."

When Yang Yanhui saw this, he quickly called Chen Yiming. He saw Feng Zheng's actions, his body was like a gun and an arrow. He knew that if Chen Yiming fired, neither Chen Yiming nor Yang Yanhui would be able to escape.

Maybe both of them will die here.

The situation suddenly became extremely bad.

Yang Yanhui, who originally planned to watch the show, had to stand up and persuade Chen Yiming to calm down and not to go to extremes impulsively. If a shot was fired, the situation would be irreversible.

"Brother Hui, it's not that I'm not calm."

Chen Yiming turned his head and glanced at Yang Yanhui with an ugly expression on his face. Then he stared at Ye Feng and said, "It's because this person doesn't want me to calm down and doesn't give me a way out. He insists on fighting with me here."

"Ye Feng, can't we each give way?"

Yang Yanhui immediately looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng frowned and stared at Chen Yiming and said, "I don't want to do that."

Yang Yanhui was anxious: "Do you really want to die together? Your company is now listed, and your net worth is at least more than 1000 billion. These can be cashed out, real money. Do you want to go to such an extreme? Is there anything you can't sit down on? Let’s talk about it, even if you don’t think about yourself, you don’t think about your family either? If you die, there will be nothing left.”

Yang Yanhui was really anxious.

He didn't expect Ye Feng to be so strong in his bones.

But what he didn't know was that Ye Feng was not strong at heart, but that he was disgusted with this feeling of compromising again and again, so that until now, he didn't want to give in.

I don’t want to take a step back.

I just want Feng Zheng to take this opportunity to kill Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui here, so that they will never be able to use their family background to scheme against others in the future.

"I'm not the only one who has lost everything."

Ye Feng finally glanced at Yang Yanhui, with calmness, but also with disgust: "Besides, aren't you and Chen Yiming still with me? The money you earn through dirty means is not necessarily as good as mine. few."

Yang Yanhui felt a chill in his heart.

Chen Yiming sneered ferociously: "You see, it's not that I don't want to give him a way to live, it's that he doesn't want to give me a way to live. If I hadn't brought a gun today, I might have fallen into the hands of this bitch."

"Stop talking!"

Yang Yanhui shouted angrily, and now Chen Yiming was still stimulating Ye Feng.

Chen Huang also didn't want anything to happen to Ye Feng. Whether it was Ye Feng or Chen Yiming, if anything happened to either of them in New York, it would be a big earthquake if it spread to the country.

"Ye Feng, forget it, everyone takes a step back."

Chen Huang also persuaded Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't answer but asked: "If I die, can you protect my family?"


Chen Huang first said yes, but then he was absolutely wrong. He immediately said to Ye Feng: "Why do you need me to protect you? Can't you protect yourself? In fact, you can each make concessions. There is no need to walk to the edge of the cliff. The road is dead."

"Yes, we can talk about anything. If you are not satisfied with us, we can apologize to you." Yang Yanhui followed suit. As long as Ye Feng was willing to give in, he would turn around and take Chen Yiming away, and never appear in Ye Feng's house again. before.

Ye Feng shook his head. People like Chen Yiming have a very tough background. Even if he has reached the height he is today, he is still worried about Chen Yiming. After all, he is in the open and Chen Yiming is in the dark.

Just like what happened to Wang Yitong.

What if Chen Yiming hides behind his back again and finds someone like Wang Yitong to plot against him? Can he guard against it?Can you guard against it for a while? Can you guard against it for a lifetime?

Ye Feng still understands that the people do not fight against the officials, and he does not want to leave any hidden dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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