Recast youth

Chapter 1405: Stop reasoning with women

Chapter 1405: Stop reasoning with women

Since Wang Xin returned to China to take charge of Lanshan Company, Lanshan Company has been developing at an orderly speed. Without Wang Xin to control the company's big and small things and details, Ye Feng's lazy character would not be able to support such a large company. company.

A company with dozens of people is easy to manage.

But after the scale exceeds [-], management becomes more and more difficult, not to mention that Lanshan Company is still a company with more than [-] employees?
In addition to Wang Xin's original experience as vice president of Yahoo, Wang Xin is described by the domestic media as a queen who holds the power of the company like Wu Zetian.

This is the first time that Queen Wang Xin has a problem with Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng is only in his 20s, Wang Xin has always felt that Ye Feng is a very sensible and mature man, so mature that people can easily ignore his age.

Today's matter clearly shows that the deputy manager of the game R&D department did not have enough professionalism. Feng Zheng was merciful in dealing with it. If she had been in charge of it, no one would have gone over. Instead, the legal department would have taken over and the police would have been dealt with. Then the internal middle and high-level management email was notified about this matter, giving them all a reminder.

The family has its own rules, and the state has its own laws.

The company also has a system that its employees must abide by. It doesn't mean that whatever you want to do, just apologize and refund the money and everything will be fine. If you find out, you will refund the money. If you don't find out, will you not refund?
Is it even possible for the company to be corrupted by you?

This is Wang Xin's most intuitive feeling, and she originally hated the discord and intrigue between company managers. At the beginning, Yahoo's senior management consumed a lot of resources because of infighting.

So Wang Xin stood in front of Ye Feng, looked at He Chongxin, and told Feng Zheng that if Feng Zheng was to be dealt with, yes, she could be replaced as well.

This sentence has two purposes.

The first purpose is to silently warn He Chongxin that no matter who is in the company, as long as they make a mistake, they will have to bear the consequences. They have to face her, otherwise they will not be able to plead with anyone!
The second purpose is that if Ye Feng is really determined and refuses to listen to opinions that are beneficial to the company, Wang Xin feels that it doesn’t matter if he resigns. The current Lanshan Company is similar to the original Titanic, which was also known as It would not sink, but in the end the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank.


He Chongxin stood on pins and needles standing in front of Ye Feng, not daring to meet Wang Xin's eyes. He really regretted asking for this favor. He thought it was a small thing, but he didn't expect so many things to happen over and over again. .

As for Ye Feng, he was also shocked and a little surprised. He just used the topic to act in front of He Chongxin, and then silently told him, I have already interceded for you, but there is nothing I can do. Neither Feng Zheng nor the company CEO Wang Xin can do it. Although I was willing to be merciful, I was helpless, but he didn't expect Wang Xin to react so violently and defend Feng Zheng so much.

For a moment, Ye Feng didn't know how to respond to Wang Xin.

"never mind."

Ye Feng pretended to be irritated and said, "You arranged the affairs of Chief Human Resources Officer Feng Zheng. You can take care of whatever he causes. I don't care about you."

After saying that, Ye Feng left with a "gloomy face".

Seeing Ye Feng leave, Wang Xin turned to look at He Chongxin: "Manager He, do you have anything else to report?"

"No, no."

He Chong's confidence tightened and he said quickly: "I have nothing to do. Then Mr. Wang, I'm going to work first."

After saying that, He Chongxin also ran away. Wang Xin was the queen of Lanshan Company from the first day she arrived at the company. Regardless of whether Ye Feng recruited Wang Xin to Lanshan Company or not, Wang Xin's aura was not low. After all, she also had her father. The shadow of Wang Shouli, dean of the School of Political Science and Law.

Ordinary people, when they see someone speaking out about politics and law, their aura will not be lowered by three points?What's more, Wang Xin is also the CEO of the company. In terms of aura, He Chongxin, who is a technical geek, really can't be tough in front of Wang Xin.

Seeing He Chongxin walking away in despair, Wang Xin did not leave. She stood there with a strong aura and called her assistant to come over. Soon, the female assistant came to Wang Xin.

Wang Xin looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Go and tell the personnel manager Yan Peijun and ask her to fire Wang Yihui, the deputy manager of the game R&D department, immediately, and ask him to pack up and leave now."

"Okay Mr. Wang."

The female assistant had never seen Wang Xin's tone before, so she responded with fear, and then left.

Many employees in the office area heard Wang Xin's voice, and all of them remained silent and lowered their heads to work, for fear of being harmed by this angry queen.

After Wang Xin finished giving instructions, she went to Feng Zheng's office and became very angry. She had a fight with Ye Feng outside, but Feng Zheng actually sat in front of the computer, smoking and playing. Minesweeper.

"How do you keep playing?"

Wang Xin looked at Feng Zheng expressionlessly.Feng Zheng clicked Minesweeper and said, "Why can't we continue playing?"

"Did you just criticize Mr. Ye's face?"

Wang Xin stared at Feng Zheng: "I usually think you are quite smart, but now you are as stupid as a pig. No matter how good-tempered Mr. Ye is, he is only in his 20s. It is when he wants to save face that he comes to see you personally. Yeah, why don’t you give him any face?”

Feng Zheng said: "Wrong is wrong, right is right."

"So, are you right?"

Wang Xin became angry: "I'll tell you what wrong and right are. Mr. Ye is the chairman of the company. What he says is the truth. Do you understand what is right?"

Feng Zheng plays minesweeper.

Wang Xin added: "Sometimes, you can't just look at right or wrong, but you also have to look at who knows the other person? Let me tell you, Mr. Ye will be so angry that he will fire you."

Feng Zheng continued to play minesweeper.

"Who allowed you to play games while at work?" Wang Xin turned off Feng Zheng's computer without saying anything, and the screen went black.

Feng Zheng raised his head helplessly and looked at Wang Xin: "The boss is joking with me. He is not really angry."

"What did you say?"

Wang Xin was stunned for a moment and looked at Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng was afraid that Wang Xin would not let go, so he had to tell what happened just now. Ye Feng scolded him so unpleasantly and loudly in the office, and it was all for He Chongxin, and then he took the opportunity to ignore the matter.

Feng Zheng said helplessly: "Do you think my boss is usually so irrational and unreasonable?"

"Then didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wang Xin was furious when she realized what was happening, and then called Ye Feng directly in front of Feng Zheng. Before she could ask Ye Feng if this was the case, Ye Feng's playful voice came from the phone: "I Your Lady Queen, are you going to call me to scold me?"

Wang Xin said angrily: "Don't get close to me. I'm still angry. What's going on? You were acting with me just now?"

"Not really."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "He Chongxin has been with me for so long after all. It is rare for him to beg me, and I can't refuse, so I have to put the blame on Feng Zheng. This guy is not a good person anyway."

Wang Xin heard this, glanced at Feng Zheng who continued to turn on the computer, and said: "He and you are the same as each other. Neither are good people. No wonder you two can get together."

"Yes, I was wrong. Neither he nor I are good people..."

Ye Feng responded on the phone and decided not to talk to Wang Xin at this time. No matter what, although Wang Xin's overall view was not inferior to those of professional managers, she was still a woman after all.

Ye Feng feels that it is better not to reason with women when they are angry.

We're talking on the phone here.

As for outside the office, there was already a commotion. The gossip about Wang Yihui, the deputy manager of the game R&D department, who angered the company CEO Wang Xin and was fired, spread almost throughout the entire company office in a short period of time.

Then the deeper gossip also came out. It is said that Wang Yihui took advantage of his position to illegally copy game equipment. He was caught by the newly appointed chief human resources officer Feng Zheng and then fired. Even the company veteran He Chongxin found Ye He always came to plead for mercy, but Feng Zheng didn't give him any face.

For a time, all employees from top to bottom in the company felt an emotionless knife hanging over their heads.

And this knife is Feng Zheng, who took office as chief human resources officer.

(End of this chapter)

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