Recast youth

Chapter 1366 Voices in the Night

Chapter 1366 Voices in the Night
Gao Xuan thought for a while and called Ye Feng. After all, apart from Li Jia, only Ye Feng knew about Jiang Ming. Gao Xuan could only discuss it with Ye Feng at this time.

"Are you living at home or in a hotel now?" Gao Xuan asked.

Ye Feng was very unhappy that Gao Xuan called him in the middle of the night and said impatiently: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Mr. Ye, I have to meet you."

Gao Xuan said: "I'm a little scared to be alone now."

Ye Feng frowned: "What does your fear have to do with me?"

"Because of Jiang Ming's matter." Gao Xuan said straight to the point.

Ye Feng paused and said coldly: "Have you met Li Jia?"

"Don't get me wrong, we met by chance."

Gao Xuan was afraid that Ye Feng would think too much, so she quickly explained and said, "Then she told me about Jiang Ming. I was afraid that I would run into Jiang Ming. I'll see you."

Ye Feng said: "The Shanghai stock market is so big, it's not such a coincidence..."

Gao Xuan interrupted Ye Feng: "We met last time."


Ye Feng was suffocated, and then said: "Let's just park your car in front of the public security bureau. It's quite safe there. I guarantee that Jiang Ming won't look for you in front of the public security bureau."

"Mr. Ye, I'm really scared!"

Gao Xuan was slightly excited: "Sometimes things in this world are so coincidental. Half a year ago, I met Jiang Ming, and I almost died. Jiang Ming happened to meet Li Jia in a bar, and I happened to meet him in Pudong New District. Li Jia, isn’t this enough of a coincidence? Or do you hope to die in Jiang Ming’s hands, and then Jiang Ming will be shot, so that you will feel completely at ease?”

A brief silence.

"I'm in my house now."

Ye Feng said.

"it is good."

Gao Xuan was delighted: "I'll be there in about 20 minutes. I'll have a chat with you then. You wait for me downstairs."

hang up the phone.

Gao Xuan pondered.

Then, Gao Xuan slowly tightened her grip on the steering wheel, her heart beating a little fast. When she was on the phone just now, Gao Xuan said she was scared, but in fact there was no expression on her face, but now she was really a little scared.


And the fear of the night, as if there was an invisible giant beast in the dark night, which would open its bloody mouth at any time and swallow her up, until her eyes gradually became firmer.


Academy Three Villages.

Ye Feng's other house in Shanghai.

After hanging up the phone with Gao Xuan, Ye Feng sat up. To be honest, he was not surprised by Jiang Ming's appearance, and he didn't take it seriously. The reason why Jiang Ming can still be well outside now is just Ye Feng's deliberate decision. Just let it go.

In this situation, Jiang Ming is probably fighting to the death with him.

It's not that Ye Feng really wants to kill them all, but after Jiang Ming has his thoughts on Li Jia, it means that there is no room for redemption between them. It's not that there is no room at all, but after Jiang Ming is released from prison. Jiang Ming also threatened Ye Feng, which completely blocked his path.

As for Gao Xuan's fear, Ye Feng can also understand it. After all, Gao Xuan met Jiang Ming once last time and narrowly escaped death under Jiang Ming's knife. As for people, no one wants to die if they can live, right?
The same is true for Gao Xuan.After sitting on the bed for a while, Ye Feng saw that the time was almost up and went downstairs, planning to talk to Gao Xuan. As for Pan Kun and the others, Ye Feng stopped calling. When he came, Jiang Ming just stabbed him three hours ago. People, with a normal psychology, must run as far as possible and avoid the limelight first.

Secondly, the house in Shuyuan Sancun is a demolished house. When he originally bought this house, even Li Jia didn’t know the existence of this house, and others would never have imagined that he would buy a resettlement house now that he is so rich. , As for Gao Xuan, although she knew about this house, there was no way she could tell Jiang Ming.

Combining these two points, Ye Feng went downstairs alone.

The most important thing is that unless there are special circumstances, Ye Feng is not willing to show his disgraceful side to the people around him. It is easy for people around him to think that he is a dark person, and then associate too much with it.

The reason why the demolition community is not popular and is lower than the price of commercial housing is because the residents are all old people and they are too old. Secondly, the environment is not as good as that of commercial housing. The same is true for Shuyuan San Village. Although the housing acquisition rate is not bad, the housing in the community is The facilities are very imperfect and there are no street lights. At night, it is so dark that it is almost impossible to see.

When Ye Feng arrived at the stairway, he didn't pay any attention to it. He casually found a step and sat down to smoke.

In fact, Ye Feng originally asked Gao Xuan to come to Shanghai to discuss fast payment cooperation with the Communications Head Office. He actually had a rather sinister plan in mind. At this stage, whether it is Lanshan Company or the Communications Head Office, one is One of the mature Internet companies is a state-owned bank. If these two companies discuss cooperation, especially a revolutionary cooperation such as fast payment, they will definitely attract the close attention of many media reporters.

Once the fast payment cooperation project is negotiated, Gao Xuan, one of the persons in charge, will naturally make the headlines of major news media like Lanshan Company. In this way, Gao Xuan will receive sufficient exposure.

What happens in this situation?
It will happen that Jiang Ming pays attention to Gao Xuan. After all, Jiang Ming is now full of hatred for Ye Feng, so naturally, he will also pay attention to all the developments of Lanshan Company, and then it is reasonable to pay attention to Gao Xuan.

To put it simply, Ye Feng subconsciously regarded Gao Xuan as a bait to lure Jiang Ming to make mistakes. Unfortunately, he did not expect that even if Li Zhedong came back in person to cooperate with Quick Payment, the negotiation still could not be completed.

Sure enough, plans are worse than changes.

Not everyone will definitely jump into the trap you dug.

The reason why Ye Feng was willing to let Gao Xuan come over was ultimately due to Gao Xuan's question. He would only truly feel at ease if she died in Jiang Ming's hands and then Jiang Ming was shot.

Ye Feng thought about it seriously, is that so?

Not really.

Ye Feng didn't want Gao Xuan to die. In fact, he didn't want to fight with Jiang Mingzhen to the end. It's just that the two of them had reached the current situation step by step and couldn't look back.

Ye Feng was smoking, suddenly stood up, and walked out of the stairway.

But Ye Feng didn't know that in the darkness, a figure stared at him with the faint moonlight. This person was none other than Jiang Ming, who had left the Shanghai city and returned to the city by illegally driving.

Gao Xuan thought it was right.

Jiang Ming is indeed a person who cherishes opportunities very much and is very good at taking advantage of them. It is true that he has been working as a security guard in a bar to avoid the limelight in the past two months, but he is not sitting still and waiting for death.

He spent a month's salary to buy cigarettes and asked someone to check Ye Feng's house in Shanghai at the housing management office.

The hard work paid off, and he actually found out that Ye Feng had two houses in Shanghai, one was Hengmei Home, and the other was Academy Three Village. The transfer record of Hengmei Home showed that it was transferred to Li Jia, and the remaining A house is still in Ye Feng's name.

Jiang Minglai has stepped on the spot countless times. Unfortunately, this house is always empty and no one lives in it. However, it has been decorated and there are signs of being lived in. This means that Ye Feng will come back.

I'm just not sure when I'll be back.

Jiang Ming walked out of the darkness, his steps were neither hasty nor slow, and he came towards Ye Feng.

There were no street lights and the lighting was very dark. Ye Feng couldn't see clearly the person coming in front of him. He never thought that Jiang Ming would find this house and come over, so he didn't think much about it and just assumed that the person coming was a resident of this building.

This was, in the darkness of the night, the visitor whose face could not be seen clearly spoke suddenly when he was about to approach.

"Ye Feng?"

The sound was very soft, as if someone had breathed on the top of your spine.

Jiang Ming’s voice!
Ye Feng didn't have time to wonder why Jiang Ming appeared here, but the moment he heard Jiang Ming's voice, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, his hair suddenly burst out, his adrenal glands surged, and his heart began to beat violently!

(End of this chapter)

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