Recast youth

Chapter 1619 Entering Beijing

Chapter 1619 Entering Beijing
Lanshan Company is finally going public.

This news quickly occupied major headlines in China. Many media also published the news that Lanshan Company was about to go public in the United States and conducted listing analysis.

Mainly focus on three points.

First, what market value will Lanshan Company achieve after being listed on Nasdaq? Can its market value really surpass Baidu and NetEase like its valuation?

Second, after the listing of Lanshan Company, will Ye Feng be able to suddenly take the first place on the domestic rich list, because many people have said that Ye Feng's net worth exceeds [-] billion.

But the valuation can only be a valuation and cannot be used as a data reference, so Ye Feng's ranking on the Forbes rich list is not very high. After Lanshan Company went public, the valuation became the market value, and this was real money.

Many people predict that after Lanshan Company is listed, Ye Feng will surely surpass Yang Huiyan and become No. 1 on the Forbes rich list in China, because in terms of comprehensive strength, Lanshan Company is much more comprehensive than Country Garden, and its prospects are also brighter. Better than Country Garden.

Third, how to distribute the original shares of Lanshan Company? After the listing of Lanshan Company, how many senior executives in Lanshan Company will be able to greatly increase their net worth due to this listing.

Many media also tried their best to interview the internal middle and senior management of Lanshan Company because of this matter, and obtained information from Lanshan Company. Among them, CEO Wang Xin, led by CEO Wang Xin, could subscribe for about 5% of the company's original shares. Li Ping, Li Zhedong, Gao Xuan, He Chongxin and others can get about 1% of the original shares, and the remaining employees can wait until the company decides how many shares to issue before the IPO to subscribe for the original shares according to their own abilities.

It can be said that the fact that one can subscribe for original shares based on one's own abilities has made outsiders jealous. Although they cannot afford to subscribe for about 1% of the shares, they can subscribe for less, such as [-] shares or [-] shares. For stocks and the like, even if the issue price per share is tens of dollars, they can still subscribe for a lot.

However, it is a pity that the subscription for the original shares of Lanshan Company is limited to company employees, and outsiders are not eligible to subscribe. This has also created a very interesting phenomenon.

After Lanshan Company released the news that it would soon go public in the United States, many well-known managers on the Internet tried every means to contact the HR of Lanshan Company and wanted to switch jobs.

Why do so many companies want to go public?

Why do so many people want original shares of promising companies?

There is only one purpose.

Cash out and invest to make money, because when the company enters the listing process, it is very cost-effective to subscribe for the original shares. The company's subscription price is also different from the issue price of future listings. In principle, the company's internal subscription price should be a certain discount from the issue price. , that is to say, as long as the company's listed stock price does not fall below the issue price, those who hold the original shares will definitely make a profit.

Ye Feng also received a lot of calls at the beginning.

After the second day, he chose to turn off his phone and use a second private number that was only known to his family and people around him. He did not pay too much attention to the news about the company's listing.

Money is something that Ye Feng would really like to get when he doesn't have it, because money can help him improve his life and allow him to have everything he wants.

But when the money reached a certain number, Ye Feng was not very interested in money anymore. The purpose of moving forward was just to see how high he could reach.

To what extent.

To put it simply, it is like a difficult level-breaking game, and each location is similar to the level of the level-breaking game. For example, Mainland has inherited the family property, and Yang Huiyan, the helmsman of Country Garden, is currently the person at the deepest level of Mainland level.

Li Ka-shing is the person who is at the deepest level in China and even in Asia.

Bill Gates, Buffett and others are the people who stand at the deepest level in the world.

Ye Feng just wants to do this, in this wealth level game, reach a depth and height that others, even Bill Gates, look up to.

The geese passing by leave a sound.Leave a name when someone passes by.

This is what Zhang Lan said to Ye Feng at the beginning, and it has also become Ye Feng's motivation now. There is nothing more proud than doing something that makes his family and people around him proud.

Putting aside all the news about Lanshan Company's upcoming listing, the interview was ignored.

4 month 20 number.

Ye Feng, Pan Kun and Feng Zheng drove to Yanjing, because today was the time for Kong Jingke to hold a return to music fan club in Yanjing, and Ye Feng did not intend to disturb Kong Jingke's peaceful life.

But Ye Feng wanted to see Kong Jingke's dazzling figure on the stage among the crowd.

Sometimes relationships are like this. Not being together anymore doesn't mean I don't care. Maybe I care about you secretly. After seeing that you are doing well, I will leave silently.

Pan Kun used to drive alone.

Now that Pan Kun and Feng Zheng were taking turns driving on the road, it was easier, so Ye Feng chose to drive here instead of taking a plane, and did not alert Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang.

After Ye Feng arrived in Yanjing, the three of them returned to the courtyard and cleaned up the fallen leaves in the yard. However, not long after they stayed, Chen Huang drove over and was stunned for a moment when he saw Feng Zheng there.

He greeted Feng Zheng and said with a smile, "You're back?"


Feng Zheng nodded. Due to the incident on Fifth Avenue in New York, Chen Huang's attitude towards Feng Zheng was obviously different from that of others. It was not that he regarded him as Ye Feng's subordinate, but his attitude towards Feng Zheng was similar to that of Hou Yao. Feng Zheng's attitude.

After all, Feng Zheng is really a fierce person.

When he was in Yanjing, he dared to say such shocking words as to let Ye Feng go and kill Chen Yiming if he stayed. To put it bluntly, in the entire Yanjing city, who dared to kill the grandson of an old man who contributed to the liberation of the country in an entertainment venue?
Really no more.

But Feng Zheng dared.

At the beginning, Chen Huang didn't feel much when he heard Zhou Yihang describe the incident. But when he had a conflict with the two black men on Fifth Avenue in New York, Chen Huang and Feng Zhengyi looked very calm. The tone said that it was going to kill Chen Yiming's visual sense.

Therefore, Chen Huang could no longer treat Feng Zheng like an ordinary person. He was full of awe and admiration for Feng Zheng, a taciturn man. After all, he was a ruthless man who dared to kill people even if he disagreed.

"Where are the tickets?"

Ye Feng was sitting on a stool in the yard. Seeing Chen Huang coming over, he couldn't help but ask.

"Only three. It's quite difficult to get. It's harder to get than concert tickets. You don't know how popular Goddess Jing Ke is in the entertainment industry now. She has become a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks."

Chen Huang smiled and took out three tickets and handed them to Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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