Recast youth

Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666


As soon as Feng Zheng got home and lifted Chen Huang out of the car, Chen Huang vomited again. It took him a long time to recover, while he was panting and cursing that Li Zhen, his grandson, was really good at drinking.

While at the hotel.

Chen Huang took the initiative to challenge Li Zhen for a drink. At first, he was stabbing with soft knives with a smile. Later, the fight got really heated and stabbed each other with hard knives. The goblet was never put down. He just said Li Zhen's fighting ability at the wine table. It was really beyond Chen Huang's expectation.

But fortunately, Chen Huang was mentally prepared to do so early in the morning. After drinking and vomiting, he returned to the toilet and continued drinking. In addition, although Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao were unable to become the main force, they could occasionally help out and respect Li Zhen. Two cups, so Li Zhen actually vomited more miserably than Chen Huang.

Chen Huang went to punish Li Zhen for Ye Feng, but Ye Feng only drank three glasses of wine with Li Zhen. It’s not that Ye Feng doesn’t have loyalty, but there were too many people at the table. In addition to Li Zhen, there was Sister Qi, Hu Zhi, Wang Xin and the others.

So Ye Feng had to stay awake.

When he came back and saw Chen Huang half-dead like a dead fish, Ye Feng was dumbfounded and a little moved. He patted Chen Huang on the back and sighed: "You are not a woman anymore, otherwise what will happen to my harem?" I have to leave a place for you."

Chen Huang felt sick in his stomach and couldn't speak, but that didn't stop him from giving Ye Feng a contemptuous middle finger.

"Do you still have a harem?"

At this time, Wen Yueqi, who had just got off another car, happened to hear what Ye Feng said and asked him with a half-smile.


Ye Feng froze and said with a dry smile: "I was joking with him."

Wen Yueqi was just teasing Ye Feng and was not really angry. Just now in the hotel private room, Chen Huang and Li Zhen had already started fighting at the wine table. She couldn't say much. There were no outsiders now. She glanced at Chen Huang , asked Ye Feng: "What happened between him and Li Zhen? Is it because of you?"


Ye Feng was unwilling to instigate a relationship between her and Li Zhen in front of Wen Yueqi, so he denied it, then glanced at Chen Huang who was squatting on the ground and said, "I don't know what's going on with him. He's like a psycho. He can't stop him. I had to fight Li Zhen for a drink, but now I’m fine, both of us are paralyzed.”

"Okay, you guys should go to bed early."

Seeing that Ye Feng was unwilling to say more, Wen Yueqi stopped asking any more questions, pinched her eyebrows and said, "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed first."

"OK, good night."

Ye Feng nodded to Wen Yueqi.

After Wen Yueqi left, Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao dared to speak. Hou Yao has always been a person who is not afraid of anything, but he is still a bit timid in front of Wen Yueqi. After Wen Yueqi left, looking at her back, he couldn't help but said to Ye Feng: "Sister Qi's aura as a queen is really strong."

Zhou Yihang also nodded with approval: "Too domineering."

In the private room, although Ye Feng was the main topic, from the beginning to the end, Wen Yueqi was the person whose aura dominated the whole room. If she hadn't dominated the scene, Li Zhen and Chen Huang, who had drunk too much, might have actually fought.

In the end, after Wen Yueqi, Hu Zhi, Wang Xin and others had finished eating, Shi Shiran stopped them.

Ye Feng is not surprised that Sister Qi has a strong aura. After all, her background and qualifications are there. Even Wall Street, where there are many talented people, she still has a place to speak.

But now Ye Feng didn't have the heart to think about this. Instead, he said to Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao, "If you have the ability, go to her and tell her." Then seeing that Chen Huang was almost vomiting, he asked Feng Zheng and Pan Kun to take him back to the room. .

"Is he all right?"

Wang Xin, Gao Xuan, Ye Qing and others also came over and looked at Chen Huang who was going upstairs and asked.


Ye Feng shook his head, then looked at Ye Qing and asked her with a smile: "How are you feeling today?"

Ye Qing said happily: "It's okay." "It's okay."

Ye Feng smiled and reached out to press Ye Qing's head, then chatted with Wang Xin, Gao Xuan, and Chen Xiao for a while, and asked Ye Qing to go to bed early, and then went to Chen Huang's room to see Chen Huang.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the room, Ye Feng heard Chen Huang's intermittent shouting inside.

"Hou Yao, Yihang, I, let me tell you, I was in the hotel just now. If Sister Qi hadn't stopped me, I would have made Li Zhen's grandson kneel on the ground and sing to me, conquer, conquer, conquer. Do you believe it? No?"

Then Zhou Hang's voice sounded: "You must believe it."

"It's just that four-eyed frog. If your brother Huang wants to control him, why don't you do it with your hands? Next time you see him, don't be polite and just ask him to sing "Conquer" for you. No, sing "What a big tree!"

When Ye Feng came in, Hou Yao was drooling and talking.

But before Hou Yao finished speaking, Chen Huang's upper body was about to slide off the bed, looking like he was about to vomit. Pan Kun immediately helped him over, but Chen Huang tried hard to raise his head, waved his hand, and choked for a long time before he could catch his breath. He said, "I, I'm fine, I'm not going to vomit."

Feng Zheng was leaning on a table next to the head of the bed, his figure still majestic.

"Are you okay?"

Ye Feng pushed the door open and walked in. Looking at Chen Huang's half-dead state, he asked.

"No, I'm fine. Why don't I just order a drink? It's not a big deal."

When Chen Huang saw Ye Feng come in, he sat up and waved his hands. At this time, he had vomited many times and was sober. He looked at Ye Feng and asked: "By the way, I couldn't ask you in the hotel before, Li Zhen's grandson What did I say to you?"

"Stock matters."

Ye Feng told Chen Huang that Li Zhen wanted 5% of the shares of Lanshan Company and fcaebokk each.

"5% each?"

Chen Huang suddenly became angry: "He deserves it too? Damn it, neither Hou Yao nor Zhou Yihang and I want your company's stocks. Why should he ask for 5% with just one mouthful? He also wants fcaebook's stocks. With It’s like a ghost.”

Ye Feng was happy when he heard this: "I think so too."

Hou Yao clicked his tongue and said, "No, this grandson has a greedy appetite."

"It's quite greedy."

Zhou Yihang also said something, and then said: "But he is quite rich. The current valuations of Lanshan and fcaebook are about the same. He wants 5% each, which is equivalent to almost 120 billion yuan. Is he so rich?"

"how is this possible?"

Chen Huang said disdainfully: "It's not that I look down on him. He can have [-] million. Even if he does well, how can money be so easy to make?"

This week Zhouhang became even more puzzled: "Then why did he ask for so many shares from Brother Feng, and he didn't have the capital to take it?"

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to attract capital and earn intermediary fees through reselling. Although he doesn't have so much money, he still has some resources."

Chen Huang shook his head and then said to Ye Feng: "Just ignore him. He has been here for 4 years. He is influential and cannot affect you. Otherwise, if this continues, it will be endless and everyone will come to fight against the autumn wind." , is that okay?"

"I think so too."

Ye Feng nodded, and then explained why he was in trouble: "It was because Sister Qi brought him and Hu Zhi to me before, and then it was difficult for me to refuse him. I don't care. After the company is listed, I will take photos." Pa Butt has returned to China, but Sister Qi still has to meet with him often. You said that just as Sister Qi introduced her friend to me, I fell out. Isn’t it awkward for Sister Qi to be caught in the middle? "

(End of this chapter)

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