Recast youth

Chapter 1555 Mr. Feng tells fortunes

Chapter 1555 Mr. Feng tells fortunes

Liu Hailiang knew Zhang Lan.

Not only did he know Zhang Lan, but he also knew that before the Chinese New Year, his brother Ye Feng and Ye Qing went to Yunnan to take Zhang Lan home for the New Year, and that his sister-in-law Zhang Lan also had a very impressive family background.

I have a grandfather who was a senior city official.

Needless to say, my parents are both worth over [-] million each.

In Liu Hailiang's eyes, Zhang Lan was undoubtedly his designated sister-in-law. He took this home, and both his fifth aunt and his fifth uncle recognized Zhang Lan. As a result, another woman came to see his brother.

Not only beautiful, but also very elegant.

No, besides her, there is also Gao Xuan.

Liu Hailiang still remembers that when he saw Gao Xuan, he wanted to chase Gao Xuan, but Gao Xuan asked him to find someone else. He refused to give up and asked Gao Xuan why, and Gao Xuan asked him to ask his brother Ye Feng.

It became clear that there was also something fishy between Gao Xuan and his brother.

In the blink of an eye there were three women.

Could it be that Zhang Lan is the eldest, and Gao Xuan and the woman just now are the younger, and they are both sisters-in-law that the brother keeps for himself?
Thinking of this, Liu Hailiang felt that he had discovered a big secret. He hesitated and walked up the stairs, planning to find his brother as an excuse to take a stroll.

But on the second floor, Liu Hailiang saw the woman and his brother standing in front of Master Feng's fortune-telling booth.

Ye Feng was really stunned. He didn't expect Li Qingmei to come to him suddenly. He glanced at Li Qingmei, who was looking around with a smile, and asked, "What's the reason you came to me?"


Li Qingmei smiled, then his eyes fell on Feng Sande who was sitting behind the fortune-telling stall. He sat down and said to Feng Sande with a smile: "Sir, how do you charge money for fortune-telling here?"

Feng Sande's eyes hidden behind his sunglasses looked at Li Qingmei's eyes wandering around, and then he said in a pretentious manner: "I tell fortunes and only talk about fate, not money."


Li Qingmei smiled: "Then are you and I destined?"

Be nice.

This girl is really handsome, and Feng Sande has seen a lot. When he saw Li Qingmei smiling, his heart skipped a beat. She was really a fairy. He touched the mustache that had just grown out. He said slowly: "Since we met, it is natural that we are destined. I don't know what you want to do, girl."

Li Qingmei said: "Look at the future."

"The future is..."

Feng Sandra said in a long voice, and then stretched out her hand like a blind man: "Girl, please stretch out your hand and let me touch your palm."

Ye Feng was standing nearby. Seeing Feng Sande's pretentiousness, he couldn't bear to look at him. He wanted to take advantage and made so many excuses, so he deliberately caused trouble and sighed: "Oh, people's hearts are not ancient."

Feng Sande turned a deaf ear and his face was already as thick as a city wall.

not far away.

At the entrance of the stairs, Liu Hailiang could vaguely hear what Feng Sande was saying. Seeing that Li Qingmei really stretched out his hand, he was extremely envious. Then he secretly sighed with a righteous look on his face. This old bastard can really fool him. He just said a few nonsense words. I just touched the girl’s hand.

However, Feng Sande was much more honest this time. After touching Li Qingmei's hand bones, he asked again: "What do you call the girl?"

"Li Qingmei."

"Good name."

Feng Sande praised.

Li Qingmei chuckled: "Oh, what's a good idea?"

Feng Sande touched the eight-character Hu Changyin again and said: "There is a description in "The Story of the West Tower: Di Zhi", your appearance is exactly like Master Li, Zhang Panpan, no less old than Su Xiao, with green eyes reflecting the green water, and light eyebrows from the distance of the mountains, She has a plain throat and a pretty waist, so she has a good name."

"..." Ye Feng originally wanted to see the old gangster Feng Sande's joke, but his eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard him chewing words here. What he said seemed to be true, and he didn't know if he was just making it up.

Li Qingmei.

Doesn't light eyebrows mean that women should not give way to men's eyebrows?

Li Qingmei found it very interesting. She took back her hand with a chuckle, raised her head and said with a smile: "Sir, you should consider your future."

Feng Sande was a little regretful that he had gone through so much trouble and finally managed to find some ink, but he was not praised. If the other girls had covered their mouths shyly and laughed at this time.

However, Feng Sande was not annoyed and said slowly: "The future is bright and everything will be worry-free."

Li Qingmei glanced sideways at Ye Feng next to her: "But sir, I don't think I'm very smooth and carefree. I don't think I'm very accurate."

Feng Sande cursed secretly.

I didn't expect to encounter someone who was trying to argue with me today.

However, Feng Sande had been traveling all over the country for many years, so he was not afraid and asked instead: "Girl, if you are worried about everything, how can you sit here and tell fortunes calmly?"

"That's true."

Li Qingmei nodded, accepting this statement. As for whether Feng Sande is really capable or fake, Li Qingmei believes that this person is really capable. After all, in such a big club, if he is a magic stick in the world, Ye Feng It is impossible for him to continue: "Sir, can you help me calculate my marriage?"

This is what Feng Sande was waiting for, but he didn't answer in a hurry. He asked again to touch Li Qingmei's hand bones, and then said slowly: "There was no marriage before thirty, and after thirty, Mitsuko Masuko."

"That's quite accurate."

Li Qingmei nodded. Thirty years ago, she really didn't have any marriage prospects. Either she didn't dare to pursue her, or she didn't like her, and she didn't have the heart to talk about relationships between men and women. However, Mitsuo Masuko later asked Li Qing Mei Mei became a little interested.

Feng Sande didn't know what Li Qingmei was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely laugh proudly. Li Qingmei looked like he was over 30 years old. Now when asking about marriage, the lice on his bald head were obvious, so he must not be married. She won't ask if she gets married.

Li Qingmei came back to her senses, looked at Feng Sande and asked, "Can you figure out where my other one is now?"

"Let me do the math."

After hearing this, Feng Sande sat upright, no longer stooped, his eyes rolled up, and he was mumbling, and then he said in surprise: "Girl, your marriage sign is very close to you now."

Li Qingmei took it seriously: "Really?"

"I'll do the math again."

Feng Sande started to roll his eyes again: "Well, I am indeed very close to you. As for marriage, it is even destined by God that your other half is a peaceful person with the attribute of wood."

Li Qingmei was curious: "The attribute is wood? What does it mean?"

Feng Sande coughed and said, "If you encounter someone whose name has the character "木" next to it, you can pay attention."

Ye Feng originally planned to ignore it, but after hearing this, he really couldn't stand it anymore. The words "木" next to "木" or not "木" next to "木" clearly meant him.

Ye Feng took off the sunglasses used by Feng Sande to pretend to be blind, then pointed at the panicked Feng Sande and said angrily to Li Qingmei: "It's the 21st century, and the country has repeatedly issued orders prohibiting the promotion of feudal superstitions. You are a serious person who has never been to the book." How can you, a college student, still believe that an old bastard is talking nonsense to you here?"

Feng Sande was taken off his sunglasses, as if he had been taken away from his sense of security. He suddenly became extremely panicked, and then his eyes kept rolling up as he thought in a hurry.

Li Qingmei was not stupid. If there was a fortune teller at the stall, she would not believe it. However, because of Ye Feng, she believed Feng Sande. When she heard what Ye Feng said, she looked at the fortune teller who kept rolling her eyes. Feng Sande, and then thought of the word wood that Feng Sande said, he suddenly understood everything.

Leaf maple.

Isn't the word maple next to the word wood?
And it's very close.

Feng Sande rolled his eyes for a while, his eyes felt uncomfortable, and he felt awkward sitting where he was, so he coughed, stood up, and walked away, saying, "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom..."

Just short of trotting.

(End of this chapter)

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