Recast youth

Chapter 151 Adult society is not that simple

Chapter 151 Adult society is not that simple

The brain CT image came out.

Fortunately, Ye Feng was fine and had only some external injuries. Shen Yu and Lin Rui kept guarding Ye Feng. When it was almost noon, Ye Feng asked Lin Rui to go back.

Lin Rui is different from Shen Yu. He has a girlfriend at home, and he will definitely not be able to go back for a long time.

Li Jia also sent a text message. She basically sends messages to Ye Feng every day. It is not easy for Ye Feng to deal with Li Jia. It takes a lot of brains to think of reasonable excuses to prevent her from suspecting.

The reason why Li Jia is not allowed to know that she is injured is also very simple. First, even if Li Jia knows that it will not work, it will make her worry in vain. Second, Ye Feng did not have the habit of asking for help in his previous life, even his family members. He was willing to accept their help. During the most difficult time, he just bought a few buckets of dried noodles, added a few drops of oil and dark soy sauce with salt and ate them for a month.

It's okay to say he's withdrawn.

Say whatever you want about him.

Ye Feng has this kind of character, and he doesn't intend to change it. In this life, Ye Feng is much better, and he is not as deviant as in his previous life.

Shen Yu ran around for Ye Feng, buying toothbrushes, face towels and other daily necessities. Ye Feng looked at Shen Yu running around and joked with a smile: "You buy so many things. Do you want me to stay in the hospital forever and not be discharged?"

"The teeth have to be brushed."

Shen Yu checked the time and asked Ye Feng: "I'll buy you something to eat. How about pork belly and vegetable soup?"

"No, I don't really want to eat right now. I'll talk about it when I'm hungry."

Ye Feng said to Shen Yu: "Why don't you go back and have a rest? I haven't slept all night, and I don't have any inconvenience in my movements. There are people selling takeaways at the hospital's dining area. I'll buy it myself when I'm hungry."


Shen Yu shook his head and refused to go back. He suppressed his tiredness and said, "You still have three bottles of intravenous drip before you finish. Let's wait until you finish. I will take you home then."

Ye Feng was happy: "Let our second generation Shen do these menial jobs, I'm pretty proud of myself."

Ye Feng could laugh, but Shen Yu couldn't. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that Zheng Kai was the one who did it. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? He found someone to smash Zheng Kai's car, and he just happened to have it after buying it. Got smashed.

Ye Feng fought against Zheng Kai's people for him, and then Ye Feng was beaten.

Shen Yu particularly blamed himself. He said seriously to Ye Feng: "I will give you an explanation for this matter of third brother."

Ye Feng turned his head and looked at Shen Yu: "How do you explain it to me? Drag Zheng Kai over and beat him up without asking anyone?" Shen Yu said nothing.

Ye Feng asked again: "Do you have evidence to prove that he did it? Did the police tell you that he did it?"

Shen Yu said: "Is there anyone else besides him?"

"Whether it's him or not, you can't go find him." Ye Feng shook his head and rejected Shen Yu's idea.

"Why?" Shen Yu frowned and looked at Ye Feng, his voice a little higher: "To be honest, I don't care if the car is smashed, but you can't let me watch you get beaten because of me, right? This tone, I really can’t swallow it, I must make trouble for Zheng Kai, if he can, he will ask his father to reach out to Dongzhou.”

Ye Feng only asked Shen Yu: "What if it's really not him who did it?"

"How could it be that he didn't do it?" Shen Yu was annoyed by Ye Fengwen. From last night to now, he has not slept. He has been thinking about who did this, but besides Zheng Kai, he really can't think of anyone else. Who would cause trouble for him.

Ye Feng emphasized: "I'm talking about what if it's not him."

"Nothing unexpected." Shen Yu shook his head with a look of persistence.

Ye Feng was amused by Shen Yu's appearance. He didn't expect Shen Erdai to have such a persistent side. He smiled and said, "Well, just think of it as him, but you still can't go to him. Originally, this matter was We are reasonable, but as soon as you take action, we become unreasonable, just like last night, when you started fighting with the doctor, if he really insisted and refused to mediate, it would still be fine to have you stay in the detention center for two or three days."

"Stay as many days as you want. That grandson deserves to be beaten because of his foul mouth." Shen Yu said.

"I'm not talking to you about how many days to stay. What I mean is that it's not cost-effective. In some cases, you can take action. In some cases, it's better not to take action. For example, your car was smashed and I was beaten. It was Zheng Kai who did it. You fight back, but the premise is that you have to have evidence, and then the matter of you hitting him and the matter of him hitting me can be used as a hedge. If we mediate between each other, there will be no problem. At most, we will create a rift."

Ye Feng paused and continued: "But there is another situation here, that is, you have no evidence, and the police can't find any evidence to prove that he asked someone to smash your car. He also asked someone to beat me up. You said you It's okay to go to him to cause trouble, but you can't just slap him twice, right? In other words, you may hit him and hurt him. If you miss, it will be more serious. In this case, the crime of intentional injury will be serious injury. , what consequences are you facing? The initiative has suddenly fallen into Zheng Kai's hands. What you will face is his counterattack. He will sue you. If you don't reconcile, then you will have to bear criminal responsibility and go to jail. He won't produce it. With a criminal understanding letter, it will be very difficult to bail you out, unless there is a very strong connection to forcefully bail you out."

"You have to think so much about fighting? How frustrating is it to think about it like this?" Shen Yu was stunned for a moment. Although his emotional intelligence and knowledge were higher than the average person, how could he understand it as thoroughly as Ye Feng did?It was extremely uncomfortable to be analyzed by Ye Feng like this.

Ye Feng smiled, and in order to give Shen Yu a more thorough understanding, he continued: "Then let me give you the simplest example. Although Chen Qingyin has not officially agreed to you now, she at least leaves a crack for you. If you What will she do if she goes to jail? She will be very disappointed, thinking that you think about things without thinking. Don't think it's impossible. In this society, there are many men who are hot-headed and risk their lives for women. What will be the result? Instead of the man going to jail or being shot, the woman followed someone else?”

"Then what should I do? It's really uncomfortable for you to say that to me." Shen Yu calmed down, but he still felt aggrieved no matter what he thought. It was obviously Zheng Kai and the others who did it.

"Wait first."

Ye Feng spoke calmly and narrowed his eyes slightly: "The initiative is now in our hands. Your car is on the road for about 40 yuan, and the loss is quite large. Smashing the car is a crime of intentional damage to property. In addition, I was beaten, and it can be charged as a crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble." , couldn’t they endure it for half a year before taking action? Then it’s okay for us to endure it for a while. Let’s see what the police say first. It’s best to find evidence. If we can’t find evidence, we will help find some evidence and then let them You know, adult society is not as simple as they think."

(End of this chapter)

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