Recast youth

Chapter 1468 Scheme

Chapter 1468 Scheme
new York.

After Yang Qingzhi had a phone call with Ye Feng, they took action. There was only one reason why Hilton's board of directors suddenly raised the price. In addition to Maple Leaf Fund, Blackstone also came in to pursue control of Hilton.

That's what the product is.

If no one cares, the price will drop.

If there is competition, prices will rise.

Yang Qingzhi understands this truth very well. There is only one way to lower Hilton's acquisition price, which is for Maple Leaf Fund or Blackstone to withdraw from the pursuit of Hilton.

As for the wishes of Hilton's board of directors, it is not that important.

What matters is Schwarzman.

Schwarzman is one of the founders of Blackstone. He was in the investment circle, and Yang Qingzhi and Schwarzman also knew each other. To some extent, Schwarzman can be regarded as Yang Qingzhi’s predecessor.

Yang Qingzhi essentially admired Schwarzman. In his impression, Schwarzman was a very combative person, because at the beginning, private equity funds were regarded as sideline on Wall Street. Schwarzman It is very difficult to establish a new private equity fund company like Blackstone to open up the situation, so Schwarzman initially received many rejections.

But over nearly 20 years, Schwarzman relied on his resilience to build Blackstone into the famous Blackstone Group on Wall Street.

4 pm.

Yang Qingzhi found Wen Yueqi in the company office.

"Come out to dinner with me tonight."

"Have a meal?"

Wen Yueqi was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Yang Qingzhi would ask her to dinner.

Seeing Wen Yueqi's expression, Yang Qingzhi knew that she had misunderstood, and said with a smile: "It's not dinner with me, but dinner with Schwarzman. I made an appointment with him to have dinner with him tonight. You come with me."


Wen Yueqi thought for a moment and then asked: "The founder of Blackstone?"


Yang Qingzhi nodded calmly.

"Okay, I'll explain the work and follow you later."

Wen Yueqi nodded, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart. Although the amount of mutual funds she currently manages is quite large, most of them are funds from Chinese entrepreneurs.

Americans' funds account for a very small proportion.

As for people like Schwarzman, they are semi-legendary figures. Basically everyone who wants to work on Wall Street now will have heard of Schwarzman's deeds.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Wen Yueqi to ask Schwarzman for dinner, and only Yang Qingzhi can freely ask for dinner with someone of this level.

Both are god-level figures in the investment world.

After half an hour.

After arranging the follow-up work, Wen Yueqi and Yang Qingzhi got in the car and headed to the hotel. Wen Yueqi looked at Yang Qingzhi and asked, "Do you want to talk to Schwarzman about the Hilton Hotel acquisition?"


Yang Qingzhi chuckled and said: "I have two plans now. One is to persuade Schwarzman to compete with us to acquire Hilton Hotels, and the other is to cooperate with Blackstone and acquire it together. Which one do you think is better?"

"Both options are acceptable." Wen Yueqi thought for a while and gave a suggestion.

Yang Qingzhi drove the car with a relaxed smile: "What's the reason?"

“If investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are old adult lions, then Blackstone is a lion that has just entered its strong period. In the past year, Blackstone has delivered perfect results to investors. The answer is that the profit is US$22 billion, and the per capita profit is US$295 million, which is 8 times the per capita profit of Goldman Sachs.”

Wen Yueqi said: "Comparatively speaking, the Maple Leaf Fund has just been established and is not well known to the public. Basically, the public knows the Maple Leaf Fund because of you, not the Maple Leaf Fund itself. If the newly established Maple Leaf Fund can join forces with the Blackstone Group , together with the acquisition of Hilton Hotels, Maple Leaf Fund’s name can be quickly known to the public in the shortest possible time, which will promote our subsequent investments and future listings.”

At this point, Wen Yueqi paused and continued her analysis: "In addition, acquiring Hilton Hotels is not a guaranteed investment. Blackstone can help us share the risk costs."

Yang Qingzhi smiled.

Goldman Sachs is his old employer, and no one knows better than him how profound Goldman Sachs’ heritage is. In the next 20 years, Blackstone may be able to surpass Goldman Sachs, but definitely not now.

Because there has always been a saying on Wall Street that there are two levels of excellence on Wall Street, the lower one is called excellence, and the higher one is called Goldman Sachs.

Obviously, Blackstone has not yet reached this standard.

As for the per capita profit creation being 8 times that of Goldman Sachs, it is just a joke. Why use Goldman Sachs for comparison?Because Goldman Sachs is one of the oldest investment banks, and because Goldman Sachs is strong enough.

As for Blackstone's profit of US$22 billion last year, Goldman Sachs's profit in one quarter far exceeded this figure.

However, Yang Qingzhi also understands Wen Yueqi. In the field of investment, men and women have two different tendencies. Men often represent radical, risky, and gamblers.

Women represent conservatism and stability.

As for the advantages and disadvantages, Yang Qingzhi will not judge. Each has its own advantages. Yes, a man's radicalness can bring relatively high returns in some cases, but it may also be doomed.

Women who are conservative will not suffer big losses. From a long-term investment perspective, there is nothing wrong with steady growth, but they often miss huge returns due to excessive conservatism.

But Yang Qingzhi likes to take risks.

In other words, Wall Street is a place naturally suitable for gamblers to survive.

Yang Qingzhi turned around, chuckled and said to Wen Yueqi: "It's useless for us to agree to join forces with Blackstone. Our boss may not agree."


Wen Yueqi was a little confused. Blackstone was very strong now, and she couldn't imagine why Ye Feng would disagree.

Yang Qingzhi smiled and said, "Why don't you call the boss and ask."

"I'll ask him."

Wen Yueqi really called, and the call was quickly connected.

"doing what?"

"Taking care of something in industry and commerce."

Ye Feng's voice came from the phone: "What's wrong?"

Wen Yueqi asked straight to the point: "My senior brother and I are going to meet Schwarzman, the founder of Blackstone. If Blackstone joins forces with us to acquire Hilton Hotels, what do you think of this plan?"

Before Ye Feng had time to speak, Wen Yueqi said again: "I have also told you that Blackstone is a very strong company and is the emerging king of PE on Wall Street. It is a good idea to join forces with Blackstone. After all, acquiring Hilton Hotels is not a A small amount is not a guaranteed investment. With Blackstone joining us in the acquisition, we can not only share the risk, but if there is any problem with Hilton’s operations in the future, Blackstone can also send professional people to help Hilton transform. In addition, we and Blackstone jointly At the same time, with fewer people bidding, Hilton’s purchase price will drop a lot. Please think carefully before answering me.”

(End of this chapter)

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