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Chapter 1386 Drinking tea on the mountain

Chapter 1386 Drinking tea on the mountain
Ma Yun chatted a lot with Ye Feng on the phone.

Although Alibaba's shares were valuable and worth investing in, Ye Feng did not immediately agree to Ma Yun's decision because both Alibaba and Yahoo had huge appetites.

It is simply not something that [-] million or [-] million can satisfy.

Yes, many people now call Ye Feng a billionaire and the richest man in Dongzhou City. But in fact, Ye Feng doesn't have much money at all. He can make up one billion even if he spends all his money, which is still far away from tens of billions. distance.

The reason why outsiders say that Ye Feng has tens of billions of assets is based on the valuation of Lanshan Company by a third-party organization. If it were really taken seriously, does Ye Feng have so much money?Not really.

Again, the market value can be cashed out, but the valuation cannot be cashed out.

Therefore, Ye Feng really has no spare time to help Ma Yun solve the hidden dangers of Alibaba's equity dispute. He can only tell Ma Yun on the phone that his funds are limited now. If he can wait, he can cash out part of his shares when his company goes public. After that, help is available.

As everyone knows, this is already a good result for Ma Yun. Now Alibaba will face a management struggle for power in four years. If Ye Feng can support him next year, then he will have the confidence to promote Yahoo! Let the company buy back some of its shares.

Because Ma Yun has also inspected Ye Feng's company. In the Internet industry, it is one of the few companies that can make a profit just after it was founded, and it is also the only company that does not require financing.

It is entirely possible to privatize the company without listing it.

Different from Lanshan Company, Alibaba's model requires financing and burning money, so it must go public and seek a stable financing channel, but Lanshan Company does not need it.

Lanshan Company has always had cash flow.

This is why Lanshan Company is so popular among investment institutions. After all, the essence of every investor's investment is to make money, right?No one would be willing to invest in a company that can earn dividends in the first year.

Of course, it does not necessarily mean that the company must be privatized.

After all, if the company has money, it can do more things, such as investment and mergers, and cashing out at the highest point of the stock is also a good choice. Anyway, as long as Lanshan Company is listed, Ye Feng will definitely be able to solve the problem. Ali’s current dilemma.

This was also the reason why Ma Yun called Ye Feng, and when he got Ye Feng's call, he hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Ye Feng also understands Ma Yun's thoughts. In fact, Ma Yun is now in a difficult situation. This situation determines that even if he and Ye Feng are still reborn, he has no choice.

the reason is simple.

The shares have been given away and given to Yahoo.

For him, the value of the shares given out has nothing to do with him. Whether it is in the hands of Yahoo or Lanshan Company, it has nothing to do with him.

The only thing that matters is that if Lanshan Company can help and share part of the shares and equity in Yahoo's hands, then he and his team can still hold the core control of Alibaba, thereby preventing Yahoo from becoming the largest company. Shareholders then convened a board meeting to strip him of his position as CEO.


On the morning of May 11th.

Ye Feng, who had been busy for a month, finally had some free time and came to Fushan Mountain, which is a famous scenic spot in Dongzhou City. There is a thousand-year-old Xingfu Zen Temple on the winding path on the mountain.

Originally called Poshan Temple, it was changed to Xingfu Temple in the third year of Liang Datong (537 AD). Every early morning, countless people would climb up from the foot of the mountain and burn incense at Xingfu Temple.

Locals in Dongzhou City usually don’t see much when they burn incense, but on the first day of the Spring Festival, more and more people start to gather at Xingfukuji Temple to burn incense from early in the morning or even on New Year’s Eve.
Crowds of people.Everyone rushes to get to the temple early to burn the first incense stick, also called the first incense. The price of the first incense is also very valuable, and it is usually burned by big bosses in Dongzhou City.

Ye Feng had seen the scale in his previous life. There were so many people, not just heads, but heads. After it was over, people coming down the mountain were talking about who the boss of Shaotou Xiang was and how much he spent.

On the mountainside below Xingfu Temple, there are many teahouses for drinking tea. There are lush trees, rocks and flowing water, and the scenery is very beautiful. One teahouse after another is operating here, and the business is very good. There are people from all walks of life. There are business bosses, people from society, and even princesses who work in nightclubs. Groups of friends meet here to drink tea, eat noodles, or play cards.

The last time he came, Ye Feng came to have tea with Meng Weihong and Chen Qiushi.

This time it was still the two of them who made the appointment. In addition, there was one more person, the current executive deputy mayor of Dongzhou City, Guo Qianhao. Ye Feng really should come.

Xinlong Real Estate.

The equity of this real estate company is owned by him, Meng Weihong, and Chen Qiushi. However, for such a long time, Ye Feng has almost never asked about business issues. The main reason is that his company has too many things, and Ye Feng does not understand real estate. I rarely asked. The last time I contacted Chen Qiushi was to get Gao Xuan in.

As for Guo Qianhao, Ye Feng basically has no contact with him now.

It is true that Ye Feng works in the Internet and basically does not have to deal with government departments. However, in the beginning, Ye Feng had a good relationship with Guo Qianhao after all, and in the past few years, Lin Rui's matter, Guo Qianhao's Interfering also helped me a lot.

Now Ye Feng and Guo Qianhao don't have much contact. It feels like using people to go forward and not using people to go behind.

But thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly remembered, what is Li Hongbo's deputy mayor doing?In Lin Rui's words, when he was arrested, the interrogators obviously wanted to kill rabbits, but the real target was him.

Now that such a long time has passed, Ye Feng thinks that Li Hongbo is still confused. He is a completely different person. This person is also the deputy mayor who was airborne, and he is inexplicably messing with himself.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng couldn't think of any clue. He could only think that this person was jealous of him.

After parking the car with Pan Kun.

Ye Feng arrived at the Qingyunxuan Teahouse. Meng Weihong, Chen Qiushi, and Guo Qianhao had already arrived. Meng Weihong and Chen Qiushi were chatting with Guo Qianhao. Seeing Ye Feng coming, Meng Weihong turned her head and waved to Ye Feng with a smile.

"This way."

Ye Feng walked up and said with an apologetic smile: "Sorry, I'm late."

Meng Weihong wore a long-sleeved plaid striped shirt and clean 7-point trousers. Not only did she look knowledgeable, but she also looked particularly high-end. She crossed her legs and joked to Ye Feng: "It's okay, just come and pay for it. Until now, we I didn’t even order tea, I just waited for you to pay.”

Chen Qiushi smiled and said hello to Ye Feng, and then happily watched the excitement.

"No problem, whatever you want to eat, Sister Hong, you can order whatever you want. The big row of noodles will satisfy you."

Ye Feng sat down with a smile, then replied to Chen Qiushi, and then smiled and nodded to Guo Qianhao: "Good morning, Brother Hao."

"Did you not sleep well last night? You almost look like a panda."

Guo Qianhao had a calm personality. He looked at Ye Feng with a smile and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In just four years, Ye Feng, who looked a little too young, had become a pivotal figure in the business community of Dongzhou City.

(End of this chapter)

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