Recast youth

Chapter 1659: Men must be domineering

Chapter 1659: Men must be domineering


Lanshan Weibo.

When Lanshan Company submitted its listing application, the framework for Lanshan Company had already been filled in, and this is something that several investment banks have deliberately avoided today.

In the past six months, Lanshan Weibo has firmly established itself as the number one social networking site in China.

Scherr, head of Goldman Sachs, said in response to what Wen Yueqi said: "Twitter's current valuation is far from reaching 100 billion U.S. dollars, not even 1 million U.S. dollars."

“But Twitter is far less popular than Lanshan Weibo’s current number of users.”

Wen Yueqi looked at Scherr and said in response: "The number of tweets posted on Twitter each quarter is 40, while the number of tweets posted on Lanshan Weibo per day has exceeded 80. Compared with the United States, China has a huge Population base. In addition, according to comparison, fcaebook’s current valuation is US$150 billion. Twitter’s valuation is less than 1% of fcaebook’s, but its profitability has reached twice that of fcaebook. For investment, any investment It’s done for profit, especially the potential profit value. Can’t we derive the value of Lanshan Weibo from this?”

Scherr fell silent.

Of course he knew that the value of Lanshan Company was definitely US$150 billion. As early as a year ago, he learned the name of Lanshan Company through Li Le, the managing director of Goldman Sachs Asia.

I also want to invest in this company.

However, the development of Lanshan Company has always been smooth, and there is no idea of ​​​​financing at all, and there are no external financing channels.

What is unexpected is that within a year or so, Lanshan Company's valuation increased from a valuation of US$10 billion to US$150 billion. This growth rate is quite astonishing.

And the legendary founder of this company is now sitting across from him. As expected, he has achieved success at a young age. His words and demeanor reveal his strong confidence and self-confidence.

"Let me say a few words."

After all, he came to the United States this time to go public with his company. Of course, Ye Feng couldn't let Sister Qi argue for him. He raised his head and glanced at the faces of Scherr and other investment bankers one by one, then lit a cigarette and slowly Said: "We have a slang in China that business cannot be done without justice. My English is not good. I don't know if you can understand this English sentence, but it probably means this. The issue price of my company's listing is only 40 US dollars. We can cooperate. We will cooperate. If we cannot cooperate, we will look for opportunities next time.”

With that said, Ye Feng stood up and looked at the time: "It's almost time. Everyone, go back and think about it and give me an answer."

The voice fell.

The heads of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Morgan Stanley, and Citibank all looked at each other in confusion. They didn't expect Ye Feng, a Chinese, to speak so toughly.

For the Chinese Internet companies that came to the United States to list in the past, which founder didn't speak politely to them and expected to help them sell the company's stocks well?

Including the founder of Baidu, everyone agreed to lower the stock issuance price, and the market value of the company's listing rose sharply that day.

But Ye Feng doesn't play by the rules.

The worst case scenario is that the old subsidiary will be privatized and no longer listed on the market.

Therefore, in business, what you are most afraid of is the kind of person who wants to sell but does not want to sell. If your price does not meet his expectations, he will simply not sell, and you can only stare.

However, several investors saw that Ye Feng was so biting and had no choice but to stand up, shake hands with Ye Feng, and then leave. However, when Ye Feng shook hands with Scherr, the founder of Goldman Sachs, he suddenly looked at him, smiled and asked: "Do you know Yang Qingzhi?"

Scherr was startled.

He couldn't be more familiar with Yang Qingzhi. He was once the vice president of Goldman Sachs and his immediate boss. He couldn't help but ask: "He is the lifelong honorary vice president of my company. Do you know him?"

"Well, we know each other."

Ye Feng smiled. Scherr was a little puzzled, wondering what Ye Feng meant by asking this question. Could it be that he wanted to increase his company's issue price by continuing the reputation of the vice president?
There is also a possibility of this.

Scherr knows very well how strong the vice president's appeal is on Wall Street. As long as he stands up and asks investors to invest in Lanshan Company's stock, not to mention the issue price of US$40, it will be 50 or even 60 US dollars. It's possible.

This is Yang Qingzhi's appeal in the New York investment community, which is quite terrifying.

However, Scherr saw that Ye Feng did not continue talking, so he did not say anything. He could only leave with full of doubts, and then followed the others. As for not reaching an agreement with Ye Feng this time, it didn't matter. The quotation itself was not a round. It requires two to three rounds of contact between the two parties before the issue price can be officially determined.


After everyone leaves.

Wen Yueqi pinched her eyebrows and said: "What a group of gluttons who are reluctant to give up a little bit of capital. They only think about benefits. It is obvious that the value of Lanshan Company should far exceed the figure of 150 billion US dollars."


Wang Xin withdrew her gaze from the outside and said: "But it is normal for them to lower the price. For underwriters, the lower the issuance price of our company's shares, the lower the risk they bear. At the same time, if the sales are good, They can also take the opportunity to buy part of the stock and wait for it to appreciate in value, which is a completely profitable and harmless thing.”

After saying that, Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said: "But I didn't expect that my boss is so domineering. Facing so many of the world's top investment banks, he can be so tough and let him go with just one word of dissatisfaction. They leave.”

"hold head high."

Ye Feng raised his head and said, "A man must be domineering."

Wen Yueqi was originally very angry, but was amused by Ye Feng's appearance and said, "Look at how sullen you are."


Ye Feng stopped pretending and said to Wen Yueqi: "It's not that I'm arrogant, but I'm thinking that if I can't go public, at worst, I will continue to privatize the company. It's not a bad thing. The current annual net profit growth is also It’s quite impressive.”

Wen Yueqi felt the same. There were no bottlenecks in the development of Lanshan Company now, and privatization of the company was also a good choice. She nodded and asked smoothly: "If that's the case, why do you want to go public?"

"I want to invest."

Ye Feng lazily stated his purpose: "It's true that there is a lot of money in the company's account now, but if I really want to do something, it's a bit embarrassing. I can't spend it all, and I don't want to invest enough, so I want to take advantage of it." For this opportunity, we might as well raise more funds and use multiple stable financing channels for investment.”

When Wen Yueqi heard this, her heart moved and she asked, "Do you have a direction?"

"Well, there is some direction."

Ye Feng nodded, but this was also his general idea, but it was not that he had no ideas for investment, but that he was considering two directions. The first direction was to use Lanshan Company as the main body to set up an investment department to invest.

In another direction, start a new venture to invest.

And obviously, the second direction is the choice that maximizes interests for him.

But at this moment, two Chinese faces walked in with smiles from outside the door, a man and a woman, both in their early thirties. The woman had short hair and was wearing a black workplace suit.

Very tall.

The man had a tall figure and wore gold-rimmed glasses. He just entered the door and nodded to Wen Yueqi, Wang Xin and others. Then he looked at Ye Feng with an enthusiastic smile and asked, "Mr. Ye, how are you talking about the underwriter?" Are you ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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