Recast youth

Chapter 1696 The truth is precious

Chapter 1696 The truth is precious
Ye Feng couldn't sleep for long.

Almost as soon as they fell asleep, Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao ran over and knocked on the door. Ye Feng looked at the two people who came in speechlessly and said, "Are you all getting up so early now? I don't even recognize you."

"I can only say that Brother Feng, you don't know me well enough."

Hou Yao chuckled, and then ran to the window sill of Ye Feng's room without saying a word to look at the scenery outside the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, which perfectly made up for the lack of height in Wen Yueqi's residence.

Not far away is the famous Fifth Avenue.

Block 49, directly below, is different from other hotels in the country. The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel occupies a very large area, and the presidential suite is also very luxurious.

In other hotels, presidential suite is just a noun.

The presidential suite at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is really the suite where the president has stayed, or it is the suite where the Queen of England or the King of Switzerland have stayed.

Hou Yao looked at the street for a while, then returned to the living room, put his hands on the back of the American sofa, and said excitedly to Ye Feng: "I called China last night to ask, let me tell you, you know Li Hongzhang, right? He Stayed in this hotel.”

"Li Hongzhang?"

Ye Feng couldn't remember who this was for a while.

Hou Yao saw that Ye Feng didn't even know who Li Hongzhang was, and he immediately began to spread knowledge proudly: "Brother Feng, your history is so meaningless. You don't even know Li Hongzhang? The famous statesman and diplomat of the late Qing Dynasty, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Do you know? It was Li Hongzhang who suppressed the Beiyang Navy. He also built the Beiyang Navy. On August 1896, 8, Li Hongzhang, an important minister of the late Qing Dynasty, arrived in New York to begin his visit to the United States. At that time, Li Hongzhang lived in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, which had just opened. He became the first Chinese dignitary to stay at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The book "The Story of the Waldorf Astoria" published in 28 called Li Hongzhang the first "star" guest to stay at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and arouse public frenzy. With the arrival of Li Hongzhang, US President Cleveland, who was on vacation at the seaside, rushed to New York to meet with Li Hongzhang. The flag of the Qing Dynasty was hung everywhere in New York Harbor, salutes roared, and the streets were empty. Li Hongzhang received "unprecedented courtesy", and the tall Li Hongzhang also changed. At that time, people in country A had a wretched and negative image of Chinese people. Are they awesome or not?"

Zhou Yihang, who was on the side, couldn't help but smile and said: "He learned all these after asking about them. He is now learning and selling them."

"Who am I talking about Li Hongzhang? He is a figure from the late Qing Dynasty."

Ye Feng was a little speechless. How could he not have heard of Li Hongzhang, Zeng Guofan and others? What he didn't expect was that Li Hongzhang had also stayed at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

However, Ye Feng had heard too many legendary stories about the Waldorf Astoria Hotel yesterday, and he was immune to the big names who had stayed there. He glanced at the two of them and asked, "Are you two alone? Where is Chen Huang?" ?”

"He's still sleeping," Zhou Yihang said.

"Then you don't go to bed early in the morning and come here to disturb me. Just keep sleeping."

Ye Feng complained speechlessly: "I'm so damn sleepy."

"That's not why we want to see your suite."

"Aren't you staying in the presidential suite?"

"That's different."

Hou Yao rubbed his palm against the back of the sofa under his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, this is your permanent residence. You have a strong character. Ours is a bit boring compared to you. If you go back to China, turn your thumb upside down and point to the west." Come on, in the most famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel in far away New York, we have a presidential suite in the tower for permanent residence. Isn’t it more respectable?” Ye Feng said helplessly: “Do I still have to be like you? Did you just popularize Li Hongzhang’s story of staying in a hotel?”

"It must be popularized."

Hou Yao sat in front of Ye Feng from behind the sofa and said vividly: "If this is not popular, how can we show the excellence of this hotel and the excellence of Brother Feng?"


Ye Feng glanced at Hou Yao with a bad expression. He always felt that this guy was swearing. However, after knowing him for so many years, Ye Feng understood Hou Yao's character. To put it mildly, he had a lively personality.

To put it harshly, he was like a maggot. He didn't know why he was so full of energy, which meant that Zhou Yihang could be with him without feeling noisy.

So Ye Feng didn't bother to care about the two of them. He leaned lazily on the sofa and asked the two of them if they wanted breakfast. Then he called room service and asked the restaurant to send some breakfast. This is also the advantage of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 24 hours a day. Business, as for Ye Feng's presidential suite, there is a dedicated person to serve it, but unlike other people's "permanent residence", Ye Feng's "permanent residence" not only costs free to live in, but also free to consume.


When I heard the doorbell, the waiter came over with a dining cart. There were 6 steaks Wellington and some other Western pastries. Each pastry was beautifully arranged.

Zhou Yihang cut a small piece of Wellington steak with a knife and put it in his mouth, and said, "I saw the price list last night. This dish is more expensive than Chen Huang's restaurant."

Hou Yao didn't use a knife and fork, but held it with his hands. While nibbling, he said: "I guess this dish is expensive because of the decoration. Anyway, both stores are black shops. If it costs money, I won't go to either of them." "

"It's expensive for a reason."

Ye Feng calmly cut it off with a knife, then put it into his mouth with a fork. He glanced at Hou Yao and said, "What do people want to make money for? Isn't it just for enjoyment and face? You have a presidential suite somewhere else for you." Eating inside?"

"That's true."

Hou Yao thought about it and thought it made sense.

A few people were eating and chatting. When it was almost 8 o'clock, Chen Huang, Wang Xin, Gao Xuan and Chen Xiao also got up. They all came to Ye Feng's suite and saw the plates on the table. , they didn’t even go to the restaurant downstairs. Instead, they ordered room service in Ye Feng’s room, and each of them chose their favorite dishes and had them delivered.

Ye Feng's presidential suite itself is very large. In addition to the master bedroom, the second bedroom, and the living room, there is also a dedicated restaurant and wine room. The decoration in the entire suite is not only luxurious, but also luxurious.

After dinner.

The few people had nothing to do and discussed playing poker to pass the time, because after the Hilton Hotel acquisition, all Ye Feng had to do was wait for feedback from top investment banks such as Goldman Sachs on the listing price.

Ye Feng sat at the table and played cards with Wang Xin and the others at first, but later he had no way to continue playing, so he had to change people. The phone calls kept coming one after another, saying that he had seen in the news about his acquisition of the Hilton Hotel. , Now those who can get through Ye Feng's phone are basically acquaintances, so Ye Feng also talks to them about the situation on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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