Recast youth

Chapter 1601 Comeback

Chapter 1601 Comeback
Kong Jingke asked himself more than once.

When is the end?

When can we see hope?
How long can you last?
But before Ye Feng appeared, she never got the answer. The only thing she could do was to persevere numbly. She had a reason to persevere. She had to support her mother's medical expenses.

She had to hold on to her mother's pride and not bow to this man in Yanjing or ask for charity. For this reason, she did not hesitate to put down her dignity and ask the owner of the nightclub to give her a job.

But Kong Jingke was really tired. She had never been exposed to the dark side of society. After working hard in Dongzhou nightclub, she discovered that the world was so full of darkness and filth.

Everyone is approaching you with more or less some purpose.

It wasn't until Ye Feng appeared that a gleam of light finally appeared in Kong Jingke's dark heart. In life, it seems that not every place is dark, and not all men are bad.

At the very least, this man understands himself.

Never force yourself.

Every song I write for myself is like watching my own heart write it.

More than once, when Kong Jingke sang the song Ye Feng wrote for herself, she would feel like crying. She was proud and unwilling to ask for help, but she was not an iron man.

She is just an ordinary woman.

Just a woman who wants to protect the dignity of herself and her mother.

So when a man who understood her suddenly shined into her heart like a beam of light, the pretense and strength in her heart melted...

Don’t want anything…

As long as he lives well, that's fine.

Kong Jingke also knew about Zhang Lan's existence. When the person he liked went to Yanjing desperately for a woman, and even begged others in a low voice for her, how could Kong Jingke not care about Zhang Lan?

How could she not know how important Zhang Lan was in Ye Feng's mind?

There have also been moments of reluctance and pain.

Feelings are selfish.

Kong Jingke had controlled herself, but in the end she found that she had no way to control herself. It was as if she held her love for Ye Feng tightly in the palm of her hand and refused to let it out, but it was still like water, falling from her fingers bit by bit. Overflowed from the seams.

Like water.

Thoughts are like water.

Like the moonlight at night, it shines on my heart, full of joy and sadness.

However, when he learned that Zhang Lan chose to go to jail and transferred the property rights of the Chang'an Yuan villa area to Ye Feng without reservation, the image of Zhang Lan in Kong Jingke's mind gradually became clearer from blur.

This is a kind girl.

She is also a girl who would rather live in pieces than live in ruins.

She trusts Ye Feng very much.

So enough.

Again, as long as he lives a good life.

So Kong Jingke privately begged that man for the first time to help Ye Feng rescue Zhang Lan. Kong Jingke knew that as long as he was willing, he would definitely be able to help Ye Feng.

Kong Jingke also knew that Ye Feng was also a kind person.

Until now, Kong Jingke can't forget that Ye Feng drank a lot and hid at home, looking completely lost. Kong Jingke was heartbroken and reluctant to leave. She knew that her existence had embarrassed Ye Feng.


Kong Jingke had the idea of ​​disappearing.

After the concert, she went to Switzerland, held back her longing, and cut off all contact with Ye Feng. Maybe Ye Feng would look for her and be sad, but it didn't matter, time would smooth out all the pessimism, and in the end he would not be with her because he chose to be with her. The girl named Zhang Lan was entangled in the matter of being together.After arriving in Switzerland.

Kong Jingke's life became dull again, as if the previous two years had become a dream. The ups and downs in the dream were a bit unreal. She kept going and visited many places in Switzerland.

She felt that maybe her life had passed like this.

But God still gave me a surprise.

More than a month later, she found out that she was pregnant, and her spirit seemed to have sustenance again. With the birth of her daughter, Xiao Pianhong, everything became hopeful. She came to this world carrying her own hope...

Hence the song "Hope".

Kong Jingke, who was sitting in the recording studio with his eyes closed, sang softly, his voice getting lower and higher, as if in the dark morning, a ray of morning light, like hope, suddenly broke the darkness and brought happiness to this somewhat cold world. It brings hope and warmth.

A song ends.

People outside the recording studio were immersed in Kong Jingke's singing and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time. Many people thought that two years ago, Kong Jingke was at her peak, and she released 10 classic songs in a row.

Unexpectedly, when I returned two years later, the song "Hope" entered another level, because although the previous song touched people and reached the hearts of many people, the main melody was still a bit sad.

But this song "Hope" is different.

This song is like the morning light that illuminates the earth before dawn. It tells the listeners, don't give up, there is still hope, it will come soon, as long as you are willing to persist, it will definitely come...

I don't know who took the lead.

Applause suddenly resounded outside the recording studio.

Kong Jingke couldn't hear outside sounds in the recording studio, but she saw the applause of people outside and couldn't help but smile, then took off her headphones and walked out of the recording studio.

Ke Meng was the most excited.

This song "Hope" was her first time to listen to it. With Sister Jingke's heavenly voice, it sounded so good that she couldn't help but come over and hold Kong Jingke's arm, and said happily: "Sister Jingke, this song is really nice. Yes, I dare say that as long as you publish this song, it will definitely become popular."


The tuner couldn't help but said in admiration: "The lyrics and music are both beautiful, especially the meaning conveyed by this song. I hope that the song is good and the name is good. Sister Jing Ke is so amazing."

"That's right, the album will definitely sell well."

A little girl also came over and said, "It's also very suitable for large-scale parties or Spring Festival Gala performances. Sister Jingke, when the album comes out, please sign it for me so that I can keep it."

Kong Jingke was a little hesitant because she didn't plan to publish the song.

Ke Meng knew Kong Jingke best and saw her hesitation. He first asked the sound engineer not to reveal the demo of the song, and then pulled Kong Jingke into her office.

“Don’t you want to publish this song?”

Ke Meng closed the door and asked Kong Jingke.

Kong Jingke nodded.

Ke Meng looked at Kong Jingke and couldn't help but said: "Why? Because of Ye Feng? Sister Jingke, I know what you mean. You don't want to appear in Ye Feng's world or disturb his life, but now 2 years have passed. Everything is different, he has lived a new life, and you should start over too. Isn’t singing the most important thing in your life?"


Kong Jingke is still a little hesitant. Once she releases an album, it means that Ye Feng will know that she has returned to China. She can still keep calm when she doesn't see Ye Feng. But after seeing Ye Feng, she is afraid that she will not be able to keep calm. What if she gives up? What should I do if he brings trouble?
"Nothing but."

Ke Meng interrupted Kong Jingke, and then said in a slow tone: "Sister Jingke, don't always think about others. Maybe Ye Feng thinks more clearly than you? You have also been abroad for two years, and Ye Feng is only 30 years old. No, he can't be a widow for you, right? And you also said that he also has Zhang Lan. It's over in his heart a long time ago. It's time for you to live the life you want. You forgot to post him on Weibo a few days ago What’s the news about you and that female star? He’s so cool now, can you please stop being stupid?”

Kong Jingke was silent for a while.


Kong Jingke finally relaxed her persistence. After all, singing is the most important thing in her life besides Xiao Pianhong. As long as she sings well and doesn't appear on the show, it shouldn't disturb Ye Feng's life.

(End of this chapter)

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