Recast youth

Chapter 1693

Chapter 1693

What does "out of the circle" mean?
It means that he jumped out of his original circle and became known to more people. This is what Ye Feng is now. His name is almost unknown to everyone in the country.

In the past, many women were fans of some celebrities. Ever since Ye Feng became a celebrity in China, produced movies, and wrote scripts, Ye Feng can almost be said to have the most female fans in the country.

There is even a fan support club for Ye Feng on Weibo.

the reason is simple.

Because in addition to being rich and young, Ye Feng also comes across as modest, gentle and handsome, and in addition to being a movie star, he is talented.

But vulgar things like money will become less vulgar after being covered by talent. Almost most women online like Ye Feng because they like Ye Feng's appearance and talent.

No one said they liked Ye Feng because they liked Ye Feng's money.

Once someone asks a female fan, do you like Ye Feng's money, they will definitely be scolded. I'm not as vulgar as you, who likes money. I like the handsomeness, character, and... Do you understand his talent?Can you write the script for "The Man on the Road"?If you can't write it, just shut up. You are just jealous of other people's talents and abilities, you dirty sewer rat...

Now that there are overwhelming reports on the Internet that Ye Feng acquired Hilton Hotels for US$240 billion, Ye Feng has more fans, and they are not limited to women.

There are also a lot of male fans.

After the Hilton Hotel report came out on Weibo, almost all of them were filled with the word "Niubi". After a month, Weibo headlines were once again dominated by Ye Feng's name as a hot search topic.


Yanjing Environmental Protection Bureau.

Wang Hao's unit has newspapers delivered to the office every morning. Wang Hao also saw the news about Maple Leaf Group's acquisition of Hilton Hotels in the newspaper. He also saw the news about Ye Feng and Hilton Hotel Group's board of directors co-founder and CEO Stephen Bo. Photo of Lenbach shaking hands.

Four years of college till now.

Wang Hao was extremely familiar with Ye Feng's appearance.

After seeing the amount of the reported purchase price, Wang Hao almost stared out of his eyes. 240 billion U.S. dollars, how much is this? 1200 billion. Didn’t Lao San go public in Country A? Why is he involved in the acquisition of Hilton Hotels?

I am grass.

Really awesome!

Wang Hao immediately excitedly checked the news on the Internet about Maple Leaf Group's acquisition of Hilton Hotels for US$240 billion. The first reports on Baidu were reports from Xinhua News Agency and Global Online.

Then I also saw speculation about Ye Feng’s net worth.

On Weibo, almost everyone was massacred because Ye Feng was the greatest young entrepreneur in the country. He was so awesome that he brought glory to the country. He not only acquired 40% of the shares of fcaebook, but also privatized the Hilton Group.Many people even said excitedly on the Internet that they would go to Yanjing and Shanghai Hilton hotels to check in and support Ye Feng in action. After all, this will be a hotel for us Chinese from now on.

After reading these reports, Wang Hao immediately called Li Bing with excitement and asked him if he had seen the news about Laosan's acquisition of the Hilton Hotel.

Li Bing said he saw it.

In fact, although Li Bing is calmer than others of his age, he is also a very proud person at heart. He has been paying attention to Ye Feng's news and knows that Ye Feng is more powerful, but he still did not expect that Ye Feng actually has a private equity fund overseas. Moreover, the acquisition transaction amount actually reached US$240 billion, which is simply unimaginable.

Wang Hao sighed on the phone: "Now the third child is doing great. Our salary is several thousand yuan, but someone bought a hotel and paid more than 200 billion US dollars. This is more than 1000 billion yuan when converted into RMB. It's too exaggerated. Alas, there is no comparison between people."

Li Bing said with a smile: "Everyone has different circumstances. It's useless for you to envy them here. It's better to put your heart into the work, do some practical things, contribute to the environmental protection department, and contribute your own share."

"Okay, my soldier brother, please stop taking political education classes with me. My political consciousness is still slowly improving and has never stopped. It's just that the speed is slower than yours."

Wang Hao felt a headache when he saw Li Bing talking about these truths, and said: "I'll hang up now. Wait until the third child comes back from the United States and see if he has time to come to Yanjing to get together. We haven't gotten together in the dormitory for a long time." ”

hang up the phone.

The phone on Wang Hao's desk rang.

It was a call from the director, asking Wang Hao to go to his office. After answering the phone, Wang Hao immediately came to the director's office and knocked on the door. Soon the director's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Wang Hao pushed the door open and entered, feeling a little unsure. He didn't understand what the director suddenly wanted to do with him.

When the director saw Wang Hao come in, he smiled and asked Wang Hao to sit down. Then he looked at the resume on hand and asked casually: "Wang Hao, you have been with the Environmental Protection Bureau for three years, right?"

"Yes, King Bureau."

Wang Hao sat upright.

"Well, it won't be long before we get here."

Wang Ju nodded, then looked up at Wang Hao: "Are you a graduate of Dongcheng University?"


(End of this chapter)

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