Recast youth

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576
The black Toyota is coming at full speed!

close at hand.

At this moment, it was like a rampaging steel beast. It is conceivable that if such a steel beast collided, let alone the human body, even a steel body would be knocked several meters away. .

Ye Feng's face turned pale.

After so many things happened, I was already cautious enough, but I didn't expect that I still lacked a little vigilance and was followed by someone. At the same time, I felt annoyed and confused.

He had obviously gotten rid of it.

Why did it catch up again?

At this time, Ye Feng had already seen the person sitting in the car. It was a man he had never seen before. He was looking at him like he was looking at prey.

Who is in the car?

How did he know where he lived? Could it be that Li He, a beast, is still evil and wants to fight with him to this day?Ye Feng found that he was a little too kind three years ago and let Li He go, which led to him falling into such a dangerous and desperate situation today.

There is no way to run anymore.

No matter how I ran, I couldn't possibly outrun a car without a way to avoid it.

At this moment, Ye Feng's heartbeat was beating violently, and chills were rising all over his body. His mind had never been faster than it was now, as if a basin of cold water had just been poured over his head.

Not sober.

As for what Pan Kun was going to do, Ye Feng knew it right away. Pan Kun wanted to use his own life to buy him a moment of life.

But I don't know why, and I don't know if it was because of facing death. Ye Feng suddenly felt very calm and calm at this moment. In an instant, all the anger, panic, and regret disappeared completely.

Ye Feng did not choose to hide next to Pan Kun, but stepped forward and suddenly stood in front of Pan Kun. He raised his head and looked at the flat-headed man sitting in the driver's seat of Toyota Overlord.

come on.

I do not care who you are.

No matter who sent you.

At the very least, you have to fill it with your life.

The man in the car with Ye Feng's calm eyes faced everything calmly.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Shuwen kept his eyes on Ye Feng. He saw the sudden change in Ye Feng's face, his panic, and even the slight trembling that he could not control.

But in the end, he suddenly calmed down and stood in the middle of the road.

The speed is still accelerating!
It's just a matter of a moment.

squeak! ! !
The moment Toyota Overbearing was about to hit Ye Feng and Pan Kun, it suddenly stopped the car. Because the brakes were applied too quickly and too hard, the huge tires even slid forward a little distance on the ground.

The tread rubbed against the ground, leaving black marks for two days, and a pungent burnt smell filled the air.

The car still stopped.

The distance between the front of the car and Ye Feng was only one foot away.

Pan Kun's heart was beating violently. He originally wanted to push his boss aside at the critical moment, but he didn't expect that his boss actually stood in front of the car at the critical moment. He couldn't stop him in time.

Because the speed is too fast.

Ye Feng's heartbeat stopped for a moment when the car stopped. Even though he was prepared to die together with the people in the car, when the car really came in front of him and braked at the critical moment, Ye Feng's heart stopped beating. Still felt huge stimulation.

He is human after all.

No one is not afraid of death.

What's more, the car actually braked before it hit him at the last moment.

As the saying goes, scary people can scare people to death. This sentence is absolutely true. In just a few seconds, Ye Feng was covered in sweat from the inside to the outside, and his underwear was wet.

His forehead was also covered with sweat.

My mind went blank except for one thought, it was good to be alive.

I don’t know how long it took.Maybe a few minutes.

Maybe a few seconds.

Ye Feng raised his head and looked at Chen Shuwen sitting in the car.

Chen Shuwen was also looking at Ye Feng. Originally, he had no intention of hitting Ye Feng to death. He just wanted to speed up to scare Ye Feng. He wanted to see what he would do, but he was so scared that he was at a loss.

Or run away?

But what Chen Shuwen never expected was that Ye Feng would not retreat and stood in the middle of the road. This made Chen Shuwen stare at Ye Feng and narrow his eyes slightly.

Aren't you afraid of dying?
Still looking for death?
Chen Shuwen suddenly had this idea in his mind, because in the extreme situation just now, he might not be so panicked, but he would definitely not be able to behave like standing face to face.

But it is.

The car was traveling so fast and there were no obstacles around him. As an ordinary person, he really couldn't avoid it and couldn't respond in an emergency.

Chen Shuwen sat in the car and looked at Ye Feng for a while, then opened the car door. He was tall and strong and got out of the car.

The moment Chen Shuwen got off the car.

Pan Kun stepped diagonally in front of Chen Shuwen, and without any hesitation, punched Chen Shuwen in the head.

The punch speed is very fast!
Very fierce!

As if with a roar!

Chen Shuwen raised his eyebrows and reacted so quickly. He jumped out of the car and took action the moment he couldn't stand up. However, after all, Chen Shuwen had been training in the army for many years and participated in the 2002th "Elna" held in Estonia in 1. ·Assault" international scout competition, won the individual No. [-], and won the title of "Northeast Tiger" with the physique of a southerner.

The moment his toes hit the ground, Chen Shuwen sank.

Pan Kun's fist hit the car door, making a heavy muffled sound, as if he was trying to make a hole in the car door.

But the moment his fist failed, Pan Kun knew something was not going well. The man who got off the car reacted too quickly. Sure enough, he made a move the moment he sank.

Chen Shuwen was very explosive. He almost bent his knees and immediately bounced up like a spring. In the process of bouncing up, he waved his left arm, twisted his waist, and hit Pan Kun's ribs smoothly.

Power is heavy.

At this moment, Pan Kun almost felt the pain under his ribs as if it was going to explode. Half of his body could not exert its strength, but Pan Kun also hated this feeling.

Extreme disgust.

This was the case when I was in Yanjing.

It was like this again when I was in Dongzhou.

The boss asked me to be his driver and bodyguard because of him, but what about me?Time and time again, I fell into powerlessness. How could I explain to my boss, how could I explain to Feng Zheng?
When the pain in his ribs was bursting, Pan Kun seemed to see Feng Zheng's indifferent figure, and also heard his cold questions to himself, I gave my boss to you for protection, what about you?

what are you doing?
Pan Kun's eyes were about to burst. He endured the severe pain and waved his elbow.

Pan Kun has good skills, and Chen Shuwen is not surprised. Generally, rich people will equip themselves with a powerful bodyguard. What's more, according to Li He, this Ye Feng seems to have assets of over [-] billion.

But when Chen Shuwen punched Pan Kun in the ribs, he no longer took Pan Kun to heart. Chen Shuwen was the king of soldiers in the special brigade. He was very proficient in fighting. He knew the power of his punch and hit the ribs. It is far more lethal than hitting someone on the head, because in addition to severe pain, hitting the ribs also affects the opponent's breathing rate and rhythm.

If someone has not received professional fighting training, this simple punch is enough to make the opponent lose their fighting ability.

And just when Chen Shuwen was relaxing, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He suddenly looked up and saw Pan Kun's face was ferocious, as if he was about to die with him.

not good!

This thought suddenly appeared in Chen Shuwen's mind, and the moment this thought appeared, his temple also felt a dull pain. If it was hit hard this time, he would probably die here.

Even if it was Chen Shuwen, he could only forcefully twist his head at the critical moment.

next moment.

Chen Shuwen received a heavy elbow blow to his head, so hard that the other side of his head hit the car door.

The car body made a dull crashing sound again.

(End of this chapter)

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