Recast youth

Chapter 1513 Who in the world can not recognize you?

Chapter 1513 Who in the world can not recognize you?

2005 Spring Festival stall.

A newly established film production company and a new director directed "Crazy Stone" at a low cost, which hit a box office of 4.73 million and shocked the entire Chinese film industry.

Since then, Jingke Pictures, Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Guo Tao and others became instantly famous.

Since the second half of last year, Jingke Pictures' new masterpiece "On the Road" has also attracted close attention from people from all walks of life in the film and television industry, wondering whether this movie can set new results.

The movie will be released at midnight on February 2th.

Early morning of May 2rd.

Various media and interested people have obtained the movie statistics about the box office of "Journey on the Road" on the first day of release from the Film Specialty Office. The popularity greatly exceeded expectations.

The zero-point box office reached 600 million yuan, surpassing the 250 million zero-point box office of "Crazy Stone". It once again broke the mainland box office record for Chinese films and ranked No. 1 in mainland China's film history.

The first-time receipts of "Unfortunate" also exceeded 7000 million yuan, ranking first in the history of mainland Chinese films.

Simply unbelievable data.

Chen Yiming was the first person to know the first-day box office figures of "On the Road". Although he has not had another conflict with Ye Feng over the past year, he has paid attention to everything Ye Feng does.

It can be said that besides Ye Feng's family, Chen Yiming is the person who "cares" about Ye Feng the most.

Chen Yiming couldn't help but bared his teeth when he saw the box office data for the Zero Point show in "Jiao Tu". Ye Feng was so lucky. He made a movie and had a box office of 600 million at Zero Point.

When the one-day box office of "Jonky Road" came out, Chen Yiming became even more uneasy. He felt unhappy, envious, and even had a hint of admiration. He called Yang Yanhui specifically and asked Yang Yanhui to guess the number of people's first-day box office on "Jonky Road." How many.

When Yang Yanhui saw Chen Yiming making a special call, he understood that the box office of "Awkward" was not low, and he guessed 4000 million.

Chen Yiming said unhappily, "Where is 4000 million? The box office of Dog Day exceeded 7000 million in one day. It's really a fucking money grab. Why do you think this piece of shit has such good luck? What does he do?" , he ran a decent movie company, and two movies in succession sold hundreds of millions. Considering the box office performance of this person's "Jonky Road" on the first day, it is estimated that the next release will not reach 7 million.

Yang Yanhui was speechless when he heard this, and only the word "monster" remained in his heart.

On the morning of the 19th, data about the box office records set by "The Lost Way" immediately hit the major media, making countless people jealous and onlookers curious about the movie.

I'm curious as to why this movie was able to set a box office record of 7000 million on its first day of release.

Therefore, on the Internet, you can see topics about this movie in major forums. Countless people have asked in the forums what the movie "Journey to Hell" is like and whether it is worth watching.

The answers I got were all worth watching.

In the past two months, Lanshan Weibo has become the most popular social networking site on the Internet, overwhelming the 51 community due to the large number of celebrities who have settled in it and the operation methods set by Ye Feng.

"People on the Road" also sparked a very hot topic on Lanshan Weibo, and suddenly became the number one hot search topic on Weibo, with almost all Weibo users participating in the discussion.

More than 90% of them are praise for this movie.

Human nature is such that it is easy to follow trends. While most people continued to praise this movie, some people who did not originally think this movie was so good immediately joined in the praise.

One of the senior film critics, one of the earliest big Vs on Weibo, in order to show his style, wrote a serious film review on the hot topic on Weibo, saying that this movie is quite similar to the 1987 American film "Bon Voyage" are very similar, and the content of the film is also average, like a collection of cross talk sketches. The screenwriting is a bit uneven, and the funny lines are also a bit pretentious, which makes people feel that they are out of step. The biggest problem with the film is that the screenwriting only uses some elements that can amuse the audience. Pasted rather than connected and advanced with a true and reasonable story. ?Every turning point in the story relies on Wang Baoqiang's "crow's mouth" to take over, which is too deliberate.But what this senior film critic never expected was that within just a few hours, his review would become the second most popular search topic on Weibo, and countless people would then criticize his review.

"What are you pretending to be? You still look like a beautiful American film. Do you know what "like" means? The most disgusting thing is you. People like you who can't make a sound with a bucket of water, but still have half a bucket of water hanging around. If you act like this, Say, do you write or copy the Xinhua Dictionary, silly dog, I think you are a beautiful dog."

"On the top floor, there is a senior film critic. It's really funny. You are so awesome. Why don't you copy a classic movie like this? It has a box office of 7000 million a day. Isn't it good?"

"That's right, I don't know how you B has the courage to talk about the screenwriter. Do you know who the editor of People on the Road is? Ye Feng, do you know? The founder of Lanshan Company, are you qualified to comment on Ye Feng's father? ? People write scripts just for fun, and they become classics as soon as they are written. Do you have the skills to do that?"


And because of this, Weibo has become a hot search topic again.

That is, there is a hot search about Ye Feng, the screenwriter of "The Lost Journey". In a short period of time, it quickly became a hot search on Lanshan Weibo, and it reached the top of the list in a shorter period of time. The most searched position.

It would not be unusual to say that an ordinary screenwriter wrote the script for "The Man on the Road", and it would not be very popular.

But this person happened to be Ye Feng.

Who is Ye Feng?

It can be said that he is the most famous person in China in recent years. He started from scratch, starting from the e-commerce website w5173, to the Lanshan game empire, and to the video culture field.
In the financial field, we developed third-party payment software Maple Leaf Payment, reached cooperation with banks, and opened quick payments.

Did you think this was the end?

Ye Feng suddenly changed his career and co-founded a film production company. He discovered a talented director in his first film and set a box office record for Chinese films.

At this time, everyone originally thought that Ye Feng's solo show should be over. No matter how talented you are, you are Einstein. You can't have such inexhaustible talents, right?

However, Ye Feng once again showed his magic.

After Ning Hao made a movie with a box office of 4.73 million yuan, Ye Feng did not seek stability. Instead, he wrote a movie script himself and found another director to start filming.

Then the box office once again set various box office records.

Although "Unfortunate" has only been released for less than two days and is still far away from the 4.73 million box office of "Crazy Stone", anyone with a discerning eye can see that it already made 7000 million on the first day of release.

Is 4.73 million still far away?

Is it okay to just start at all?
Because of this, when Ye Feng got up to prepare to return to Dongzhou with Zhang Lan, he once again received a large number of congratulatory calls, including from director Ye Weimin, Chen Huang, Hou Yao, Lin Rui and others.

And Wang Xin’s.

Even Ma Yun, who had met Ye Feng once in Hangzhou, called him personally. While congratulating Ye Feng on the phone, she was filled with admiration.

Almost in a day.

Ye Feng has reached the point where no one in the world can fail to recognize you.

(End of this chapter)

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