Recast youth

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403
"How's it going? What did Mr. Ye say?"

At the door of the HSBC building, Wang Yihui came out anxiously when he saw Ye Feng's Maybach leaving. His year-round performance commission was one million, and he was able to serve as a manager in Lanshan Company. He would be proud of it wherever he went.

Therefore, it is a very small matter to give the company a supplement of 100 million yuan.

"Okay, Mr. Ye said I'd give you another chance."

He Chongxin looked at Wang Yihui with a sigh of relief and said, "But in addition to the 110 million you have to hand over to the company, I also have to fine you 5 yuan privately to give you some credit."

"Are you still going to be fined 5 yuan?" Wang Yihui was a little unhappy. This payment of 110 million yuan to the company already made his heart bleed.

"Stop being ungrateful."

He Chongxin said impatiently: "Let me tell you, if I hadn't mentioned Brother Ge, Mr. Ye might not have given you a chance. What you did was really taboo, you know? If you hadn't done these bad things, Can this happen?"


Wang Yihui also sighed when he heard Ge Zhang. Ge Zhang was the first person in their group to live in peace. When everyone was renting a house, he drove a Camry, bought a house, and had a mistress.

But it was also because this mistress ended up setting fires and killing people, and finally committed suicide.

Seeing that Wang Yihui's face was not good-looking, He Chongxin said nothing more and asked Wang Yihui to wait while he went to find Feng Zheng.

to the office.

He Chongxin knocked on the door, and after Feng Zheng's voice came from inside, he went in. He Chongxin was a little frightened when he saw Feng Zheng sitting at the desk with no expression on his face.

The reason why he didn't come to ask for Feng Zheng before was that he subconsciously felt that Feng Zheng was difficult to talk to, and it would be useless if he begged, so he begged Ye Feng.

When Feng Zheng saw He Chongxin coming, he did not refuse him thousands of miles away, let He Chongxin sit down, and then asked He Chongxin what tea he wanted to drink.

"You don't need to drink tea."

Seeing that Feng Zheng was very polite, He Chongxin felt relieved, then he brewed his emotions and said, "I came here to discuss something with you."

Feng Zheng raised his head and looked at He Chongxin with a calm face and calm eyes: "If you are asking for mercy for Wang Yihui's matter, Mr. He, you'd better not speak. It will hurt your feelings. I have already called the human resources department and asked them to fire Wang Yihui."

He Chongxin looked ugly and said in embarrassment: "Can't we discuss it any more? Wang Yihui is also an old employee of the company and has made great contributions to the company. He has participated in several popular games such as Fire Assault and Zhu Xian. He has participated in them this year. I just saw the Zhuxian fire and was confused for a moment."

Feng Zheng put his hands on the table with his golden sword crossed, and said without emotion: "The company has a company system, and I also have my responsibilities. You can say that he was confused for a while, and others can also say that he was confused for a moment. So, Is it true that every time this happens, who will tell me that he was confused for a moment, and the company will not pursue it? Now the company has not just one or two employees, but 1380 people on the job. You can accept that your friend was confused for a moment, and the company can Do you accept 1380 moments of confusion?”

He Chongxin frowned: "Isn't it a bit serious for you to say that?"


Feng Zheng said calmly, and then said: "But Wang Yihui is an adult after all. Adults have to bear the consequences of what they do. I also understand the relationship between you and his friend, but I have my responsibilities. I can't give you this favor."

He Chongxin looked at Feng Zheng: "What if Mr. Ye is willing to give him another chance?"

Feng Zheng understood, and then asked: "Are you looking for Mr. Ye?" "Yes."

When He Chongxin saw that Feng Zheng still didn't give face to him for this reason, he moved Ye Feng out to suppress Feng Zheng. He looked at Feng Zheng and said, "Mr. Ye came to the company just now. I told him about this matter, and he said let him Wang Yihui will make up for the money he got from buying and selling equipment, and I will fine him another 5 yuan, and the matter will be over."

Feng Zheng tapped his fingers lightly on the table: "If you can't make it, Wang Yihui will still be expelled."

"Feng Zheng!"

He Chongxin suddenly became angry, stared at Feng Zheng, and said in a somewhat excited tone: "Don't go too far. Mr. Ye personally said that he would give Wang Yihui another chance. Why are you holding on to him? After all, this company is We are following Mr. Ye to conquer the country bit by bit. You are just lucky enough to drive for Mr. Ye, so you have a chance to join the company. Stop using chicken feathers as an arrow!"

Feng Zheng didn't make any fuss, and just looked at He Chongxin calmly, with a chilling calmness, and said to himself: "Wang Yihui holds the position of manager, and his right to modify data is directly given by the company because of his managerial duties. Therefore, it constitutes the requirement of "taking advantage of his position", and he illegally copied the game equipment in "Journey to the West" and "Zhu Xian" and sold them to players, making a profit of more than 100 million yuan. This is not only suspected of constituting the crime of copyright infringement, but also constitutes He has committed the crime of job embezzlement, and his actions have violated China's criminal law, and the profit amount is huge. The two crimes are punishable together, and he can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and a fine according to law."

He Chongxin was shocked by Feng Zheng's professional legal knowledge.

"In the final analysis, whether I asked him to resign voluntarily or fired him, I have shown mercy to him."

Feng Zheng raised his head and looked at He Chongxin: "Or do you want me to let the Ministry of Justice prosecute him for two crimes: copyright infringement and official embezzlement, so that you can hold on to him to death?"

He Chongxin only felt that the man sitting behind the desk was terrifying and chilling.

"It was Mr. Ye who said I would give him another chance. I asked for Mr. Ye's consent." He Chongxin was afraid that he would quarrel with Feng Zheng again, and he would really ask the Legal Department to sue Wang Yihui, so he had to move Chairman Ye Feng out again and try to Pressed, Feng Zheng let go.

Feng Zheng shook his head: "No."

"What Mr. Ye said doesn't work?" He Chongxin couldn't help but ask.


Feng Zheng shook his head.

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Ye and ask him to talk to you."

He Chongxin was so angry that he never expected that Feng Zheng would not give him face when he moved Mr. Ye out. He was like a villain who got his way, so He Chongxin called Ye Feng in front of Feng Zheng.

Ye Feng was on the way to Lanshan Club when he received the call from He Chongxin. Seeing He Chongxin calling again, he helplessly asked He Chongxin why he was calling again.

He Chongxin told Ye Feng on the phone what Feng Zheng refused to let go of.

Ye Feng asked He Chongxin if he said he would give Wang Yihui another chance.

When He Chongxin heard this, he was angry and aggrieved. While looking at the expressionless Feng Zheng, he said angrily, I said it, but Feng Zheng didn't listen to you. I told you to give Wang Yihui a chance. He still said no.

On the phone, Ye Feng was a little puzzled. Why was Feng Zheng still holding on to him even after he had spoken? He asked He Chongxin to give Feng Zheng his cell phone and asked Feng Zheng to answer the phone.

"Mr. Ye asked you to answer the phone."

He Chongxin calmed down a little after hearing this. He handed the phone to Feng Zheng, then looked at Feng Zheng, and said in his heart, Mr. Ye has spoken to you personally, let me see what you say now!
(End of this chapter)

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