Recast youth

Chapter 1626 Recognized

Chapter 1626 Recognized

Only I guard the quiet desert

waiting for the flowers to bloom

What is the sound of nature?

This is the sound of nature, and it is a very touching sound of nature. Chen Huang himself does not like listening to music very much, but hearing Kong Jingke's song is also very pleasant to the ears. But what is more unpleasant is that the girl next to him is actually singing.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

Compared with Kong Jingke's voice, her voice was simply miserable.

Chen Huang discussed in a low voice with the person next to him: "Sister, can you not sing along?"


The girl rejected Chen Huang without hesitation, looked at him with disgust, and thought to herself, who is this guy? He is so annoying, and my singing didn’t affect anyone, so she sang even louder.

Ye Feng also found it funny and pulled Chen Huang to let him forget it, because the songs he gave Kong Jingke were all touching songs and were very popular.

So basically most people can sing the climax of the song.

But this is also the most attractive part of the concert. What is the most scary thing about going to a concert alone?What I fear most is that the singer sings a song that I have never heard and can’t sing.

And everyone can sing it. When you sing along with your idol, you will immediately feel a sacred feeling that you have participated in it.

Not just the fans who were there.

In the live broadcast room of the mobile website, the number of simultaneous viewers has exceeded 40. This is simply unimaginable and has directly set a record for the number of people online at the same time.

A song is over.

The atmosphere in the gymnasium was completely stirred up by Kong Jingke. At this moment, Kong Jingke was the only goddess in the entire gymnasium, and when her appearance and voice were combined, the beauty was completely indescribable.

At this time, after Kong Jingke finished singing again, the host came up and told Kong Jingke about the songs requested during the online live broadcast. Different from the previous song list arrangement, this time there was a song request program during the online live broadcast.

I ordered "Someone Like Me" online.

After Kong Jingke knew that the online fans were asking for this song, he walked to the back of the band and took a guitar. The staff also moved a high chair and placed it in the middle of the stage.

Kong Jingke sat casually on a chair, brushed a piece of his long hair to his ears, then faced the audience and began to play and sing by himself, not in a hurry, and it was a very enjoyable feeling.

She enjoys standing on stage and singing to everyone.

From "Someone Like Me."

to "Bubble."

Then to "The Brightest Star in the Sky".

One song after another.

Whenever Kong Jingke spoke, the fans would sing along, and Ye Feng had been watching quietly from below. He had never seen Kong Jingke at this moment.

Full of calm.

It seemed that as long as she stood there and sang quietly, everything was beautiful.


Several hours passed.

Finally, Kong Jingke sang his latest song "Hope" to finish the song. Since this song was just released not long ago, there were very few people who could sing it, so they all listened quietly.

However, after singing "Hope", the fans present were not satisfied and felt that time passed too fast, so they all shouted for Kong Jingke to sing another song.

Kong Jingke looked at the nearly [-] fans shouting in the stadium, thought for a moment, smiled, picked up the microphone and said calmly to the fans present, "Then I will sing another song for everyone."

"The name of this song is "Scoundrel", and it's a song by a good friend of mine."

The fans present cheered again when they heard this. It didn't matter what song it was, as long as the goddess continued to sing. And the senior fans who attended Kong Jingke's first concert two years ago all knew this song because it was two years ago. At the concert, Kong Jingke not only invited Jay Chou as a guest singer, but also invited a special guest from outside the music industry, Ye Feng.

At that time, Ye Feng and Kong Jingke sang the song "Scoundrel".

But these fans didn't know that Ye Feng was now standing in the rightmost corner of the stadium. When he heard Kong Jingke was about to sing "Scoundrel", his eyes couldn't help but move.

It is impossible to say that there is no emotion.

Chen Huang touched Ye Feng's shoulder: "Did you sing this song before?" "Yeah,"

Ye Feng nodded.

Chen Huang glanced at Kong Jingke on the stage and said with a bad smile: "The goddess has sung your song. By the way, do you, the original singer, want to come up and cooperate? One is the queen of music, a goddess, and the other is the future richest man in Forbes, a handsome man and a beautiful woman. , the powerful alliance is a great story."

Ye Feng suddenly said: "I'm going to New York in a few days."


Chen Huang suddenly felt that Ye Feng's tone was not right.

Ye Feng continued: "I plan to discuss with Sister Qi and Yang Qingzhi to kick out your shares in Maple Leaf Fund."


Chen Huang suddenly became silent: "I was wrong..."

"Then I'll think about it."

Ye Feng was not in the mood to joke at all now. When he heard that Kong Jingke was going to sing the song "Scoundrel", he felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart and wanted to go up and talk to Kong Jingke.

But can't go up.

No matter it's because of Zhang Lan.

Or perhaps because he couldn't disturb Kong Jingke, he could only look at Kong Jingke in secret.

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng, who had been looking at the stage and said nothing, and smiled. Sure enough, you can't joke about things involving feelings. From this look, Ye Feng still has Kong Jingke in his heart.

Good luck tricks people.

Chen Huang shook his head.

on the stage.

The guitar sounded, and along with it was Kong Jingke's voice, which was long, calm, and freehand, and gently sang the song "Scoundrel":
I get drunk sometimes
I like freedom

often make mistakes love to lie
but always feel guilty

Ye Feng was very familiar with this song. When Zhang Lan left without saying goodbye because of matters related to her father's company, he specially posted the song "Scoundrel" on the music network under the name Fenglan Group.

So when Kong Jingke started singing, he also hummed softly:
I'm such a rascal

live most of life
still a failure

but you never change your mind
Laugh with me

Even if it’s bad? I can’t bear it

secretly play tricks


The girl who sang with Kong Jingke before and was said to be unpleasant by Chen Huang was only two or three meters away from Ye Feng. Since she could not sing Cantonese songs, she did not sing along this time.

But after hearing Ye Feng singing next to him, he suddenly felt a little familiar.

Like the original song.

Isn't the original singer Ye Feng?
The girl subconsciously turned her head and looked at Ye Feng, who was staring at the stage and singing, with a stern face and humming softly. Who else could it be if it wasn't the legendary Ye Feng?

The girl suddenly covered her mouth, pointed at Ye Feng, and screamed excitedly.

The people next to me thought she was noisy: "I'm listening to music, what are you doing?"

"Ye Feng, Ye Feng."

The girl pointed at Ye Feng and turned around and said excitedly to the person next to her: "Ye Feng, didn't you see it?"

As soon as the name "Ye Feng" came out, the eyes of the people around him were immediately attracted. At first they didn't believe it, but after looking in the direction the girl pointed, they were excited to find that it was really Ye Feng!
Ye Feng, founder of Lanshan Company!
Ye Feng, who wrote the script of "People on the Road"!

National male god Ye Feng!

The commotion suddenly arose...

(End of this chapter)

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