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Chapter 1573 Unprepared Speech

Chapter 1573 Unprepared Speech

Dongcheng shows off the city.

Located on the north side of the Dongzhou City Pedestrian Street, it was positioned as a landmark building and urban complex in Dongzhou City at the beginning of its construction. Since the use of this land was announced, the Dongzhou City Forum has been full of discussions about this land. .

The discussion is more about housing prices here.

In fact, the houses within two kilometers of Dongcheng Xiulancheng have increased by almost [-] square meters. This is the role of the complex. For a city, the complex is not only a landmark of the city, but also represents the nearby residents. Got somewhere to go.

It was approaching 10am.

The roads around Xiulancheng in Dongcheng have begun to become congested. The traffic police team received a notice from the leaders of the district committee very early and stood on the road to direct traffic. Despite this, the road is still very congested. As for the outside of Xiulancheng, there are already people standing there. There was a crowd of people waiting for Xiulancheng to open and officially open for business, and then go in for a visit.

The manager of Dongcheng Group accompanied the district senior officials, deputy secretary, and leaders to inspect various people's livelihood protection work before the opening of Dongcheng Xiulancheng. Under the leadership of the district senior officials, they conducted safety production and consumption guarantees in Dongcheng Xiulancheng. examine.

After checking.

Senior district officials affirmed and encouraged Dongcheng Group's adequate preparations for opening safety and parking order.

Dongcheng Group is naturally not a simple person who can handle senior officials and other leaders in the area on its own. It shows that it will always tighten the string of safety and make various emergency plans according to the passenger flow during the opening period to eliminate safety hazards. Let the people of Dongzhou City have a pleasant and safe shopping experience.

After coming out.

The senior district official nodded with satisfaction and communicated with the deputy secretary next to him with a smile.

The reputation of Dongcheng Xiulancheng is quite big, and it attracted a lot of people on the day of its opening. This means that after today, Dongzhou City will have an urban complex full of bustling atmosphere.

This is an extremely important step for the construction of urban modernization and civilization.

"When will Mr. Li arrive?" The senior district official came to the place where the ribbon was being cut for the opening and looked at the time. It was already 9:55, only 5 minutes away from the expected time.

The manager of Dongcheng Group said: "We just talked on the phone. Mr. Li has arrived on his way to pick up Mr. Ye and is on his way over now."

"Well, don't worry, safety first."

The district official nodded with a smile. Li Qingmei went to pick up Ye Feng who had returned from Yanjing. He knew about this. Since Ye Feng was coming, there was no point in waiting any longer.


Li Qingmei and Ye Feng came over after parking the car.

Li Qingmei, who was wearing a suit and had a slender figure, was polite and courteous. He and Ye Feng came over with a smile to shake hands with the leaders and say hello. Although Ye Feng didn't like this kind of occasion very much, after so many years, he was able to be kind.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Ye Feng's current status. Now Ye Feng is no longer the person who was just reborn and had some fear of the unknown.

Now Ye Feng is full of confidence.

A person's strength is the source of his confidence and confidence, and with this natural confidence, Ye Feng appears a little different in the eyes of senior district officials, deputy secretaries and other leaders.

10 points.

The opening ceremony of Dongcheng Xiulancheng kicked off.

First, a senior district official took the stage to speak, saying that the market demand for commercial real estate in the future is constantly changing, so the space and content of commercial real estate also need to continue to change and innovate. Enterprises must use innovative methods to form a unique brand temperament. He pointed out, Dongcheng Commercial has been pursuing change and innovation for many years. Its concept of "growing with the city" emphasizes integrating shopping malls and commercial centers with urban and social development, and is a pioneer in the industry...

Ye Feng was most annoyed by these cumbersome clichés, so he hid in the middle of the crowd, watching his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose. It was okay to come, but it was impossible to go up and talk, so he could hide if he could.

Li Qingmei originally asked Ye Feng to go up and say a few words, but seeing that Ye Feng didn't want to go on stage, she had to give up. Then she went up to take the microphone and announced to the audience her development concept for China East City's commercial projects. Explain the concept of the case name, and give the meaning of the name "Xiu Lan City".

The name comes from Du Fu's poem "Looking at the Mountain": "The clock of nature is beautiful, and the yin and yang separate the dusk. When it reaches the top, you can see all the mountains and small mountains." It expresses Li Qingmei's view of the beauty, beauty and magic of Jinmao Commercial's commercial projects. meaning.The English name of Xiulancheng is "the?mall?of?splendors", which is derived from "life?is?splendid" in Notre Dame de Paris. The Chinese and English names combine multiple meanings such as creation and magic, and also place their trust in Li Qingmei’s expectations for Dongcheng’s business.

Although Ye Feng didn't want to go on stage, he was still listening to Li Qingmei's speech. I have to say that Li Qingmei was really an outstanding woman. She even named a complex so carefully, and it was in both Chinese and English versions. .

Just when Ye Feng was sighing, Ye Feng discovered that he had been sold.

I saw Li Qingmei standing there, looking back at herself with a smile, and said with a smile to the district committee leaders on the stage and the people in the audience: "Today is the opening day of Dongcheng Xiulancheng. In addition to all the city leaders coming to give guidance, I also invited a heavyweight guest to the scene.”

"I think everyone knows who it is."

Li Qingmei walked up to Ye Feng with the microphone and said, "Yes, it is Mr. Ye Feng, the famous entrepreneur in our city and the founder of Lanshan Company. I would like to ask Mr. Ye to say a few words to you."

What the hell!

Ye Feng saw Li Qingmei coming over and wanted to curse.

Just because Li Qingmei said this, Ye Feng found that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and the reporters from the TV station on the scene also turned their cameras over, which meant that he was being put up and he had to go out if he didn't want to go out to speak. Say a few words.

"I haven't prepared anything. What did you want me to say?"

Ye Feng walked over to Li Qingmei with a smile and cursed in a low voice.

Li Qingmei also smiled in a low voice: "I left the microphone on. You can raise your voice louder so that everyone can hear it. It turns out that rich people are no different from us and can also curse."

Ye Feng cursed in his heart, and then had no choice but to take the microphone from Li Qingmei's hand and walk to the stage. Below him was a crowd of people, many of whom looked at him like they were celebrities.

Some even took out their phones to take pictures.

Ye Feng rarely stood in front of the stage, especially in front of so many people. After thinking about it, he decided to relax a little, smiled at the people in the audience, and said, "Actually, I didn't prepare a speech before I came here. , Mr. Li didn’t say anything about asking me to give a speech on stage, so I was quite nervous when she pushed me out like this.”

"But, I'm not very nervous, because you can't eat me, right?"

After speaking, Ye Feng smiled.

The people in the audience laughed knowingly. For the first time, they discovered that President Ye of Lanshan Company was actually such a down-to-earth person in private. One of the short-haired girls was a loyal fan of Ye Feng.

When everyone was laughing, she suddenly shouted to Ye Feng on the stage: "That's impossible to say."

Ye Feng noticed the short-haired girl, who was in her early 20s and quite delicate. Then he smiled shyly at her: "Then I will call the police. The police officer may nip your dangerous ideas in the cradle."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, the audience laughed again. The girl with short hair flushed with excitement. Ye Feng actually responded to her!

The senior district officials and other leaders also looked at it with smiles. Unlike Ye Feng, they spoke in official language. The reason is very simple, because although this set of rhetoric makes people sleepy, at least it has the advantage of not intensifying Contradictions will not give people excuses, so Ye Feng's speech today made them find it very interesting.

Li Qingmei looked at Ye Feng's back with a smile.

Ye Feng continued to smile to the audience and said: "As for what I want to say, it is very simple. Shopping is something that makes people feel good. I also like shopping, but there is one sentence I want to give to everyone. Money is in your own pocket. Please shop rationally and pay attention to safety. I hope everyone has a pleasant shopping experience. Thank you everyone."

The voice just fell.

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

The next step is to cut the ribbon and take photos with the leaders as promotional materials for Dongzhou TV Station.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly turned his head and looked towards the southeast corner of the stage. There was a man wearing a gray vest, who was extremely eye-catching even when he was standing in the crowd, looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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