Recast youth

Chapter 1380 No one can understand my story

Chapter 1380 No one can understand my story

Ye Feng did know that Yahoo and Alibaba had an agreement. By October 2010, Yahoo's voting rights would increase from 10% to 35%, and one director seat would be added. However, he did not know that the agreement included that before October 39, "Alibaba" Group CEO Ma Yun will not be dismissed."

And as long as Ma Yun holds one share of Alibaba, he has the right to appoint a director.

This is awesome.

That is to say, although Yahoo is Alibaba's largest shareholder, Yahoo only has one seat on the board of directors, while Alibaba holds two seats on the board of directors, so it is the minority shareholder and founder Ma Yun who actually controls Alibaba.

But Ye Feng also knew that Ma Yun did not leave her job in her previous life.

Ye Feng also asked Ma Yun.

After Ma Yun said it, Ye Feng knew that it turned out that Ma Yun was not allowed to resign because of the agreement that "Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba Group, would not be fired."

5-year term.

Ye Feng calculated that Alibaba acquired Yahoo China in 2005, which was exactly five years until 2010.

When Ye Feng heard this, he also lamented that he knew too little about company management and equity structure. At present, Lanshan Company is independently controlled by himself. If the equity is copied like Ali's, Ye Feng thinks that he does not have the courage to be like Ma Yun. Those who lead the wolf into the house have no ability to retain control of the company. After all, founders compete with capital for equity, and there are many examples of founders being driven out.

Ye Feng wanted to help Ma Yun.

But I also know that this big boss doesn't need his own help. He can get through the difficulties on his own. As long as he goes down naturally, he can buy back his shares in Yahoo in the future.

Then he continued to control the behemoth Alibaba Group.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng gave Ma Yun some advice: "In terms of equity competition, I can't give you any advice. It's just about repurchasing the shares in Yahoo's hands to eliminate the hidden worries of losing control. I think you should shut down Yahoo China." , and then package and sell Yahoo’s core search engine.”

“Shut down Yahoo China?”

Ma Yun was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Ye Feng would give this suggestion.


Ye Feng nodded: "It has been disrupted and disrupted. Yahoo has been in China for 7 years. If it can make a difference, it would have made a difference long ago. In terms of search and advertising, Baidu, Sina, and Sohu are also chasing after it. Let's continue. Operation, on the contrary, will increase your operating costs and waste time. After all, national conditions are different."

"And I think that for a company, the most taboo thing is unclear positioning of its business direction. Yahoo could have always been a giant in the Internet industry. It also predicted that in addition to e-commerce, community and content , search, and personalization are the four strategic cores of the future Internet, but Yahoo has not conquered any of them technically. Yes, commercialization was Yahoo's specialty in its early days, but its pursuit of profit theory also made Yahoo A small gain, a big gain. In its agreements with Google and Microsoft, Yahoo valued the main share of search advertising revenue, while handing over the more important core market, technical talents and more valuable user data in the search field to Google. "

Ye Feng shook his head: "Don't talk about Yahoo China, but Yahoo as a whole is now in the sunset. The top management is stuck in the struggle for power, and the middle management is too ambitious and stuck in PowerPoint (PPT). There will be no improvement. Its process is too clever and it repeatedly borrows the opponent's Instead of developing its own search technology, Sohu imitated Yahoo in the early days. Now it has been adhering to the technical route and is still living relatively steadily..."

"The purpose of saying this is just to give Mr. Ma a piece of advice."

Ye Feng looked at Ma Yun and said: "Skills are more important than more skills. I think you should shut down Yahoo China, package and sell those that can be packaged, and then specialize in e-commerce. After all, e-commerce is where Alibaba settles down." fundamental."

Ma Yun was thoughtful.

However, I am still a little hesitant, because at this stage, Yahoo is still a camel bigger than a horse. Yahoo Japan and Yahoo Taiwan are both developing very well, and they still have a lot to offer.

But Ye Feng's words also spoke to Ma Yun's heart. He thought the same way. He focused on developing Taobao and making Taobao bigger and stronger. With a large domestic population base, in ten years, no, in five years at most, e-commerce will definitely be It can reshuffle the domestic trading market.

I just want to say that the current Yahoo China is a bit like chicken ribs. There is no meat in it, and it would be a pity not to eat it.

"To be fair to Mr. Ye, I've thought about what you said, but it's a bit difficult to choose after all." Ma Yun looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Does Yahoo really have no future? Like the 3721 software in Yahoo China's system, and the search engine The engine still has great potential.”

When Ma Yun mentioned search engines, Ye Feng didn't think anything of it. But when he mentioned 3721 software, Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth. This is rogue software developed by Zhou Weihong, the father of rogue software.

In his previous life, Ye Feng also hated 3721 deeply. He could not delete it after downloading it, and he was a hooligan to the extreme.

So Ye Feng said: "It's better to close it down, sell the core business and go to sleep. By the way, the CEO of my company comes from Yahoo headquarters."

"I know, Wang Xin."

Ma Yun is also very impressed by Wang Xin, a strong woman who is currently the CEO of Lanshan Company and the former vice president of Yahoo headquarters.

The meaning of Ye Feng's words is obvious. Wang Xin was originally the vice president of Yahoo headquarters. Yahoo was still a tiger in its prime at that time, but in the end, he came to his own company.

Doesn’t this mean Yahoo is no longer good?
"Okay, I will discuss it with the team tomorrow."

Ma Yun thought for a while and said something to Ye Feng, feeling almost depressed. The company gave out 40% of the shares and 37% of the voting rights, but this was the result.

Ye Feng could also see Ma Yun's distress. He looked at the time and saw that it was already late. Ye Qing had to go back to school tomorrow, so he stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, it's already late. I should go back." Yes, my sister has to go to class tomorrow."

Ma Yun originally wanted to keep Ye Feng for one night, but after hearing this, it was hard to persuade her to stay, so she sent Ye Feng and his party downstairs.

As the elevator went down, Ma Yun suddenly asked: "Mr. Ye, what do you think about payment software?"

"Serve the public, make it convenient for the public, and make the payment software a veritable payment tool."

Ye Feng said a cliche.

Ma Yun didn't mind. After all, he and Ye Feng were competitors in payment software. It was normal for Ye Feng not to talk about Maple Leaf's payment plan. In general, after chatting with Ye Feng for a while, Ma Yun still gained something. .

For example, the handling of Yahoo China.

Ye Feng's words made him specialize in e-commerce and confirmed his idea of ​​closing Yahoo China and reducing expenses. He just said that repurchasing Yahoo's equity in the future would be a lot of trouble.


Ma Yun stood in the autumn wind, watching Ye Feng get into the car with some desolation.

Before getting into the car, Ye Feng suddenly put on the look of a peerless master. He turned back to Ma Yun with a calm voice and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, before I leave, I have a message for you. Come on, don't be discouraged, no matter the situation." No matter how bad the situation gets, you have to always believe in one thing.”

Ma Yun couldn't help but smile when she heard what Ye Feng, who was more than ten years younger than herself, said, and asked, "What do you believe in?"

"I firmly believe that I will always have a bright future. At least that's what I believe in myself. I also always believe that Mr. Ma, you will have a bright future and become a leading businessman in the country."

Ye Feng said this to Ma Yun and then got in the car.

After the car started and left, Ye Feng looked back at Ma Yun, who was not tall and had not changed much from the previous life. Suddenly, he felt a pity. It would be great if he could travel through the past life. He pulled Ma Yun to take a few more photos, and the circle of friends would definitely be there. Can attract countless likes and comments...

Then Ye Feng shook his head and closed his eyes. He and Ye Qing leaned on the seats to rest, and smiled in their hearts:
"It's a pity that no one in this life can understand my tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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