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Chapter 1706 There Are Always Regrets in Life

Chapter 1706 There Are Always Regrets in Life
Ye Feng was silent.

Indeed, it was true that there was a deal between him and Gao Xuan at the beginning. He gave money and Gao Xuan helped Jiang Ming complete the design. But as Gao Xuan said, when things really come to an end, who will think about it? What's the cause?

After coming back to his senses, Ye Feng took his cell phone and said, "You hated me at that time, right? Did you blame me for pushing you into the fire pit?"

Gao Xuan said calmly: "No, I didn't hate it at the time. I don't have the habit of putting the consequences of my choices on others. I just did it. If I can't pass the test in my heart, I will bear it on my own. I have no choice but to choose it myself." Who can you blame? No matter who you tell me, you won't get comfort, but a strange look in your eyes and a sentence of "blame yourself."

Ye Feng felt that what Gao Xuan said was too extreme, so he said, "Not everyone may think so. If you are so beautiful, you will definitely meet someone who really cares about you."

"Do you think anyone would really care about me?"

Gao Xuan asked back, and then asked again: "If I use my body to trick others and call the police for 100 million, will the people who care about me still be sincere?"

Ye Feng didn't know what to say, because as a man of two generations, he knew that what Gao Xuan said was true. People all have mental mysophobia, especially as far as men are concerned, he can sleep with countless women.

But when it comes to his own woman, he becomes furious.

"So, people are very realistic."

Gao Xuan, who was on the other end of the phone, felt tired and leaned on the bedside, and said calmly: "I am actually quite boring. Many things have to be seen clearly and realistically. There is no way, I can't deceive myself. There is no way I can be confused, because from the way those men look at me, I can tell what they want to do to me. Why am I the top salesperson in the Shanghai stock market? I am better than Jiang Ming in my business. Am I strong? No, it’s because I’m a woman, a fairly attractive woman, that’s all.”

Ye Feng disagreed and said: "There are many people who are more beautiful than you, but they may not be able to do better than you in sales."

"But those who are prettier than me are not as good as me, and those who are better than me are not as beautiful as me. Of course, there are also those who are prettier than me, and have better figures than me, but those are basically either rich girls, or they are other people's mistresses. As for I haven't been so lucky to catch a golden turtle son-in-law, but Li Jia was lucky enough to meet you, a potential stock, in college, but she didn't seize the opportunity."

At this point, Gao Xuan seemed to have put herself into Li Jia's perspective and said viciously: "If it were me, I would never leave Dongzhou, and would even try my best to get pregnant, with the excuse that taking birth control pills would be fine. It doesn't matter if I have Zhang Lan, as long as I'm pregnant and I don't give up my position, break up, or get divorced, she won't be able to take over. After all, she can't be a mistress all her life, right?"

Ye Feng had a headache: "As for Sister Xuan, I'm not as good as you think. In fact, I'm no different from the men you met before."

Hearing this, Gao Xuan suddenly asked slyly: "So, you have had sex with other women before, not just once?"

Ye Feng said: "Want to hear the truth?"

"I really want to hear it!" Gao Xuan said the word "very" very hard.

"You can't hear the truth. If you really want to hear it, you just don't have it."

"True or not, I don't feel too tired. I'm tired for you."

Gao Xuan was disappointed not to hear, and then asked: "By the way, are you related to the woman named Wen? There must be something abnormal between you two. When I left, I could feel that she was not You want me to stay in New York, but that's normal. If you really have a relationship with her, I'm just a mistress in her eyes. How could she like me? But you have to be careful, she is too strong and has a powerful background. It's not necessarily a good thing for a woman to be strong and a man to be weak. Even if she bullies you, do you dare to hit her?"

After saying that, Gao Xuan said to herself: "But yes, women like capable men. You should be able to suppress her. Alas, I feel uncomfortable when I say it, just like knocking over the five-flavor bottle. .”

Gao Xuan sighed again.

Ye Feng had an even worse headache.

Gao Xuan, this woman, is really too smart and can relate so much that she couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever had as many problems as you do now?"


Gao Xuan chuckled: "I treat this phone call as the last one with you, so naturally I have to talk more. Also, you don't know the look on your face when I first met you in Dongzhou. It was so scary, as if it was going to eat me, and it almost scared me so much that I ran back to Shanghai." Ye Feng said angrily: "Then why don't you go back?"

"If you don't want to give in, I'm here."

Gao Xuan said casually, then sighed and said: "But there is a saying that makes sense. If you want someone to remember you, you either make her fall in love with you, or make her hate you. When you were so cruel to me, I really hated you. I was wondering why you were so ruthless, as cold-blooded as if you were not a man. But it turned out well, and I will remember you like this. Slowly, again I fell in love with you. You really can’t blame me. Who told you to be cruel to me? It makes me have nightmares about you when I go home. Do you think you are going too far? It’s okay to be cruel to me when you are normal. You are the only one in my dreams. You want to bully me, but you still sit there without anything, as if you are sitting there, staring at me with cannibalistic eyes, it is so demeaning..."


Then Ye Feng rarely spoke, mostly listening to Gao Xuan complaining about how cruel he was and how bad he was to her. Sometimes when he heard Gao Xuan's aggrieved tone on the phone, Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

Gao Xuan's nightmares were all about herself.

Was he really that cruel to her back then?
It seems there is.

After coming back to his senses, Ye Feng said in a funny voice: "Well, I am here to say sorry to you. You, a tall and beautiful lady, have a lot of things, so don't take it to heart."

"I've already remembered it!"

Gao Xuan said fiercely, then looked at the time and said, "It's already two o'clock in the night. Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore. You should go to bed early. No matter how long we talk, the phone will always hang up. I'm afraid if we keep talking, I'll run back to New York."

"Then you go to bed earlier."

Ye Feng was really afraid that Gao Xuan would come to New York.


Gao Xuan was so angry that she wanted to curse, but when the words came to her lips, her voice softened and she said, "Then I'm going to bed. You should also go to bed early and take care of yourself."

"Well, the same goes for you."

Before hanging up the phone, Ye Feng suddenly told Gao Xuan: "By the way, try to keep Lanshan's stocks in your hands as long as possible and don't throw them away."

"Then what should I pay you back?" Gao Xuan asked. She held 375 million shares of Lanshan with a condition, that is, she had to buy them at US$40 per share. Currently, she still owed Ye Feng a lot of money.

"No, isn't this what you've always wanted? Go to bed early."

Ye Feng hung up the phone.


In a hotel room with bullfighting artwork hanging on the bedside, Gao Xuan stared blankly at the hung up cell phone, then slowly put her legs away and hugged her knees together with the cell phone.

The long black hair poured out like ink.

Revealing a beautiful face full of sadness and regret.

There was one more thing she didn't have time to ask Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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