Recast youth

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

It's show time in the evening.

The vice president of the student union is watching the rehearsals of the performers intensively. Ye Feng, who is the semi-finale, has appeared once, but rarely appears. It's already the day of the performance and he hasn't appeared yet. Can Li Qiuming not get angry?

So he could only let Shen Yu keep an eye on Ye Feng.

As soon as he arrived at school, Shen Yu was about to take Ye Feng to the rehearsal hall to meet with Li Qiu Ming, but Li Jia called again. Ye Feng heard that something was wrong with Li Jia's tone, so he had to ask Shen Yu to go to Li Qiu Ming first. Staring, he went to Li Jia to report first.

The location is the pavilion at the artificial lake.

In addition to Li Jia, there was also Wang Na, who was crying. Ye Feng knew what was going on instantly, and scolded Wang Hao for the bastard in his heart. It must be that Wang Na and Wang Hao, the two-king duo, were having trouble. I ran to Li Jia to complain.

Li Jia and Wang Na are roommates. Can Li Jia not defend her?

As soon as Ye Feng came over, Li Jia asked: "What do you mean by your roommate Wang Hao? How can such a person pick up his pants and refuse to admit his fault after playing?"

"What's going on?" Ye Feng only heard Lin Rui talk about the quarrel between the Wang Zha duo on the phone. The specifics are not yet known, but Wang Na was with Wang Hao at the table where he was entertaining guests. , he really couldn't ignore it at all.

Wang Na wiped her tears: "Li Jia, please leave me alone. This matter has nothing to do with Ye Feng."

"No, it's none of his business why he's in the dormitory. He also brought people there when we were eating." Li Jia said angrily: "Your Wang Hao found a rich girlfriend, so he took Wang Hao there. Wang Na dumped her, do you think he is very heartless? Wang Na was so kind to him. Seeing that his family conditions were not good, he had no money, and he was reluctant to use his own money, so he used all his own money, but he actually treated Wang Na like this. "

"Is this happening? Is there any misunderstanding?"

Ye Feng frowned. In his impression, Wang Hao was not this kind of person.

Li Jia said: "If this is the case, why don't you go back and ask him? Just listen to what he has to say."


Before Ye Feng went to Wang Hao, he first went to Lin Rui. Lin Rui was sitting in the crowd and continued to listen to the speeches of the school leaders and guests. Then he was pulled out of the group by Ye Feng, who had an ugly face.

Ye Feng asked Lin Rui if he knew what was going on with Wang Hao and Wang Hao.

Lin Rui said he was not sure, and then said that he told Ye Feng that Wang Hao bought a new mobile phone from Motorola, which cost several thousand yuan less.

Wang Hao had no money. He transferred 500 yuan from his summer job back to his hometown. It was impossible for him to afford a mobile phone. In other words, what Li Jia said might be true. Wang Hao really became a Phoenix man and found a man. The rich girlfriend broke up with Wang Na.

Ye Feng was a little angry.

He didn't mind that Wang Hao found a rich girlfriend, but he did mind that Wang Hao played with Wang Na's feelings and then threw them away. The rabbit didn't eat the grass on the edge of the nest, and Li Jia was not good either. Account.

"Do you have a mouse number?" Ye Feng asked Lin Rui.

Lin Rui: "He had a mobile phone but didn't tell me his number, so I didn't rush up to ask."

Ye Feng nodded. Lin Rui also had a rebellious character. It was impossible for him to take the initiative to ask Wang Hao for his number. He could only wait until Wang Hao returned to the dormitory.

Then Ye Feng went to the performance practice room.

Li Qiuming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Feng coming. He had heard the song that Ye Feng was going to perform. It had become extremely popular in the past few months and was still ranked in the top five on major music websites.

Li Qiuming asked Ye Feng to go up and practice.

Ye Feng sang "Scoundrel" once in front of Li Qiuming, but that time it was a cappella. This time Ye Feng took a guitar and played and sang by himself, attracting people from other performances in the practice room.

Everyone said that Ye Feng's imitation was very similar to the original singer's voice. Shen Yu secretly said to the side, how did you know that the person standing in front of you is the original singer of "Scoundrel"?


The school anniversary party independently organized by the student union has begun. The hosts are a man and a woman from the Broadcasting Department. In previous years, they basically hosted the event. They cooperated very well with each other.

Since no school leaders attended, the party was very popular, with the school band and everyone's goddesses showing off their singing voices.

Ye Feng's performance time was in the second half. During this period, he had been looking for Wang Hao, but Wang Hao seemed to be missing. He couldn't be found at all. In addition, Ye Feng's appearance time was coming soon, so Ye Feng had no choice but to play.

A song called "Scoundrel".

Ye Feng was already emotionally invested in singing this song, and since he was the original singer, the original singer meant that it makes sense no matter how you sing it. Besides, when Ye Feng recorded this song, he already had Ronald Cheng's version in his mind. As a basis, he kept revising it until it was almost ready, then released it, so there would be no flaws when singing it.

Ye Feng's amazing song made him an instant celebrity, and many girls immediately became Ye Feng's fans.

Li Man and Meng Yun also saw Ye Feng singing in the crowd. Meng Yun touched Li Man and said, "You two are so destined. You just happened to line up together. You are next."

Li Man did not express her position and began to take the stage. Since the last conversation with Ye Feng, she had never looked for Ye Feng again. She did not expect that the two met again because of the school anniversary.

After Ye Feng finished singing, he planned to take off the guitar and return it to Li Qiuming, vice president of the student union.But he couldn't make it, and was kept by the female host, who asked him to wait. Then he saw Li Man walking up in a white dress in ancient costume. Ye Feng was a little stunned.

Is it such a coincidence?
However, if it were anyone else, they might say that they were really destined, but Ye Feng would only say that it was a bad fate...

Li Jia is down there. Although Li Jia is angry about Wang Hao and Wang Na, but Ye Feng is on stage to perform, how could she not come to watch?When he was singing just now, he saw Li Jia and Wang Na standing under the stage watching him sing and waving to him.

Li Man looked calm and had a clean temperament.

Yes, Li Man is such a person. No matter whether she cares or not, she can always handle her various emotions well. She will not be sloppy, clean and free and easy.

The song "Reserved" by Faye Wong.

Li Man sang very softly, just like a woman confessing softly in front of you. Coupled with her impeccable appearance, it was naturally another climax since Ye Feng.

"I seemed to see Faye Wong singing in front of me, it was so beautiful."

After the singing ended, the female host walked to the stage and asked the crowd of Dongcheng University students in the audience. She smiled and asked loudly: "Dear male students, how did our beauty Li Man sing?"

"Good singing."

"No worse than Faye Wong."

"My Goddess!!"


There are all kinds of shouts.

Not to be outdone, the male host walked to the stage and asked: "What about our female classmates, do you love the "Scoundrel" sung by our Ye Feng?"

"Love it!" A voice sounded like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The male host asked again: "Do you also love scoundrels?"

"Love!!!" the girls cheered.

The hostess answered the call, pointed the microphone towards the audience, and asked loudly: "Do you want them to sing a song together?"


The atmosphere reached its peak.

It goes without saying that Ye Feng is not bad looking, and Li Man is naturally good-looking. The two were lovers before, and when they stand together, they look like a painting, especially when Li Man is wearing ancient clothes, with fluttering white clothes and full of fairy spirit.

Ye Feng was undressed and dressed casually, but it also coincided with the image of "Scoundrel" he just sang.

A fairy, a scoundrel.

Just like the lyrics in "Scoundrel": Why do you still like me, a scoundrel like me?

Ye Feng did not respond first, but looked at Li Jia's position in the audience. Li Jia made a mouth shape to Ye Feng in the crowd. The mouth shape was "sing". Ye Feng understood what Li Jia expressed, so Had to sing.

"What are you singing?" Ye Feng looked at Li Man.

Li Man said calmly: "Come back."

"it is good."

Ye Feng nodded. He knew that Li Man sang well. In fact, his grasp of the pitch of songs was largely influenced by Li Man. Li Man liked the feeling of someone humming a song softly.

The ending theme of The Legend of the Condor Heroes is "Return".

A familiar song is also the one that resonates most with everyone. How could there not be some crazy men and women in Dongcheng University?
Li Man, who was wearing a white ancient costume, casually walked to the center of the stage with a microphone. Li Ruotong, who seemed to be indifferent to fireworks, walked out of the ancient tomb. He opened his voice softly and sang slowly: This time I really decided to leave.
Stay away from the sorrows that have been unknown for a long time
I want you to forget your worries and forget your caring
Let go of all the troubles and be free

Ye Feng: That time you left inadvertently
become my constant sorrow for a long time
So indifferent to the prosperity can no longer be happy
So I stayed lonely and couldn't return
Together: ah... the afterglow of the ups and downs is up to you to pick

Ah... Keep Setsuna open for you forever
In the end, Li Man did not face the stage, but looked at Ye Feng, with a beautiful face, clear eyes, an indescribably beautiful voice, and the sadness of parting before graduating from senior year, as if saying goodbye to the past.

: This time I really decided to leave
Stay away from the sorrows that have been unknown for a long time
I want you to forget your sadness and care.


At the end of the song, Li Man stepped off the stage in her white skirt, and disappeared with Meng Yun into the noisy crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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