Recast youth

Chapter 1591 The significance of Lanshan Company in Dongzhou

Chapter 1591 The significance of Lanshan Company in Dongzhou
"Can he kill me?"

Li He was lectured by Li Qingmei again and again, and couldn't help but said: "Three years ago, I gave him a handle. If I didn't give him a handle, what would he do to kill me?" ?Trick me to death with my head?"

"You don't believe it, do you?"

Li Qingmei looked at Li He and suddenly chuckled.

Li He frowned and said, "I don't believe it. It's true that he is rich now, but he can't find someone to kill me. His end won't be much better."

There is another thing that Li He never said in his heart, that is, as long as Ye Feng dares to do this, with the influence of his family, he will definitely be able to bring down Ye Feng. He is not someone who has no background and can be manipulated casually.

"Isn't money enough?"

Li Qingmei suddenly looked at Li He and asked, "Do you know what Lanshan Company's current contribution to Dongzhou City means in addition to tax payment?"

Li He suddenly choked on his words.


Lanshan Company is currently the number one taxpayer in Dongzhou City, including state-owned enterprises. Such a company is of great importance to a city. It is not only related to local taxation, but also to the leadership of the municipal government. The company's departure from the industry will inevitably bring the city and its management team to the industry.

"Dongzhou didn't have a very high influence in the entire Yangtze River Delta region before, but since Ye Feng's company started, Dongzhou City's position in the Yangtze River Delta has become more and more prominent."

Li Qingmei continued to speak sharply: "It is also based on Ye Feng's company that makes Dongzhou City a city that has great attraction for elite talents from "first-tier cities" in addition to Shanghai, Su, and Hangzhou. , the existence of Lanshan Company allows the population flow from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to Dongzhou. It is different from the situation where Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen feed back to ordinary second-tier cities based on the comparative advantages of lower housing prices and less life pressure in second-tier cities. Instead, it allows Dongzhou City to To become more of a choice based on career development.”

"In this sense, it allows Dongzhou City to gradually integrate with Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, laying the human foundation for Dongzhou City to serve as the "Silicon Valley" of the Yangtze River Delta and even a new global business center."

"Its contribution to Dongzhou City is not only reflected in GMV, GDP and tax revenue, but also gives Dongzhou City the ability to gather the country and even embrace the world's markets."

"What qualifications do you have to fight Ye Feng in Dongzhou?"

Li Qingmei walked towards Li He step by step: "If he really wants to kill you, will he kill you by playing in Dongzhou? He only needs to ask the Dongzhou Municipal Government a very simple multiple-choice question, let him stay or stay. You, can you still stay in Dongzhou?"

Li He was speechless after being questioned by Li Qingmei one after another, and he said unintentionally: "The best I can do is not stay in Dongzhou."

"Yes, you can just pat your butt and leave, but what about the company?"

Li Qingmei continued to ask, "Should the company here continue to operate? Should Dongcheng Real Estate continue to develop? Should Dongcheng Xiulancheng continue to operate? Li He, many times, it is not a big deal if you don't stay here. Can it be solved, do you understand?”

Li He stopped talking.

In fact, in the middle of last year, he had already felt that Ye Feng was getting farther and farther away from him, even to the point where he could not see his back.

Seeing Li He's silence, Li Qingmei softened her tone. She walked back to the desk and sat down. She crossed her legs and looked at Li He, who no longer had any stubbornness on his face. He pinched his eyebrows and said, "Li He, It's not that the second sister wants to talk to you, but sometimes the truth is like this. After grandpa has retired, there is no one in the generation of parents who can support the Li family. Now the eldest brother is pursuing an official career. The political future is still bright, but it needs There are many places to make money. As for me, I put it nicely and am a strong career woman. In fact, the company is a money bag for your brother. Only with power can there be a preference for resources. He came out of the party school training class last year and was transferred to city T. Boss, I have nothing. I have to lose money to earn money for him, and spend money to help him build and achieve political achievements, right? But this all requires money, you know? Don’t make enemies for me everywhere, Ye Feng is not someone we can afford to offend now. .”

"I understand, sister." After listening, Li He breathed out heavily.

"It's good to know, but don't think too much about it. There is no problem with Ye Feng. When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to give him some favors, which should ease the relationship."

After all, he is his own brother. Li Qingmei can't bear to continue to lecture Li He. Proper beating is a good thing, but if it is beaten too much, it can easily bend a person's spine. After all, Li He has been growing up since childhood. I haven't suffered any setbacks.

But Ye Feng...

His achievements now are really enough to bend the backbones of his peers.

Li Qingmei picked up a pen, looked at the pen body, thinking about Ye Feng's figure, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, especially now that he is not even 30 years old and is still clearly improving in all aspects.

Thinking of this, Li Qingmei couldn't help but be curious. What kind of peak can people like Ye Feng reach in five or ten years?Is it a loss halfway, or is it a climb all the way to a peak where others can’t even look up from behind?

Xinlong Mansion.

after dinner.

Wang Xin suddenly arrived.

Ye Feng was surprised that Wang Xin would come over suddenly, but he welcomed Wang Xin and poured a cup of tea for Wang Xin. Wang Xin put the tea cup on the table, walked to the pool, and admired Ye Feng for a while. The bone tongue fish, silver dragon, and golden dragon were not in a hurry to tell their purpose, but turned to ask Ye Feng: "Why do you think of raising this?"

"On a whim, I thought it would be cool to keep them, but later I found that I didn't have the energy to take care of them all the time, and I had to travel a lot."

Ye Feng scooped out a small basin of small fish, picked up one and threw it into the pool of arapaima. With a huge splash, one of the arapaima swung its tail, and the small fish was swallowed by it. , and then once again swam leisurely around like a dominator in the water, and the largest arapaima was already more than one meter long.

"That's how it is. Generally, those who keep large and ferocious pet fish like arapaima are raised by the shopkeepers. You don't have the time for this."

Then Wang Xin pointed to one of the flat, huge, black and yellow fish and asked casually: "What kind of fish is this?"


Ye Feng said: "It is also called Sanjian tiger and Nantos fish. It is native to northern and central Thailand and is an original ecological fish species."

Wang Xin was eager to try the huge fish body: "I wonder if the sizzling fish is delicious."

"It's better to say goodbye. This thing is quite expensive and difficult to get. Mainly because no one in Dongzhou keeps it. I got it back from Nanjing."

Ye Feng is really afraid that Wang Xin will take advantage of his fish. Although he doesn't have much energy in raising fish, he feels pretty cool having a few fish at home. Every time someone comes to the house, they will come over and take a look at the fish with great interest. , and then when Ye Feng introduced it, his vanity was quite satisfied.

Then he changed the subject and asked: "By the way, why did you remember to come to me today?"

(End of this chapter)

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