Recast youth

Chapter 157 Lonely Sister Li is online

Chapter 157 Lonely Sister Li is online

The girl who lost her foot was wearing a tight black hip-hugging skirt. After sending the guilty little boy away, she pulled the skirt down a little, sat on a chair, crossed her legs, and waited for the next guest.

Then she saw Ye Feng coming to the door.

"Let's go play for a while. Don't come and make trouble with me. I don't have time to amuse you." The lost girl obviously recognized Ye Feng and didn't give him a good look. Logically speaking, she shouldn't have known him. The men she came into contact with were so diverse. Many, sometimes as many as ten a day when business is good.

After playing, there are some hooligans who just pull up their pants and run away without giving any money, but Ye Feng is the only man who can shamelessly come in and say he is a virgin and ask for red envelopes.

"I won't ask you for a red envelope today."

Ye Feng unceremoniously sat on the table next to him and said with a smile, "I want to discuss business with you."

"What kind of business can I have with you?" The lost woman rolled her eyes at Ye Feng, then took the melon seeds next to her and started eating them out of boredom.

Ye Feng looked at the fallen girl up and down. She had a good figure and a good face, and then said with a smile: "I really have a business to discuss with you. I want you to help me seduce someone. The money matter is easy to talk about. If it goes through, I will give you 1000 yuan." money."

"Really?" The woman who lost her footing was a little confused.

Ye Feng took out 500 yuan and put it in front of her. She immediately put the money away, with a smile on her face. Looking at Ye Feng, she actually looked good.

She stood up, put her hand with red nail polish on Ye Feng's leg, gestured to the small space blocked by a curtain inside, and said coquettishly: "Who are you trying to seduce? How about we go in and talk slowly? Don't be in a hurry. of……"

Ye Feng took her hand and chatted with her for a while. He found out that her name was Sister Li and asked her if she could pretend to be a good young woman.

Sister Li immediately patted her chest and said it was a trivial matter, and then she rubbed her face in front of Ye Feng coquettishly. She saw it when Ye Feng took out money just now, and Ye Feng said he had a small amount of ten thousand in his pocket.

"Don't look at what I'm doing now. I was a group actor in Hengdian a few years ago. Her acting skills are superb. She can act like anything she wants. Not to mention a young woman from a good family, even concubines in the harem can act for you. Cixi's Have you seen The Secret Life? There is a palace maid in it, that is me." Sister Li gave Ye Feng a wink.

Ye Feng didn't answer at all.

An ordinary boy might have fallen for Sister Li's trick, and he wouldn't believe it. Besides, it doesn't matter whether she plays Cixi's Secret Life or not, what matters is her career.

Ye Feng asked her: "Can you chat on QQ?"

"Yes, why not?" Sister Li said, "I went to junior high school."

Ye Feng asked again: "Then if you were asked to quickly seduce a college student to sleep with you, how would you message him?"

Sister Li said: "This is not easy. Just tell me, little brother, my sister is lonely. Do you want to come out and play with her?"

"I want you to play a good family, don't you act like a lost girl? The smell of dust is almost getting into the computer."

Ye Feng was a little speechless. It seemed that the QQ fishing task could not be given to her. He took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Sister Li became anxious and stopped Ye Feng and said to give her another chance.

Ye Feng was afraid of alerting others and was unwilling to give him a chance.

Sister Li felt that her acting skills had been insulted and said angrily: "Why do you have to be so serious? Men are not like that. Why do we need to be realistic when chatting? I can be realistic. Just the way I talked just now, as long as it is a man They will all come out." Ye Feng was slightly choked and had to sigh at the breadth and depth of Mandarin. The car started driving as soon as he said it would start, but there was no way to refute it.

However, Ye Feng still called He San, gave him his address, and asked him to bring the bald Li Dahai over. He San asked what was going on on the phone, but Ye Feng didn't say anything and just let them talk.


He San was at the company when he received the call. After receiving a call from Ye Feng, he immediately took a taxi to the house Li Dahai rented, called Li Dahai out, and went to the address Ye Feng said.

Xianggang Street.

After getting out of the car, He San was dumbfounded. He saw his boss chatting with a coquettish woman in a small hair salon. No matter how innocent he was, he understood what was going on in this small hair salon.

"Third son, will your boss ask us to come here and ask us to be prostitutes?" Li Dahai's eyes were a bit straight, and the girl in the hair salon was really pretty.

Needless to say, he was really tempted and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

As soon as Ye Feng saw the looks in the eyes of He San and Li Dahai, he knew that they were thinking wrongly. He did not talk to He San, but to Li Dahai. Ye Feng had a deep impression of this young and bald programmer.

Not long after the Ge Zhang Zodiac Private Server was launched, Ye Fengden He No. [-] was hunted down by most of the people in the server. It was Li Dahai's good deeds. He dressed up as a woman, made strange noises, and provoked fights and fights among men.

Ye Feng asked Sister Li to temporarily close the store, and the four of them found an Internet cafe. Then they told Li Dahai the QQ account of Adi Nan, Shi Haijun, who attacked him, and asked him to change his profile to female and change his avatar. When I went to Jia Shi Haijun, my online name was "Lonely Sister Li".

When He San saw this, he immediately understood what Ye Feng meant. He wanted Li Dahai to dress up as a girl to seduce Shi Haijun. After waiting for a while, Shi Haijun still failed, and it was almost evening, so Ye Feng took them there. After eating, the details were discussed at the table.

It's not particularly complicated either. Li Dahai is responsible for seducing Shi Haijun by pretending to be a girl, while Sister Li is responsible for meeting Shi Haijun and even beating up the real army. Finally, she uses a recording device to seduce Shi Haijun and record what Ye Feng wants to hear.

It is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say simple.

There was nothing about He San, but he found it quite exciting, and it was about his boss, so he didn't leave until after dinner. At about 07:30, Shi Haijun passed Li Dahai's QQ friend list verify.

Li Dahai began to use his strange ability.

Sister Li was not convinced. She leaned behind Li Dahai and watched how Li Dahai chatted with that Shi Haijun. Can a man talk to another man and have fun?
Ye Feng didn't think it was anything. Before they met, who knew who was a man or a woman on the other end of the computer?All feelings are based on fantasy.

Shi Haijun happened to be online.

Li Dahai, a bald programmer, is really boring and good at chatting. He didn't talk about the main purpose first, but chatted with Shi Haijun about some unrelated things to get acquainted with each other. Then he sighed, said he was in a bad mood, and then felt a little resentful. My question is, are you men all petty?
In 2002, it was very simple for people to come up with online names without so many tricks. "Lonely Sister Li" could still touch the heart of a little boy full of hormones.

Shi Haijun immediately replied: You can't knock down a whole boat of people with one stick. I'm not that kind of person.

Li Dahai started to make it up, and started to reply quietly with the words "Lonely Sister Li": When we were together, I said that I was not that kind of person, and my husband did the same. Now that he has revealed his true colors, I will just be a little bit like that with other men. After saying a few words, he became suspicious and deliberately tortured me on the bed, asking me if I had had an affair with another man...

(End of this chapter)

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