Recast youth

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581

So strong!

Ever since Feng Zheng walked towards Chen Shuwen, Pan Kun's eyes had been focused on Feng Zheng's back. Although he had guessed that Feng Zheng could suppress the other party, when the guess came true, Pan Kun couldn't help but feel excited.

He had always known that Feng Zheng's skills were terrifying. From the first day he arrived at the Lanshan Club, he had heard that this bored man squatting on the side of the road teasing ants was a ruthless man with terrifying skills.

However, at that time, Pan Kun had just retired from the armed police after ten years, and he was also a proud and arrogant person. He did not think that he was not Feng Zheng's opponent. However, when he arrived at the Yanjing Chen Yiming Club, Pan Kun clearly understood the relationship between him and Feng Zheng. The difference has made me completely impressed.

Sometimes Pan Kun also wondered how Feng Zheng had developed such powerful skills. Later, Pan Kun figured out that Feng Zheng from Yeluzi might have a talent for skills that ordinary people could not match.

And this year.

Feng Zheng is not yet thirty.

Coupled with his talent, abnormal physical strength and explosive power, he has undoubtedly created the current Feng Zheng. His body and age are all in his golden age, and his transformation between stillness and movement undoubtedly forms a sharp contrast. .

Perhaps only his usual tranquility could burst into action like pulling chestnuts from the fire in an instant.

From the moment he took action, the previously arrogant Chen Shuwen fell into a passive defensive situation. He had no room for a backhand and could only keep retreating.


Chen Shuwen had no ability to fight back at all, and his heart was filled with disbelief. The man he was fighting had terrifyingly powerful skills, and his reactions were as fast as a beast.

Moreover, the strength and speed are beyond ordinary people.

There are many people with this kind of power, even those who practice strength in the army. Many people can surpass this person in front of me, but there are only a few people who can use this kind of power in actual combat and do it so fast.

It can even be said to be unique.

At least Chen Shuwen had never seen such a tough person in the army. Even he, a so-called "Northeast Tiger", could only barely contend in front of this man.

It’s just barely!

Chen Shuwen raised his arm to block Feng Zheng's punch, and at the same time used his strength to retreat, swinging his arm twice. The pain in his humerus was as if someone had whipped him hard with a whip, but the most urgent thing now was not the pain.

It's ventilation.

Chen Shuwen was so suppressed by Feng Zheng that he couldn't take a long breath. Coupled with the violent movements, his lungs were so deprived of oxygen that he was suffocated and felt as if he was going to explode.

Where did such a ruthless character come from?

Feeling that the lack of oxygen in his lungs was getting worse and worse, Chen Shuwen's eyes gradually darkened. If he continued like this, he would be dragged to death by the abnormal physical strength of the person in front of him!

Li Qingmei looked at the two people fighting each other, and was so surprised that she was speechless.

She knew Chen Shuwen's skills.

Chen Shuwen originally liked the sport of individual fighting. Later, when he joined the army, he spent a lot of effort to change the habits left over from his previous fighting practice. At that time, he wasted a lot of effort.

In the past few years, Chen Shuwen has developed a tendency to kill his old master with one punch. This was also the main reason why he went out alone to cause trouble for the boss in the first place.

But Li Qingmei never expected that Ye Feng's men could suppress Chen Shuwen in one confrontation, without even having any room to fight back. How could she not be surprised?
You must know that Chen Shuwen was already a leader among the special forces 7 years ago.

And who is this person who is fighting Chen Shuwen now?
Never heard of it at all.

At this time, Li Qingmei suddenly remembered something. Three years ago, his brother Li He was taken to the hotel room by Ye Feng's people and blocked in the room.

It is said that there was a very powerful man who stood at the door and no one could get out. It was at that time that his brother suffered a great loss. His finger was broken by a dagger and he bled a lot.

And that person should be the man who fought against Chen Shuwen, otherwise a normal person would not be Chen Shuwen's opponent.

After Li Qingmei was briefly absent-minded, she immediately said to Ye Feng who was standing aside: "Have your people stop quickly. Li Shuwen is a person who refuses to admit defeat. He is a special soldier. If he gets anxious, he will definitely kill him. It's hard to get someone killed between the two of them."

Ye Feng was originally watching.After Feng Zheng suppressed Chen Shuwen, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that indeed, Feng Zheng had never let him down, which made him feel proud.

Otherwise, Ye Feng would be really unwilling to let Chen Shuwen go.

Ye Feng wanted Feng Zheng to suppress Chen Shuwen, get rid of his arrogance, and then let him go. As for what Li Qingmei said that Li Shuwen would kill him, Ye Feng didn't take it seriously.

Special forces are human beings too.

Ye Feng didn't know whether Chen Shuwen had seen blood.

But Ye Feng knew one thing, that is, when he was on Fifth Avenue in New York, two black men wanted to stab him with a knife, and one of them died in Feng Zheng's hands.

And he was killed in a shocking way with a knife through the neck.

As for the other one, if Feng Zheng had no murderous intention, he would have died in Feng Zheng's hands. It was also after this time that Ye Feng had unreserved trust in Feng Zheng and was the kind of person who dared to put his life in Feng Zheng's hands. of trust.

It's not impossible to let Chen Shuwen go.

At least he needs to fall down once like Pan Kun.

This is Ye Feng's minimum requirement.

"Don't worry, Feng Zheng knows it well and won't kill him."

Ye Feng said it without taking it seriously, but he was also a little surprised. This Chen Shuwen was really strong in resisting blows, and his toughness was also very strong. He was able to withstand Feng Zheng's blows several times, and he even managed to withstand it. He found a gap in the middle and punched Feng Zheng.

"Forget it, I'll stop them."

Li Qingmei was worried. Whether something happened to Chen Shuwen or Ye Feng's people, she didn't want to see anything happen. So when she saw that Ye Feng didn't want to care, she walked quickly towards Feng Zheng and Chen Shuwen.

At this time, Chen Shuwen finally came forward. From the previous time, he began to make plans to lure Feng Zheng to attack. At the same time, Chen Shuwen was also waiting for the moment when his aura seemed to explode.

Now is the time.

After taking the last breath of his lungs, Chen Shuwen glared hard, and at the cost of taking Feng Zheng's punch, he quickly twisted Feng Zheng's forearm with both hands, then raised his left knee and slammed into Feng Zheng's ribs. at.

This is Chen Shuwen's signature move.

Military academics are called kneeling and stepping on the crotch.

After knocking his knee down and eliminating the opponent's ability to resist, he would hold the opponent's wrist tightly and turn 360 degrees clockwise, forcing the opponent to turn over and fall to the ground.

Then came his real killing move.

He quickly stepped forward with his arms and stepped on the opponent's crotch with the force of his right heel. With one kick, even if Tyson was at his peak, Chen Shuwen was confident that he would completely lose his fighting ability.

Even shot him to death.

But just when Chen Shuwen was about to hit his knee into Feng Zheng's ribs, Feng Zheng suddenly assumed an extremely weird posture, twisting his whole body and shrinking his body and lower back to the left.

The right body and the right arm sank with inertia, using the thickest part of the arm to block Chen Shuwen's knee.

Chen Shuwen's knee strike failed, so instead of being discouraged, he felt happy. This man actually hit his body with a wide open door in order to block his knee strike. No matter whether it was his temples or neck, he had no defense at all.

And just when Chen Shuwen had this feeling in his heart, his eyes suddenly went dark.

Chen Shuwen, who had a bad secret, cursed angrily in his heart, and then Feng Zheng lowered his head and hit his head head to head, and his whole body was hit like stars.

It even felt like the brow bone had been knocked open, and then, blood appeared in front of his eyes. He didn't know whether it was his own blood or the other person's blood.

(End of this chapter)

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