Recast youth

Chapter 1686 Shocking News

Chapter 1686 Shocking News

“The best thing that Hilton Hotels has left us is the franchise experiment. This is also an excellent model to use as little capital as possible to expand hotel business. Using this model, we can make hotel business with very little investment or even no investment. Hotels with the Hilton brand are popping up everywhere, which will bring a higher return on investment than self-operated hotels."

"However, there are gains and losses. After today, Maple Leaf will also be saddled with $200 billion in debt due to the privatization of Hilton Hotels."

1 minute before getting off.

Yang Qingzhi, who was wearing a suit and had an elegant and gentle temperament, looked at Hilton CEO Bolenbach and a group of Hilton board directors and senior executives outside the car and said to Ye Feng.

As for Hilton, the directors headed by Bollenbach and many reporters are waiting for the arrival of Yang Qingzhi and his party. As long as today's acquisition agreement is completed, all the directors present who own Hilton hotel shares will receive a large sum of money. income.

"It's okay, it's just money."

Ye Feng said without taking it seriously.

"These words have the edge of the world's youngest richest man."

Yang Qingzhi smiled and gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, then the business car door automatically moved back and opened. Yang Qingzhi said to Ye Feng: "Get out of the car first, Yue Qi and I will follow you."

"it is good."

In just a few words, Ye Feng felt a little excited and got out of the car without hesitation.

Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi followed closely behind Ye Feng, one on the left and one on the right. After the three of them got off the car, the next people to get off were Feng Zheng and Pan Kun, with guards on both sides.

Then the acquisition team formed by Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi also got off the car from behind.

Chen Huang, Zhou Yihang, and Hou Yao were sitting in the last car, watching the scene at the entrance of Hilton through the car glass. Ye Feng was in front, and Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi were behind.

Standing behind him was Maple Leaf's acquisition team, both men and women, all wearing suits and very formal, as well as several investment bankers responsible for facilitating the acquisition.

Hou Yao sat in the middle of the back seat, stretching his head and looking at the door of the company.

"I am grass."

Hou Yao looked at Ye Feng, Yang Qingzhi and others who got out of the car, and finally stopped at the figure of Ye Feng in a slim black suit. He couldn't help but said to Chen Huang and Zhou Yihang: "I didn't think much about it before, but now I see Brother Feng is He’s so damn handsome. He’s standing in front of a group of foreigners, and there’s a group of foreigners waiting at the door. It’s a bit like watching God of Gamblers, when Chow Yun-fat came on stage and the BGM started playing.”

"I think he's handsome too."

Zhou Yihang also said excitedly next to him. After all, this was the largest acquisition in the history of hotel transactions. The group of people standing at the door were the CEO and directors of Hilton Hotels.

Now they are standing there waiting for Ye Feng to come over, how can they not be handsome?
Not only is he handsome, but he also brings honor to the faces of Chinese people.

Zhou Yihang said while watching: "The amount of this acquisition is too big, 240 billion US dollars, and it also involves Brother Feng. If the domestic media knows that Brother Feng is the person behind this acquisition, it will probably be covered in overwhelming reports. , publicized, what is it to win glory for the Chinese overseas, China's best, I can imagine it, it seems that Brother Feng will be on Weibo hot search again, and there will be a lot more unrequited love in the harem, I doubt his future When you go out and pass through an alley, you will most likely be dragged into the alley by some crazy female fans to borrow seeds forcibly."

Chen Huang was also witnessing this scene. When he heard Zhou Yihang's words, he almost laughed out loud and said: "It is really possible. If nothing else, once the seed borrowing is successful, the woman's net worth will start to exceed [-] million."

Hou Yao stared at Ye Feng's figure and said with a wicked smile: "It doesn't matter if she is beautiful. What if the woman who borrowed the seed is [-] years old? Is Brother Feng ready to die?"

Zhou Yihang retorted: "How is it possible? How can you get pregnant if you have been menopausal for decades?"

But at this point, Zhou Yihang changed his tone and said: "Early 40 years old at most."

"Hahaha, I think it's okay for a 40-year-old woman."

Chen Huang gloated over his misfortune: "But to be honest, Ye Feng owes a lot to Weibo for becoming the number one social networking site in China so quickly." "This sentence is true."

Hou Yao nodded with approval, then touched Chen Huang's shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Huang, aren't you also a partner of Maple Leaf Company? Do you want to come up and join in the fun? Take a shot or something?" What do you think about bringing glory to the country and changing the public’s impression that the second generation only knows how to eat, drink and have fun?”


Bollenbach, along with company directors and some management, stood at the door waiting for Yang Qingzhi and his party. Almost every face expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of Yang Qingzhi and his party.

It is normal for directors to be happy when they can cash out at a high position.

As for the management, after Maple Leaf took over the privatized Hilton Hotel, Yang Qingzhi and others became their bosses. They had to be happy and expressed enthusiasm for their future bosses.

When the car door opened, they also saw Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi. Both of them led the acquisition team to have many rounds of contact with the board of directors for more than half a year.

But what they never expected was that when they got out of the car, an Asian face who looked to be less than 30 years old got out of the car first. This was not a surprise to them.

What really surprised them was that Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi were on his right and left, which meant that this Asian, who was less than 30 years old, occupied a dominant position between the two of them.

Yang Qingzhi.

He was a figure who dominated Wall Street and even the entire financial world in the past few years. As for Wen Yueqi, she also had a very large voice in previous acquisitions and her position in Maple Leaf Company was not low.

And who is this Asian that I have never seen before?Can he actually occupy a dominant position between Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi?

Everyone was surprised and curious about Ye Feng's identity.

After a brief absence, Hilton Group CEO Bolenbach, along with the board of directors and management, came forward to shake hands and say hello to Yang Qingzhi, Wen Yueqi, and Ye Feng.

After that, Bolenbach humbly asked Yang Qingzhi about Ye Feng's identity.

Yang Qingzhi’s own purpose of letting Ye Feng come out is to let Ye Feng step on his shoulders to improve Ye Feng’s starting point and his popularity, and then to raise Ye Feng’s center to radiate all surrounding assets such as Lanshan Company and Maple Leaf Capital. value.

Companies can raise a person's worth.

A person can also increase the value of his company.

The two can feed each other back.

Therefore, Yang Qingzhi introduced the identity of Ye Feng, the real controller of Maple Leaf Capital, to Hilton Group CEO Bolenbach in a calm tone. This introduction did not matter.

This shocked a group of people led by Bollenbach.

It can be said that those who can be brought out by Bolenbach to welcome Yang Qingzhi have a minimum net worth of over [-] million, and the directors have a net worth of over [-] million. They are all experienced veterans in the business world and know the name Yang Qingzhi very well. means nothing.

After he resigned from Goldman Sachs, I don’t know how many investment banks wanted to invite him to come out, but they failed. It was not until last year that Yang Qingzhi came out again and returned to New York, the city where he originally set sail.

Then the private equity fund Maple Leaf was established.

But probably no one can imagine that Yang Qingzhi, the king of PE who is all-powerful in the financial street, is actually serving a man who is less than 30 years old. How can people imagine this?
How to dare to imagine?

As for the reporters and public relations team waiting on the side, they took pictures of Ye Feng, who was smiling and shaking hands with the Hilton Hotel board members one by one at this moment. His keen professional sense let them know that this was definitely a shock to the financial industry. world, the top news in the hospitality industry.

(End of this chapter)

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