Recast youth

Chapter 1497: What I owed in the previous life, I will pay in this life

Chapter 1497: What I owed in the previous life, I will pay in this life

"Second aunt."

"Three aunts."



After Ye Feng took Zhang Lan out of the car, he greeted each other from elder to elder. Unlike other places, Ning'an, a small county close to Shandong, pays special attention to etiquette and respect for elders.

Just like during the Chinese New Year, the younger generations need to go to the elders’ homes in groups to kowtow to pay New Year greetings.

Due to his loneliness in his previous life, Ye Feng hated clichés in etiquette the most, but at this moment, he fought hard for Zhang Lan. With Zhang Lan, he called the elders one by one, and the male elders dispersed their smoke. When he met someone of the same age Brother, Ye Feng also smoked a cigarette and left no one in the cold. A group of elders also laughed and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay."

It can be said that at this moment, Ye Feng and Zhang Lan became the focus of everyone, and for a time, they were in the limelight.

Ye Ma was very proud when she saw that her son and Zhang Lan were so popular among relatives. When she saw Zhang Lan, she stepped forward and held Zhang Lan's hand, and asked her if she was tired and cold along the way. Not used to the weather in Ning'an.

Ye Ma asked and Zhang Lan answered with a smile.

Father Ye's personality is relatively low-key, and Zhang Lan is a girl, so he simply left it to Mother Ye to greet him. He was smoking and chatting behind the crowd with a few of his peers who usually played better.

And I bought Xiaosu cigarettes specially.

People of the same age around them also praised Ye Feng and Zhang Lan. They praised Ye Feng for being outspoken and finding partners who were all so good-looking. They should have good appearance, good temperament, and good figure. They should be extremely handsome.

Father Ye waved his hands on the surface and said that Ye Feng was just lucky and came into the good era of the Internet. In fact, when he looked at Ye Feng, his eyes were full of pride for his son, and he felt that he had done the right thing by trying hard to send him to college. .


Ye Feng and Zhang Lan were still surrounded by relatives, but Ye Qing became a foil.

The eldest sister Ye Yun was busy cooking at home. She heard the noise below on the second floor and went downstairs. She had never seen Zhang Lan before, but when she saw Zhang Lan wearing a windbreaker next to Ye Feng, she was immediately satisfied. My younger sibling has a good temperament.

"Mom, it's cold outside. Let's go upstairs and talk."

Ye Yun came to the relatives, first said something to Ye Ma, and then warmly greeted Zhang Lan upstairs. After all, this hometown county was different from the outside. Ye Yun was a little afraid that Zhang Lan was not used to the worldly customs at home, so she wanted to protect her first. She went upstairs to her room.

"This is my eldest sister."

Ye Feng introduced Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan smiled and said hello to Ye Yun: "Hello, eldest sister."

"Good good."

Ye Yun felt happy, and the more she looked at Zhang Lan, the more satisfied she became. Then she took the initiative to hold Zhang Lan's hand and led her upstairs. Ye Qing took the opportunity to follow her immediately, while Ye Ma was responsible for greeting other relatives to go upstairs together.

Ye Feng felt relieved when he saw that Zhang Lan was taken away by his eldest sister. After all the relatives went upstairs and only Ye Ma was left behind, he asked Ms. Wang Haiqin in a low voice: "Mom, why are the second aunt and the others so busy today?" coming?"

"Let's have a drink."

Ye Ma happily said to Ye Feng: "This is the first time a girl comes to visit her house. She is not allowed to invite relatives over for dinner. It shows that we respect her. When Zhang Lan came last time, I wanted to raise a dinner party, and I finally managed to do it this time."

Ye Feng thought so too.

During the summer vacation the year before last, when Zhang Lan came to pick up Ye Qing for a trip to Yanjing, Ms. Wang Haiqin wanted to organize a banquet to let her relatives get to know Zhang Lan. She wanted to tell the public that Zhang Lan was her daughter-in-law, and at the same time let Zhang Lan feel that she was her daughter-in-law. Her old Ye family valued her very much.

It was just that Zhang Lan didn't want to be too showy, so he stopped him.Now that the Chinese New Year is here, Zhang Lan is finally here. How can Ms. Wang Haiqin not find an opportunity to host a banquet and invite relatives and friends to come over?

Ye Feng originally bought two houses with two facades, door to door. At this time, the door was open, and there were people in the houses on both sides. It was full of people, the elders were chatting, and the children were running around. There are two round tables on one side of the house and one round table on the other side.

Ye Feng went to Zhang Lan first.

Ye's father and Ye's mother lived in the house on the east side. The house on the west side was empty and was reserved for Ye Qing and Ye Yun to live in when they came back. Zhang Lan was taken to a sunny room on the west side.

Open the door and take a look.

The eldest sisters Ye Yun, Zhang Lan and Ye Qing are all inside.

"Are you used to it? The customs and etiquette here are a bit stricter."

Ye Feng walked in and asked Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan snickered and said, "It's not bad."

"This formation is really quite big."

Ye Qing sat next to Zhang Lan and shook her head and said: "When Sister Zhang Lan and I first entered the house, one elder came in and another elder came in. I felt like they were visiting us in a zoo."

"You're celebrating the New Year, what are you talking about?"

The eldest sister Ye Yun has an older personality and is relatively calm. When she saw Ye Qing talking openly, she smiled and said to her: "The elders came here to see what your future sister-in-law will look like."

"Okay, Zhang Lan will leave it to you. I'll go out to entertain the guests first."

Ye Feng felt relieved when he saw that Zhang Lan had made all the arrangements. He knew that all the relatives at home were coming for him, so Zhang Lan could stay in the room, but he had to go out to entertain the guests.

The eldest sister Ye Yun smiled and said to Ye Feng: "We women are here. It's not convenient for you to be here. You can go out and I will chat with Zhang Lan."

After coming out.

Ye Feng encountered the greetings of one elder after another. At any time, an elder would wave to him with a smile, "Ye Feng, come here." Then Ye Feng had to accompany the smiling face, disperse the smoke, and call for people.

Then the elders told some interesting stories about Ye Feng's childhood, and some directly praised Ye Feng for being the most sensible among the brothers when he was a child, and the most serious in studying, and now he is indeed promising.

Some talk about reversals, mentioning one or two things about Ye Feng being naughty and mischievous when he was a child, and then saying that he didn't expect that when he grew up, he suddenly became serious and became much more stable, and he became an adult in a blink of an eye.

Ye Feng can act vigorously and resolutely with others in the company and outside, but at this time, no matter how rich or powerful he is, he has to keep a smile on his face and give face to his elders.

If not, then after Ye Feng left, all the elders would talk about before and after dinner was how he was so arrogant despite having so much money, or simply saying that he didn't know what to do at a young age.

Not only Ye Feng, but even Ye's father could only listen to it with a smile at this time, and could not let others find fault. Moreover, Ye's father also felt that it was quite glorious, and he had never been so glorious in his life.

Then came the aunts, aunts, and elders of the sister-in-law on Ye's mother's side. Ye Feng also had to go there and show their faces, calling people one by one and saying hello, but the female elders were fine here, and Ye Feng didn't need to stay long.

Normally Ye Ma would just say hello, and they rarely sit in the same place. Whenever a relative comes and asks Ye Feng where his girlfriend is, Ye Ma will volunteer and happily take them to the room where Zhang Lan is staying in the west house. , opened the door to take a look, and then happily said to Zhang Lan who was sitting, "This is your so-and-so aunt, so-and-so aunt."

Zhang Lan smiled and called for someone.

Then Ye Ma closed the door with the female elders and said happily that this is Ye Feng's girlfriend. The female elders would also praise Ye Ma with smiles on their faces, "Good girl, this girl is not ugly, she is quite handsome." Your old Ye family is very lucky, but Xiaofeng is also promising now, and the two of them are a good match for each other.

Ye Feng couldn't stop laughing when he saw Ms. Wang Haiqin who was in a loop. He felt complicated and relieved at the same time. What he owed his parents in his previous life was finally being repaid slowly in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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