Recast youth

Chapter 1389 Make little or no money at all

Chapter 1389 Make little or no money at all
Dongzhou City belongs to the top [-] cities.

And it is ranked very high, but no matter which city it is, there are people who are very connected locally or in the province. Especially for this kind of shanty town reconstruction project, there are so many people watching it. It can be said that A mixture of dragons and snakes.

It matters to everyone.

Some people even have connections in the province. For them, the shanty town reconstruction project is within their reach. They can not do it for the time being, but they will definitely be the ones to start the later construction.

After all, for them, no money is as comfortable as making money from the government, and it must be safe.

Guo Qianhao also knows this, and he deeply hates this group of people who threaten the government when the municipal government is in difficulty, but there is nothing he can do. These people are like a stubborn disease, which is difficult to eradicate and difficult for you to grasp.

Guo Qianhao knows this.

Meng Weihong also knew this. Why did she transfer the land together with the company and never develop it?There are reasons for this, and on the other hand, in terms of relationships, she is too lazy to run around. There are too many local snakes, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is better to directly transfer the land and earn the difference in price, which will be more comfortable and comfortable.

But it's different now.

Now Guo Qianhao has spoken out in front of the three of them that he wants Xinlong Real Estate to intervene in the shanty town reconstruction project. This means that everyone has put the matter on the table for discussion.

Now Meng Weihong asked Guo Qianhao what he would do if Xinlong Real Estate intervened in the shantytown reconstruction project, if someone was anxious and came in to obstruct it.

Guo Qianhao was also very direct and gave Meng Weihong a reassurance, saying: "As long as everything at Xinlong Real Estate is carried out legally, no one will be allowed to cause trouble. After all, Dongzhou City is still a place that respects the rule of law. If there are any problems encountered in the process, You can communicate and negotiate with me at any time."

Guo Qianhao's meaning is very clear.

It means that Xinlong Real Estate comes into the market, and if someone causes trouble, he will be responsible for solving it.

A lot of courage.

This also means that Guo Qianhao is determined to offend a group of people. No matter what, Dongzhou City Cultural New District must be implemented. During his tenure, Dongzhou City will also be rated as a civilized city.

As the saying goes, blocking someone's financial path is no different than killing your parents.

In fact, blocking someone's career is sometimes more ruthless than killing his parents. Even if it takes three to five years, he will treat you as a thorn in his side. Once he takes office, it will be time to liquidate you.

“My expectation is that Xinlong Real Estate can scientifically and rationally determine the layout of resettlement housing in combination with Dongzhou City’s shanty town reconstruction plan, urban planning, industrial development and people’s production and living needs, coordinate the transformation of central urban areas and the construction of new cities and new districts, and promote residential and commercial development. , spatial integration and comprehensive development and utilization of offices, ecological spaces, and transportation stations to improve the efficiency of land use for urban construction."

Then Guo Qianhao looked at Ye Feng, Meng Weihong and others again, and said in a slow and powerful tone: "As for what I can give you, I will help you remove all obstacles."

Hearing this, Meng Weihong looked at Ye Feng, who had been silent, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Guo Qianhao was also looking at Ye Feng. He knew that among the three of them, Ye Feng was the one who mainly made the decisions. Now with Ye Feng's status, he was the backbone no matter where he was.

Moreover, Guo Qianhao is also testing Ye Feng. If Ye Feng agrees, then he will also give corresponding rewards on behalf of the municipal government. Of course, this requires Ye Feng to agree to this matter first, otherwise, he will give Ye Feng the reward It becomes an exchange of interests between the two, and there is an essential difference.

Ye Feng said: "Xinlong Real Estate's funds are not sufficient."

Guo Qianhao said: "This aspect is not a problem. The finance department will allocate part of the advance payment first. In addition, I can also come forward to promote a certain degree of cooperation between Xinlong Real Estate and local banks." At this point, Guo Qianhao paused. After a while, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "But now the municipal government needs money in all aspects, so I want Xinlong Real Estate to make less money from this."


When Guo Qianhao took office, he also learned about the progress of the shanty town reconstruction project in the Hi-tech Zone. All aspects were open to the public. If you don't give it, it will be left there. Strong companies are partnering, and weak companies are afraid to enter. And the municipal government He couldn't afford that much money, and Guo Qianhao was unwilling to compromise with these people.

So he thought of Ye Feng. As long as Xinlong Real Estate is willing to stand up and come to the rescue this time, the problems facing the city government will be solved. If you don't do it, someone will do it, so will you do it?

Prices in all aspects of urban planning will drop due to the entry of Xinlong Real Estate.

Ye Feng said: "This will offend a lot of people."

"Are you afraid?"

Guo Qianhao threw a cigarette to Ye Feng and looked at him with a smile.

"That won't happen."

Ye Feng shook his head, looked at Chen Qiushi with a smile, and said, "I am not in charge of Xinlong Real Estate now, and it is not me who offends others. Isn't this what Brother Chen is offending?"

When Chen Qiushi heard this, he was stunned at first, and then laughed helplessly: "After a long time, it turns out that I am the one who took the blame."

Guo Qianhao also laughed, and Ye Feng's words meant that he agreed.

Just when Guo Qianhao was about to say his reward.

Ye Feng spoke again. For Ye Feng, making money or not is a secondary issue. Being famous is more important. This kind of fame is not like the fame of a star.

It’s about earning less or even no money from fame.

No matter when or who comes to investigate, they have to say that Xinlong Real Estate and Ye Feng have a conscience and did not make too much shady money from this project. On the contrary, Guo Qianhao came to him directly and offered him a way to make money. project, Ye Feng would feel uneasy, worried that Guo Qianhao had some agenda.

Now that Guo Qianhao asked him to earn less, Ye Feng was relieved. It meant that Guo Qianhao simply wanted him to help solve his dilemma so that his political achievements would look better.

In this way, he can get a name and have a good relationship with Guo Qianhao. Why wouldn't Ye Feng do it?At the very least, if Guo Qianhao really becomes the mayor in the future, with his connections, he might be able to become a Lanshan Pizza Hut like the Penguin Company case in his previous life.

So when Guo Qianhao was about to speak, Ye Feng said to Guo Qianhao and Chen Qiushi: "That's it. Anyway, I started from Dongzhou City. This is what I think. Since there is a need in the city, As businessmen, we should also repay the city. As for the shanty town reconstruction project, Brother Chen, you can take it. Just follow what Mayor Guo said, you can make less or even no money, and use the excess money to subsidize the people. Fight for Do your job beautifully and don’t live up to your leaders’ expectations.”

"Okay, just do what Mr. Ye said."

Chen Qiushi nodded.

Meng Weihong glanced at Ye Feng. This guy had a high political consciousness. He spent so much money to build a good relationship with Guo Qianhao. He made little or no money to offend people and then did the thankless work of rebuilding shantytowns.

(End of this chapter)

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