Recast youth

Chapter 1680 Guiding Light

Chapter 1680 Guiding Light
Li Zhen took out the folder containing the equity transfer agreement and placed it weakly on the table.

"The equity transfer agreement has been signed."

"Is it signed? Let me see."

Chen Yiming was startled, and then a hanging stone was finally put down. Previously, he and Yang Yanhui saw Li Zhen looking like he was dying, and thought that the Lanshan Company's equity matter had been messed up again.

After working on it for a long time, the equity transfer agreement was signed.

Chen Yiming immediately picked up the equity transfer agreement and looked at it. Ye Feng's name was all there. Unlike other contracts, Ye Feng's transfer of the company's equity did not require a company seal, as long as he reported it to the board of directors.

After reading the contract, Chen Yiming gave the equity transfer agreement to Yang Yanhui, and he said to Li Zhen speechlessly: "Why do you look like this after you signed the equity transfer agreement? You should be happy about this."

After Yang Yanhui read the contract, he smiled and said to Li Zhen: "Yes, your expression just now didn't look like it was done. It shocked us all."

"It's signed."

Li Zhen raised his head in low spirits and looked at the two of them: "But I still can't feel better."

"what happened?"

Chen Yiming was keenly aware that there was something going on here and asked.

"Hey, I can't explain it in a sentence or two."

When Li Zhen heard Chen Yiming's question, he sat up and told him that Obsidian Fund used credit default swaps to short the American property market on Wall Street from the second half of 2006 to 2007, making more than US$35 billion.

Yang Yanhui is a person who has a strong view of the overall situation. When he heard these words, he immediately understood why Li Zhen looked like he was in a bad state of mind. He was not in a bad state of mind, but was suffering from a shock.

As for the funds that have made billions of dollars on Wall Street, it is not that there are not one, and not just one or two.

There is only one thing that can make Li Zhen feel and feel shocked.

This fund is most likely related to Ye Feng.

After Yang Yanhui analyzed it, he found it unbelievable. Ye Feng was a business genius, but according to his previous resume, he had no connection with the fund. Yang Yanhui looked at Li Zhen with a serious face and asked, "Obsidian Fund has something to do with Ye Feng." , or is it related to Wen Yueqi?"

"It's all related."

Li Zhen said to Yang Yanhui: "Obsidian Fund (Obsidian Fund) made billions of dollars by shorting country A's subprime mortgage products for a year, then it canceled the fund and transferred all the money to MapleInc, and MapleInc is here Within half a year, we completed an acquisition, acquiring the privatized Hilton Hotel for US$240 billion.”

Yang Yanhui looked at Li Zhen and asked: "Are you trying to say that MapleInc is also owned by Ye Feng, and it spent US$240 billion to acquire the privatized Hilton Hotel?"

Li Zhen said with difficulty: "Although I don't want to admit it, it should be that, first, the Obsidian Fund was canceled, and second, after Wen Yueqi canceled the fund, she turned around and established Maple Inc, a private equity investment company, with Yang Qingzhi. Fund, and she was present as a partner in negotiations with the Hilton Hotels Board of Directors.”

Yang Yanhui was silent for a while and said, "Then on what basis do you say that MapleInc is related to Ye Feng?"

"Maple Tree Company."

Li Zhen replied: "There is no separate noun Maple Leaf in English, and Ye Feng's name is read upside down as Maple Leaf, so the meaning of MapleInc is likely to mean Maple Leaf."

"and many more."

At this time, Chen Yiming, who had been silent, suddenly looked up at Li Zhen and asked, "By the way, when did Obsidian Fund start shorting the property market in Country A?" "It seems like the second half of 2006."

"That's right."

Chen Yiming said with an ugly face: "The person behind Obsidian Fund should be Ye Feng."

Yang Yanhui also felt that he had a relationship with Ye Feng, but he still felt that it was unreasonable. He analyzed: "Ye Feng has been in China before and has never been to country A. You said that he just came here and made a bet involving billions of dollars. , is it too exaggerated?”

"The speed with which he got up was exaggerated."

Chen Yiming raised his head and looked at Yang Yanhui: "Do you still remember that time in heaven and earth? After this bitch had a conflict with me, he went to country A, and then Obsidian Fund was registered. You said Does it have anything to do with him?"

As he spoke, Chen Yiming narrowed his eyes: "In addition to Obsidian Fund, we also invested in fcaebook's shares at that time. We bought 4% of fcaebook's shares for US$40 million. Now fcaebook's valuation is also It’s about US$150 billion, which is almost the same as Lanshan Company.”

Li Zhen had been listening to Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui talking before. Hearing this, he was even more shocked. He had forgotten that Ye Feng still held 40% of the shares of fcaebook company.

How rich is this guy now?

Does he have any other properties?
Li Zhen, who has worked in an investment bank for nearly ten years, is somewhat unclear about Ye Feng's net worth. The only thing he knows is that Ye Feng is considered an invisible rich man, and he is someone he can only look up to in his life.

"In addition to fcaebook, there are also Maple Leaf Payment, Jingke Pictures, and Lanshan Weibo."

After Chen Yiming calculated the industries created by Ye Feng in the past few years, he suddenly looked at Yang Yanhui and said: "Forget about Maple Leaf Payment and Jingke Pictures, the key is fcaebook and Obsidian Fund. How dare he come in? You said he Is there a cheat?"

"I think you are crazy, why are you cheating?"

Yang Yanhui silently glanced at Chen Yiming, who had a crazy look in his eyes, and sighed: "I can only say that Ye Feng is really a genius. Good guy, it seems that there will be a person like Buffett in our country."

Li Zhen didn't say anything. He didn't think Ye Feng was like Buffett. From the performance of Obsidian Fund from 2006 to 2007, he felt that Ye Feng was a figure like George Soros, who made quick and accurate moves. .

"I just said it on a whim."

Chen Yiming suddenly curled up into a sneer. At this time, Chen Yiming didn't know that he had gotten close to the truth about Ye Feng's fortune on a whim.

"But it's nothing."

Chen Yiming picked up a cigar, lit it, took a slow breath, and exhaled slowly. He crossed his legs and looked at Li Zhen, and said decisively: "Li Zhen, thank you for your hard work on the equity of Lanshan Company this time." , we are already so familiar with each other, so I don’t need 1000 million. I will transfer 2000 million to your account later, and you can do me one more favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Li Zhen perked up slightly and felt a little hot in his heart. He had made an appointment with Chen Yiming and the others before, and he would help Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui use a shell company to buy 1100 million shares of Lanshan Company in his name, and then buy it from the underwriters. After subscribing about 800 million shares, Chen Yiming gave him 1000 million in labor fees. Now that the labor fees have doubled, he feels better all of a sudden.

"Try your best to buy Lanshan Company's shares."

Chen Yiming crossed his legs, holding a cigar between his fingers, with a cold smile on his face: "Isn't Ye Feng a good guy? Okay, I admit it, I won't do anything in this life, so I'll just use him as my guide." Lu Mingdeng is making money, it disgusts him to death."

Yang Yanhui clapped his hands and smiled: "Good idea."

(End of this chapter)

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