Recast youth

Chapter 1588 The pride of the past is old

Chapter 1588 The pride of the past is old
The entertainment industry is a very realistic place.

To a certain extent, popularity is far more important than talent, acting skills, and appearance. As Ye Feng, as the most popular man in China in recent years, his topics are extremely popular.

Moreover, Ye Feng has crossed many circles. He has been exposed to the Internet, finance, movies, and editing, and has been very successful in all of them. Therefore, even if Ye Feng does not accept many interviews from TV media, people who know him from different channels are still very interested. Much.

Because when a person has wealth, talent, appearance, and is relatively mysterious, then this person will become the target of media pursuit.

But now it has been revealed on the Internet that Li Xiaolu and Ye Feng are together. How can the media not pursue Li Xiaolu?How can you not gossip?Even if she is invited to participate in a variety show and the trailer is marked with questions about Li Xiaolu and Ye Feng's relationship, it will arouse a lot of attention.

Because the public is more interested in the emotional lives of wealthy people.

Just when Li Xiaolu was about to take advantage of Ye Feng's popularity to stir up scandals and CP.

At the entrance of a low-key but rich courtyard, a Maserati parked at the door, and a mature and sexy woman with a good figure got out of the car and entered the courtyard.

She walked to the door of a room with ease, opened the door and went in.

inside the room.

A woman with a cold temperament who had disappeared from the entertainment industry for a long time was teaching a little girl to walk. She squatted on the ground, opened her hands, and smiled and encouraged the little girl who was holding the bed and did not dare to come over: "Little Pianhong, be brave. , Mom will protect you."

The little girl has obviously inherited her mother's characteristics. She is pink and jade-like, with jet-black hair and big and bright eyes. She obviously doesn't know how to speak yet. She looks at her mother who is so close. She wants to go over, but is afraid of falling and doesn't dare to go over. One hand was holding the bed, and the other stretched out his hand and shouted vaguely, "Mom, Mom," even looking like he was about to cry.

Ke Meng came in and saw little Pianhong holding out her hands, with tears in her eyes and a helpless look. Her heart almost broke. For a moment, she forgot the purpose of coming. She quickly stepped forward and picked up little Pianhong, looking at the temperament with some complaints. The woman who was as cold as a queen said distressedly: "She will naturally be able to walk when she grows up. Why are you so anxious now?"

Kong Jingke laughed and shook his head: "Just spoil her."

"That's right, I'm her aunt. If I don't pamper her, who will?"

Ke Meng said matter-of-factly, then kissed little Pianhong and said with a smile: "Be good, call me aunt, and come and listen."

Little Pianhong hasn't learned to speak yet. She and Ke Meng have lived together for a long time. When she saw Ke Meng, she couldn't stop giggling. She even reached out to grab Ke Meng's hair. She smiled with tears in the corners of her big eyes. The way he got up made Ke Meng feel dumbfounded. It was so funny and heartbreaking.

"I'm going back to Zurich tomorrow."

Kong Jingke saw Xiao Pianhong and Ke Meng having fun, stood up and said.

"So fast?"

Ke Meng was a little surprised, and then asked: "Where's Uncle Kong? Have you told him about this?"

"I said it." Kong Jingke's expression was calm, as cold as the bright moon hanging high in the moon palace. He had been back for so long, and it was time to return to Switzerland.

"What did Uncle Kong say? Did he agree?"

"Well, he said whatever I want."


Ke Meng looked up at the overly beautiful woman in front of him, sighed and said: "Sister Jingke, don't be disinclined to listen to what I say. In fact, you and Uncle Kong are really carved from the same mold, with exactly the same personality. He's so arrogant." "How could I be the same as him? If it weren't for him, how could my mother have a cerebrovascular rupture, lie in bed for three years, and finally die of depression?"

Kong Jingke shook his head. She still vividly remembered how indifferent he was towards her and her mother. After all, he was a very indifferent person, and she would never forgive him for his mother's matter.

Thinking of this, Kong Jingke's temperament became even colder. She was as cold as a queen who could not be approached, repelling people thousands of miles away and making people shy away. It was just that this queen was so beautiful, as beautiful as a painting. Although I don’t dare to get close to the painting, I can’t help but want to admire it from a distance.

Ke Meng was silent for a while and then said: "I know Uncle Kong is sorry for her about auntie, but you have to admit that Uncle Kong treats you and Xiao Pianhong well, otherwise he wouldn't go all the way to Zurich. , In fact, Uncle Kong is too strong. He is so strong that he is not allowed to bow his head or say soft words. In fact, he has changed a lot after his aunt passed away. Can't you see it? Now when you quarrel with him, he will Hiding or ignoring you, if you take little Pianhong away, he will really feel uncomfortable."

Kong Jingke didn't want to think about this and looked up at Ke Meng: "Why did you remember to speak for him?"

"Oh, I can't tell, maybe it's because of little Pianhong."

Ke Meng looked at the little Pianhong tenderly for a while, giggling in his arms and understanding nothing. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. She would definitely be a little beauty even more beautiful than her mother when she grew up.

Children are really good.

No worries at all.

There is no need to think about so much right and wrong, as long as you grow up carefree.

Ke Meng came back to his senses, sighed, looked at Kong Jingke and said: "Actually, people's feelings are very strange. I used to be particularly afraid of Uncle Kong. I thought he was too strong and seemed to never laugh. Then when I see him now, I suddenly feel that he should be quite unhappy like this."

Kong Jingke was silent for a while and said: "He wants money and power now. How can he be unhappy? He has got everything he wants."


Ke Meng shook his head and said: "I think Uncle Kong is a little lonely. It's a strange feeling. Think about it, for such a strong person, how could it be possible for him to suddenly lower his head? And I saw him lower his head. , but I feel sad in my heart, because he takes everything in his heart."

Having said this, Ke Meng looked up at Kong Jingke: "Also, haven't you noticed that Uncle Kong is much older? He has gray hair."


Kong Jingke had a cold face and said nothing, making it impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Ke Meng advised: "Really, Sister Jingke, you'd better not leave. Uncle Kong actually really wants you and Xiao Pianhong to stay. Yes, he said it's up to you, otherwise what do you want him to say? Do you want him to beg you to stay?"

Kong Jingke sighed. If the man really spoke to her in this tone, she would feel sad, because it represented the man who was once so strong that most people in Yanjing City trembled when they saw him. old.

once Upon a time.

The man who was extremely strong and would never bow his head was also the pride in her heart. She just said that she really couldn't handle the fact that her mother died of depression because of his cerebral blood vessel rupture.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Kong Jingke suddenly felt a little upset, and then he changed the subject and raised his head: "Don't talk about me anymore, why did you come to my place so late?"

(End of this chapter)

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