Recast youth

Chapter 1543: Let everything go as soon as it’s good

Chapter 1543: Let everything go as soon as it’s good
Meng Weihong poured herself wine.

There were a total of two bottles of royal gifts, one of which was basically drunk by Meng Weihong alone. If she drank such an unworthy drink, she would definitely fall unconscious after drinking two bottles of foreign wine.

Ye Feng didn't drink much in the evening, but now that he saw Meng Weihong begging to be drunk, he planned to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

Ye Feng picked up the wine bottle and prepared to pour wine.

But at this time, Meng Weihong suddenly reached out and grabbed Ye Feng's wrist, which was a little cold.

Ye Feng looked at Meng Weihong.

Meng Weihong said with drunken eyes: "You and I are the only two people here. We are both drunk. Who will send us back? You should drink less."

Ye Feng was happy: "You want me to drink with you?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not. What's important is that I have a companion."

Meng Weihong giggled like a little girl at this time, then held the wine glass with two fingers and touched Ye Feng's glass lightly, and said with a smile: "Cheers!"

Then drink it up.

Meng Weihong soon became drunk.

The two bottles of royal gifts were drunk cleanly, but instead they were singing, and neither of them sang much.

Unlike the three female students at night, Meng Weihong was really in a bad mood. Ye Feng looked at Meng Weihong who was lying on the sofa mumbling, and thought about it. He originally wanted to call Meng Weihong's brother.

But in the end he gave up this idea. He went to Meng Weihong's house several times and sent Meng Weihong back by himself.

When helping Meng Weihong out of the KTV, Meng Weihong almost leaned on Ye Feng's body. Even though they were separated by a pair of eyes, Ye Feng could still feel the warmth from Meng Weihong's mature body.

Ye Feng's heartbeat was a little fast.

I can’t help but ask myself.

Meng Weihong has a biological brother in Dongzhou. Why do you want to send her back alone? Do you have something in mind?Then Ye Feng rejected this idea. He just didn't want Meng Weihong's brother to think too much. After sending her back, he would drive back.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng felt no burden to send the drunk Meng Weihong back late at night.

Down the steps.

Ye Feng first looked for Meng Weihong's bag to see if her car keys and home keys were there. In the end, she didn't find the car keys, only the house keys.

That's when Ye Feng helped Meng Weihong into his car.


Two horns that were not harsh suddenly sounded from across the road.

Ye Feng looked across the road and saw a black Audi parked on the other side of the road. The window was not closed, and a man of about 40 years old was sitting in the driver's seat.

His eyes are like the sea, calm and profound.

At this time, he was sitting in the car, looking at Ye Feng calmly.

Although Ye Feng had never met this man, his intuition told him that this man was related to Meng Weihong, and he was probably the Li Rongkun whom Meng Weihong had just talked about in the KTV private room.

Ye Feng gently closed the car door and walked towards the car on the other side of the road.

The man said: "Get in the car and talk."

Ye Feng did not sit in the passenger seat, but opened the back seat door and got in.

Seeing Ye Feng sitting in the back, the man raised his eyebrows, then smiled, turned around and took out a pack of Double Happiness. The price was not expensive, the kind of Double Happiness that costs 7 yuan a pack.

"Smoking?" the man asked with a smile.

This is the second time Ye Feng has seen a powerful person smoke such cheap cigarettes. The last person was Kong Zhong, but Kong Zhong smoked Zhongnanhai, which was a bit evil and more about observing people's hearts.

Ye Feng took the cigarette. "Are you Ye Feng?"

The man lit a cigarette mindlessly, then slowly exhaled and said with a smile: "I have often seen you in reports in the past two years. I didn't expect to meet you in this way today. Sure enough, being famous is not as good as meeting you. This trip to Dongzhou is worth it."

Ye Feng said: "They are all false names."

The man smiled nonchalantly, then glanced at Ye Feng's Mercedes-Benz S600 and asked, "Is she drunk?"

Ye Feng nodded: "Well, she drank two bottles of foreign wine alone."

"Actually, with her drinking capacity, she wouldn't be drunk after two bottles of foreign wine."

The man looked away, said something briefly, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Do you know why she is still drunk even though she has a good drinking capacity?"

Ye Feng said: "I'm in a bad mood."

"Yes, I'm in a bad mood. Once people are in a bad mood, they get drunk easily." The man said in a complicated tone: "I'm sorry for her."

Ye Feng didn't comment. After all, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't understand what the story between the man in front of him and Meng Weihong was.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng said, "Actually, you should say this to her."

"No more, what needs to be said has been said."

The man shook his head, then looked up at Ye Feng: "Did she mention me to you?"

Ye Feng said: "If you are Li Rongkun, then it is about you."

With a smile on his face, the man said calmly: "What did she say about me?"

Ye Feng said: "She said that over the years, she has watched you build tall buildings, watched you entertain guests, and watched your buildings collapse."

The man froze for a moment.

Then he burst into laughter, with a hint of self-deprecation in his tone: "That's true, success or failure depends on day and night, but it's too late to say this now, it's a foregone conclusion."

At this point, the man took out a bank card and said: "You will transfer this card to her for me later. This morning, she transferred 3 million to me, saying that she would cancel it with me. I guess, she With so much money, I should have sold everything I could."

Ye Feng was silent.

The man looked at Ye Feng and said with a hint of gangsterism: "You said, I am a man who takes charge, and a woman with no status has followed me for more than ten years, just for money. I can't let her. In the end, I lost both my life and my money, and I am left empty-handed, even the money for my retirement is spent, right?"

Ye Fengxin said it was wrong.

Meng Weihong has a lot of money. The NetEase shares she holds far exceed [-] million.

Of course, Ye Feng only talked in his heart and did not say it out loud.

The man handed the bank card to Ye Feng and said, "I used the rest of the money to run relationships. I prayed to Bodhisattva and my sentence was reduced. I will surrender tomorrow. There is 5000 million left here. Please help me give it to her." As for how she wants to live her life in the future, it is her freedom, and I will not interfere with her anymore."

Ye Feng didn't answer.

The man said: "Take it, that's all I have."

Ye Feng took the card.

"Well, that's enough. It's time for me to go back to Shanghai."

The man started the car, and his intention was self-evident, asking Ye Feng to get out of the car. However, after Ye Feng got out of the car, he suddenly stopped Ye Feng again: "Since we are destined to meet each other, I will give you a word, everything will be well with you." Don't trust others too much."

Ye Feng said: "Thank you."

"You are still young, leave more ways for yourself."

The man smiled and waved to Ye Feng, with an indescribable relief and ease in his smile: "Let's go. See you again in ten years."

(End of this chapter)

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